
  • 网络Tax Adjustment;tax regulation
  1. 前一冲突主要表现在边境税收调节措施以及贸易限制性措施与WTO规则的冲突。

    The former confliction mainly displays in the contradiction of border tax adjustment measures and WTO rules , trade restrictive measures and WTO rules .

  2. 试论收入分配公平与税收调节的介入

    Discussion on Fair Income Distribution and Intervention of Tax Adjustment

  3. 首先,本文对税收调节与收入分配的研究、个人所得税的税率优化研究、国内外有关税收CGE模型研究发展过程与现状等三个部分进行了综述。

    Third , we applied the model into a specific tax reform policy analysis . Firstly , this study made a review of tax regulation and income distribution , the personal income tax rate optimization , the development process and current circumstance of domestic and foreign tax CGE model research .

  4. 收入分配差距与税收调节研究

    Probe into the Disparity of Income and the Adjustment of Taxation

  5. 税收调节个人收入分配的理论分析与现实思考

    On the Theory of Individual Income Distribution by Tax Adjustment

  6. 我国税收调节社会总供求平衡关系的政策选择

    On Regulating the Aggregate Social Supply and Demand by Taxes

  7. 论我国收入分配的税收调节政策

    On the Taxation Adjustment Policy of National Income Distribution

  8. 论个人收入、财产的税收调节

    Tax Regulation on Individual income and Property Personal Storage

  9. 税收调节的现状与对策

    The Current State of Tax Adjustment and Possible Tactics

  10. 税收调节在可持续发展中具有内在性、固定性和低成本的特点。

    The tax adjustment has a characteristic of its immanency , stationarity and low cost .

  11. 但低估税收调节行为的力量,也是不明智的。

    Still , it is unwise to underestimate the power of taxes to alter behaviour .

  12. 课税范围与个人收入形式的发展变化不协调,不利于税收调节作用的充分发挥;征收方法不科学,影响税收调节效果。

    The method of fax collection are not unscientific , and affects the tax revenue adjustment .

  13. 面对再分配领域的收入分配不公,应健全税收调节体系,规范税收分配机制,强化税收的公平调节功能;

    Taxation adjustment system should be set up in redistribution to standardize taxation distribution mechanism and strengthen taxation adjustment function .

  14. 不完全信息下企业收益污染率的开环与闭环税收调节政策

    Open - loop and Close - loop Tax Adjustment Policy on Firm 's Ratio of Benefit-pollution in the Absence of Information

  15. 西方税负理论提出了公平税负、税收调节宏观经济及减税等一系列政策主张。

    Western tax burden theory raised a series of policy views , such as fair tax burden , adjusting macroscopic economy by tax and tax abatement etc.

  16. 众所周知的是富裕的容易越来越富有,贫穷的会越来越穷。在通过税收调节以前,大多数发达经济体都是如此。

    It is a truism that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and we see this at the pre-tax level in most advanced economies .

  17. 当前实施的稳健财政政策,要达到良好的效果,必须从有关影响政策效应的制度安排上进行与之相适应的改革,同时在政策手段上多运用税收调节手段。

    Good efficiency of current stable financial policy can be acquired if system arrangement which influences financial policy is reformed and if taxation adjustment method is used .

  18. 众所周知的是“富裕的容易越来越富有,贫穷的会越来越穷”。在通过税收调节以前,大多数发达经济体都是如此。

    It is a truism that " the rich get richer and the poor get poorer " and we see this at the pre-tax level in most advanced economies .

  19. 再者,国家作为非市场交易的主体,也应该有效发挥其功能,在规范集体建设用地市场和税收调节方面发挥积极作用。

    Moreover , the state as the main non-market transactions , it should perform its functions effectively , in regulating the collective construction land market and tax regulation play an active role .

  20. 与此同时,利用税收调节个人收入分配,缩小个人收入分配差距的呼声日渐高涨。全球气候变暖已是不争的事实。

    Meanwhile the disparity of social income distribution is gradually becoming wider and the unfair distribution has already become the irrefutable fact . It is an irrefutable fact as for the global climate warming .

  21. 第五部分是全文的重点,结合上述的分析,提出了资源税改革的建议,希望能够更好的发挥其税收调节的功能,对循环经济的发展起到积极的推动作用。

    The fifth Part of the full text of the key , combined with the above analysis , puts forward the resource tax reform proposals , hoping to better play its tax adjustment function , the development of circular economy play a positive role in promoting .

  22. 同时,建议尽快开征遗产税、赠与税、个人财产税、个人消费税、社会保障税等税种,进一步建立完善有效的税收调节体系。

    At the same time , the proposal as soon as possible the introduction of inheritance tax , and gift tax , personal property taxes , personal consumption tax , social security tax , and other taxes , further establish and improve an effective tax regulation system .

  23. 完善基本经济制度,实行有利于科学发展的财税制度,强化税收调节,创造公平机会,健全现代市场体系,才能从制度上更好地发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用。

    To improve the basic economic system , implement the finance and taxation system constructive to scientific development , strengthen taxation regulation , create fair opportunities , and improve modern market system , will give a better play to the fundamental role market plays in distribution of resources .

  24. 西方发达市场经济国家普遍建立了有个人所得税、遗产赠与税、社会保险税为核心的全方位、多层次收入分配税收调节体系,其中个人所得税在整个税收收入中占有相当大的比重。

    In most developed countries , the governments generally set up a comprehensive , all-round tax system which consists of personal income tax , estate and gift tax , security tax to regulate income distribution . And personal income tax usually holds a dominant position in the whole tax system .

  25. 加强个人所得税的调节作用,完善财产类税收调节体系,增加特别消费税,征收社会保障税,加强税收征收管理等。(2)完善财政转移支付制度。

    To strengthen the regulatory role of the personal income tax , improve the type of property tax adjustment system , and increase the special consumption tax , the collection of social security taxes , strengthening tax collection and management . ( 2 ) Improve the fiscal transfer payment system .

  26. 健全税制,充分发挥税收的调节功能;

    Perfect tax system and make full use of it adjusting function ;

  27. 超级豪宅开发热为何豪宅必须用高额税收来调节?

    Why super luxury residential development must use high heat to regulate tax ?

  28. 发挥税收在调节产业结构中的作用

    Function of Tax to Be Brought into Play in Adjusting Industrial Structure Industry Trends

  29. 税收作为调节收入分配的政策工具,具有不可替代的作用。

    Taxes as a policy tool play an irreplaceable role in adjust income distribution .

  30. 运用税收手段调节个人收入分配

    Regulate Personal Income Distribution with Tax Revenue