
  • 网络Launch;launch point;launching point;emission point;Emitter
  1. 导弹预警卫星对TBM发射点参数估计精度分析

    The Influence Analysis of Space Early Warning to the Precision of TBM 's Launch Point Parameter Estimation

  2. 空间预警系统对弹道导弹发射点战术参数估计方法

    Tactical parameter estimation of ballistic missile launch with space early warning system

  3. 五角大楼表示,无人机袭击了一处火炮发射点,之后F-18战斗机摧毁了一个车队和一处火炮发射点。

    The Pentagon says drone aircrafts attacked a mortar position , then F-18 fighter jets fired on a convoy and another mortar position .

  4. 发射点定位误差对飞行器轨道融合解算精度的影响

    Influence of Launching Origin Location Error on Precision of Aerocraft Orbit Solving

  5. 发射点定位误差对发射方位角的影响

    Influence on Launching Azimuth by Launching Point Position Error

  6. 导弹发射点在哪里?

    Now , where are the missiles located ?

  7. 单机多目标攻击的最佳发射点选择算法研究

    Selecting Optimal Launch-point in Airborne Multi-target System

  8. 山城重庆能否成为第三站并且成为一个文明型国家崛起的最终发射点?

    Could this mountain metropolis be the third stop and final launching pad of the ascendency of a major civilizational power ?

  9. 有关消息来源称,发射点至目标的方位角约346度,或者说北偏西15度。

    The azimuth from the launch point to the target was about 346 deg. , or 15 deg. west of due north .

  10. 实践证明,在覆膜阴极表面构造均匀弥散分布的岛状晶体发射点,可大幅度提高阴极的电子发射性能。

    It is proved that electron emission performance of M-type cathodes can be greatly improved by building uniformly dispersed island-shape crystal emission spots .

  11. 选择最佳发射点就是以预期攻击效果最佳化来确定开火时机,这对多目标攻击武器系统具有重要意义。

    The purpose of selecting optimal launch point is to optimize the attack effect , which is of great significance to airborne multi target attacking system .

  12. 摘要弹道导弹系统是一个非常复杂的系统,有其自身的特点,其造价昂贵,数量有限,发射点也很分散。

    Ballistic missile system is a very complicated system , which has its features , such as high cost , finite quantity , and separate launching pad , etc.

  13. 罗海德表示,反舰弹道导弹的固定性没有考虑到以下这一点:陆地上的发射点是固定的,而舰艇却是机动的。

    Adm Roughead said the fixation on the anti-ship ballistic missile did not take account of the fact that the land-based firing locations were fixed , while ships could manoeuvre .

  14. 中远距离的激光测距技术一般采用脉冲飞行时间法,通过测量发射点与目标之间激光往返的时间,获得口标物距离信息。

    Long-range laser ranging technology generally based on time-of-flight method . The distance of non-cooperation target was detected by measuring round-trip time of laser pulse travelling between emission point and the target .

  15. 提出在攻击航线与攻击区的相交段上,以综合杀伤概率最大化原则来选择多目标攻击的最佳发射点。

    It is put forward that the optimal launch point should be selected in the common segment of attacking path and attacking area according to the rule of maximizing the overall kill probability .

  16. 将导弹发射点的所有测量误差统一为标准发射坐标系与实际坐标系之间的平移和旋转,建立了这两种坐标系之间的变换关系。

    All geodetic survey errors on launch point of ballistic missile are merged into rotation and translations between initial standard launch coordinate system and inertial one , a transformation relationship about these systems is established .

  17. 给出了发射点、观测所、目标、炸点不在同一水平面内的对岸射击校正量模型,完善了对岸射击校正量的处理。

    This paper gives a mathematical model of fire correction for naval gun against the shore targets when the firing positions , observation post , targets and the burst points are not in the same horizontal plane .

  18. 他说,阿富汗不希望成为该地区其他地方袭击的发射点,不希望邻国在阿富汗边境以内进行战争。

    He says his country does not want to be used as a launching pad for an attack elsewhere in the region , and it does not want its neighbors to fight with others inside its borders .

  19. 最后结合导弹运动方程组对导弹从发射点开始至雷达关机点,直到导弹落地的飞行全过程进行了全弹道仿真。

    At last , in terms of a set of motion equations , the all-trajectory simulation of the flight prosess of the missile is carried out from the launch point to that of radar stopping radiating , then to that of the missile hitting the ground .

  20. 针对远程防空导弹拦截的目标远离发射点的特点,讨论了远程防空导弹作战使命及主要技术途径的实现方案,即双脉冲固体火箭发动机和双高抛弹道结合的优化弹道。

    Considering the characteristic that the target is far from the firing point , the operational mission of the long-range air-defense missile and main technical the implementation approach are discussed , namely the optimized trajectory incorporating double-pulse solid rocket motor with double high parabolic trajectory are presented .

  21. 岩石声发射Kaiser点信号的小波分析及其应用初步研究

    Wavelet analysis of Kaiser signal of rock acoustic emission and its application

  22. 结果表明,小波包分析是处理岩石声发射Kaiser点信号的一种有效的方法,进而为AE法测量地应力确定Kaiser点奠定了一定的试验基础。

    Then get the frequency of AE signal . Last , using the wavelet packet analysis study the energy distributions of AE signals and the characteristic frequency band of Kaiser point are obtained . Results show that wavelet packet analysis is an effective way in processing of rock AE .

  23. 对于带有焊缝的储罐底板,焊接质量越低,产生的声信号越多,声发射定位点分布走向与罐底板焊缝走向一致。

    To the tank floors with welding line , the poorer the quality of welding , the more the acoustic signals , and the AE orientation points distribute along with the welding lines of tank floors .

  24. 设计了一种大口径火炮发射装药点传火系统的模拟试验装置,用于测定大口径火炮装药点传火实体的燃烧特性。

    A simulation testing device of the ignition system for large caliber propellant charging was designed to measure the combustion characteristics of the system .

  25. 该方法既使得选取的球半径足够小,又保证了所选取的球中至少有一个发射信号映射点,显著降低了球形解码在低、中信噪比情况中的运算复杂度。

    This method not only makes the selected radius small enough , but also guarantees at least one lattice point inside this sphere , and thus significantly reduces the computational complexity of the sphere decoding at low or intermediate SNR systems . 4 .

  26. 本实验利用化学法制备了具有绿光发射的ZnO量子点,通过对锌源的对比,发现氯化锌制备的ZnO量子点尺寸稳定性及发光稳定性最好。

    After comparing ZnO quantum dots using different zinc salt , it is found that the ZnO quantum dots prepared by zinc chloride have the fine size and good luminescence .

  27. 利用β发射体核素剂量点核函数经验公式计算体外照射培养细胞实验中所使用的32P放射性贴片在组织等效介质(聚乙烯)中的吸收剂量作为标准剂量刻度,用放射自显影方法得出剂量-灰度曲线。

    We have calculated the absorbed dose in tissue-equivalent medium ( polyethylene ) from radioactive filter paper with beta dose point kernels , and then elicited the dose-density curve with autoradiography .

  28. 泰坦模式改变了导弹发射井的控制点。

    Titan mode changes the control points to missile silos .

  29. 实验结果显示出该薄膜具有较好的场电子发射性能,发射点密度高达1×105/cm2以上。

    The emission site density of the film more than 1 × 10 5 / cm 2 was obtained .

  30. 但是,声发射信号的起始点并不是主裂纹起裂点,失稳前阶段也不能与亚临界扩展阶段等同。

    But the beginning of the acoustic emission sign is not the cracking point of main crack , and the preinstability stage may not be equal to the subcritical growth stage .