
yōu huì shuì lǜ
  • favored-nation import tariff rates;preferential rate of duty;preferential tariff
  1. 享受优惠税率的项目英联邦特惠税的优待

    Tax preference item preferential tariff treatment of the Commonwealth Preference System

  2. 优惠税;优惠税率;优惠待遇;一家对工会成员在雇用和提升上给予优先权或好处的优惠商店。

    A discriminatory tax ; preferential tariff rates ; preferential treatment ; a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting .

  3. 加入WTO之后我国奶制品的关税进一步降低,到2005年大部分奶制品进口优惠税率已经降到10%&15%之间。

    By 2005 , tariff rate of most dairy products has dropped to 10-15 % .

  4. 我们能在货色装运到美国时得到优惠税率。

    We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the U.S.A.

  5. 分析师去年表示,部分城市没有兑现优惠税率的承诺。

    Analysts said last year that some cities had reneged on promised preferential tax rates .

  6. 对火车、公交车、飞机用汽柴油(燃料)实行优惠税率。

    Third , the fuel tax rate for bus , train and plain should be preferential .

  7. 相反,抹去优惠税率,比如那些给予买房者的优惠税率,可能会使税收系统更具完善。

    Instead , scrapping tax breaks such as those given to home-buyers could make the tax system more progressive .

  8. 90.他还指出,进口关税目前分为两栏:普通税率和优惠税率。

    90 . He also noted that currently there were two columns of import duty rates : general rates and preferential rates .

  9. 我们考虑过葡萄汁、果汁、牛奶,最后选咖啡,因为咖啡不那么容易变质、被认为是高质饮品,并因牛奶成分而得到优惠税率。

    We considered wine , fruit juice and milk , but finally decided on coffee-less likely to deteriorate-high quality perception-milk content led to favourable tax rate .

  10. 证券交易利得税率设计考虑持有期和上市与否两个要素,设置不同的优惠税率,以鼓励长期稳定投资。

    There are two elements should be considered : the holding period and the market state . We should design different preferential tax rate to encourage long-term investment .

  11. 而那些年收入过百万且已缴纳超过30%所得税的人表示:通过优惠税率的投资,他们基本上就不会受到什么影响。

    and those who already pay more than 30 % - earning their millions in a payroll job , say , rather than through tax-advantaged investment - will generally be unaffected .

  12. 新《企业所得税法》将法定税率调整为25%,并规定原执行15%优惠税率的企业在5年的过渡期内逐步将执行税率提高到25%。

    The new tax law set 25 % ( 33 % before ) as statutory tax rate , meanwhile it required that some companies implementing 15 % preferential rate gradually increased to 25 % statutory tax rate in transition period of 5 years .

  13. 纽约股市周二后市早段,花旗股价下跌逾6%,至4.78美元,此前,该行报告每股收益0.04美元,远低于0.08美元的分析师预期,尽管享受到优惠税率。

    It shares were down by more than 6 per cent to $ 4.78 in early afternoon trading in New York after the bank reported earnings per share of $ 0.04 , well below analysts ' expectations of $ 0.08 , in spite of a favourable tax rate .

  14. 根据汽车生产的国产化率给予优惠关税税率。

    Preferential tariff rates based on localization rate of automotive production .

  15. 民营企业的政治关联给企业带来了融资的便利性、更优惠的税率、财政补贴等好处。

    The political connections of private enterprises bring the convenience of the financing , the more favorable tax rates , financial subsidies , and so on .

  16. 如果算入地方政府特别税收优惠,那么税率进一步降到略高于20%的水平。

    If special local government tax breaks are included , the rate falls further to the lower 20s .

  17. 本期内所得税税率的变化、税率优惠政策,若税率、税率优惠政策较上期没有发生变化,也应说明。

    The income tax rate and preferential policy for tax rate in the current period , whether they are changed or not compared to those in the previous period , shall be stated as well .

  18. 然而,尽管香港的苹果手机享有更优惠的价格和税率,新一代苹果公司产品的走私比起前几年消停了不少。

    However , it appears that smuggling of the new Apple products by tourists is far less than in previous years , despite the device being cheaper in Hong Kong and the favorable exchange rate .

  19. 针对我国现行税收优惠政策倾向直接优惠的方式,以及借鉴发达国家普遍采取的间接优惠措施,建议政府应该弱化优惠税率等直接优惠方式,更多的采用加速折旧和特定准备金等间接优惠方式。

    Inclined to the direct preferential tax-rate of our country , we should advise government to weak direct taxation preference and take indirect taxation preference policy to bring about an advance in high-tech industry of our country , such as accelerated depreciation , and specific capital reserve etc.