
yōu xiù jiào shī
  • prominent teacher
  1. 刘爱民,教授,油画家,中国油画学会理事,曾获全国优秀教师奖等。

    Liu aimin , professor , oil-painter and executive director of the Institute of Chinese oil painting , was once awarded the nationwide prominent teacher .

  2. 地方官员和教育工作者都将形成他们自己的创造性解决方案,但是我们必须共同努力,增强我们对于如何更好地为所有学生招募、支持和留住优秀教师和校长的关注,特别是那些最需要他们的孩子们。

    Local leaders and educators will develop their own creative solutions , but we must work together to enhance our focus on how to better recruit , support and retain effective teachers and principals for all students , especially the kids who need them most .

  3. 很难招聘到优秀教师。

    It is difficult to engage teachers of quality .

  4. 优秀教师的缺乏将是OLPC计划发挥作用的一大障碍。

    The outstanding teacher will lack will be a OLPC plan display function big barrier .

  5. 她是麻省理工学院(MITSloan)第一位女性市场营销学终身教授,2014年被评为了商学院的“年度优秀教师”。此前,她还曾经三次获得这项荣誉的提名。

    MIT 's first tenured female marketing professor was voted the B-school 's " Teacher of the Year " in 2014 , an honor she was nominated for three times previously .

  6. 作为一名优秀教师,他对学生要求非常严格。

    He is very strict with students as an excellent teacher .

  7. 市级优秀教师、骨干教师和优秀班主任。

    She was entitled The Backbone Teacher and Outstanding Class Teacher .

  8. 优秀教师的人格特征与名师的培养

    Personality Traits of Outstanding Teachers and the Training of Eminent Teachers

  9. 优秀教师特质是自主发展的结果。

    Characteristics of outstanding teachers is the result of independent development .

  10. 她具有一名优秀教师的素质。

    She has in her the makings of a good teacher .

  11. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。

    Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher .

  12. 高校优秀教师课堂教学特征的实证研究

    The Empirical Research about Teaching Characters of Excellent College Teachers in Classroom

  13. 如何招聘高中优秀教师

    How to Recruit the Outstanding Teachers of Senior High Schools

  14. 对优秀教师心理素质认知的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Cognition of Excellent Teachers ' Psychological Quality

  15. 创造优秀教师脱颖而出的环境

    On the Creation of an Environment for the Talent Teachers

  16. 优秀教师与在校学生的人格比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Personalities Between Students and Excellent Teachers

  17. 优秀教师的教学行为比普通教师更倾向于反思型教学;

    Excellent teachers behaviors tend to be reflective compared with average ones ;

  18. 而这些特点正是优秀教师不可缺少的素质。

    These characteristics are essential qualities for a good teacher .

  19. 他是一位优秀教师,但却是一个蹩脚学生。

    He was a good teacher but a poor student .

  20. 优秀教师自主成长:内涵与策略

    The Essence and Strategies of Excellent Teachers ' Self-development

  21. 我们的英语教师是位优秀教师,这一点我们都是知道的。

    As you all know , our English teacher is a good teacher .

  22. 现代教育媒体下优秀教师的再定位

    Re-orientation of Good Teachers with the Modern Educational Media

  23. 高校优秀教师人格素质结构的建立

    A study on the structure of personal quality of first-class teacher of university

  24. 他是个优秀教师,只是讲话太快了。

    Except that he speaks too fast , he is an excellent teacher .

  25. 优秀教师的教学表现如何?

    What about teaching behavior of an excellent teacher ?

  26. 我的理想是成为一名优秀教师。

    My hope is to become an excellent teacher .

  27. 作为一个优秀教师,她赢得了很好的声誉。

    She earned her reputation as a good teacher .

  28. 优秀教师与普通教师自我效能感的调查研究

    A Research on Self-efficacy between Outstanding and General Teachers

  29. 最后,优秀教师案例研究。

    Finally , the excellent teacher case studies .

  30. 对优秀教师的需求量一直很大。

    Good teachers are always in great demand .