
  1. 中国科学院科研单位的资金沉淀与调控

    Deposition of funds and allocation in Institutions under CAS

  2. 阐述了资金沉淀的类型、原因以及盘活资金的办法。

    Discussion is made on the types and causes for the enterprise financing deposition and given the countermeasures .

  3. 关于企业资金沉淀的盘活问题

    Recycling enterprise financing deposition

  4. 快速流转:低毛利,高强度使用资产,高强度成本控制,减少资金沉淀量。

    High Rotation : low margin , high speed , exhaustive assets utilization , cost control , capital amount reduction .

  5. 这项制度从建立之初就存在着制度不完善、管理不科学等问题,大部分资金沉淀。

    This system existed from the beginning the establishment is imperfect , unscientific management issues , most of the money precipitation .

  6. 体能训练中通过对训练量的科学调控实现最佳训练效果中国科学院科研单位的资金沉淀与调控

    Controlling the Training Intensity Scientifically to Achieve a Optimal Training Effect in Physical Training ; Deposition of funds and allocation in Institutions under CAS

  7. 究其产生的深层原因主要是我国消费倾向低、资金沉淀以及投资消费周转壁垒过多等因素。

    Its deep causes are that our country 's propensity to consume is low , and there are many barriers to fund precipitation and investment consumption turnover .

  8. 随着高校办学方式的多元化,学生入学所需缴纳的各项费用也变得越来越复杂,学校的资金沉淀量越来越大。

    With the way the diversity of university students to pay the required school fees have become more complex , precipitation amount of funding schools is growing .

  9. 该政策的实施,对于降低新农合资金沉淀率确实起到作用,但对改善新农合资金利用情况并未起到关键性作用。

    It did play a significant role in reduce the sedimentation rate of the NCMS funds , but not a key role in improving the using of NCMS funds .

  10. 保障性住房由于具有投资规模大、收益水平低、资金沉淀周期长等缺点,一直面临资金短缺问题,尤其面对如此浩大的项目,使得保障性住房的投资融资已经面临巨大的困境。

    The government-subsidized housing project is always facing the shortage of funds and dilemmas of financing due to its drawbacks of large investment amount , low profits and capital precipitation cycle , especially when its scale is relatively huge .

  11. 大量资金沉淀在国库,导致财政资金利用效率低下:一方面财政部门要为发行的国债支付高额利息费用,另一方面财政闲置资金得不到有效利用,而只能赚取活期存款利息。

    Too much money depositing in treasury leads to inefficient use of funds . On one side , fiscal departments have to pay high interest for government debts . On the other side , financial idle funds are not used effectively .

  12. 通过分析,发现存在法律主体地位问题、数据安全问题、信用监管问题、资金沉淀问题、消费者保护问题、非法交易问题、法律责任问题。

    Through analysis , found the problems of the status of legal , data security issues , the regulation of credit , precipitation of funds , consumer protection issues , the issue of illegal trade , the issue of legal responsibility .

  13. 近年来,随着国库集中支付制度的发展和财政收入的增长,资金大量沉淀在国库,造成了国库现金的闲置浪费。

    In recent years , with the development of treasury centralized payment system and the fiscal revenue growth , a large number of funds have retained in the treasury . This phenomenon has caused the waste of the state treasury cash .

  14. 目前,许多企业应收款项长期居高不下,造成资金大量“沉淀”,呆帐、坏帐增多,影响了企业正常生产,加强对应收款项的管理十分迫切。

    At present , many enterprises receivables are high enough in the long run , which results the capitals too much " deposition " and bad debts .

  15. 当前很多地区新农合的资金出现了大量沉淀的情况,其中部分地区考虑利用新农合的沉淀资金对妇幼卫生服务给予补偿,从而达到双赢的目的。

    Presently , in many areas , the new rural cooperative ( NCMS ) financial situation appears a lot of precipitation , and some them consider using the precipitation of the NCMS funds to compensate for MCH services , so as to achieve win-win .

  16. 互利互惠,你不用买卡沉淀资金,我可以早点用完,减少资金沉淀,大家都方便哦。

    Mutual benefit and reciprocity , you do not buy a card precipitation funds , I can run out as early as possible to reduce the capital precipitation , everyone conveniently Oh .