
  • 网络Found in China
  1. 因此,他们制定了一个风格的中式美食没有发现中国。

    As a result , they developed a style of Chinese food not found in China .

  2. 家得宝(HomeDepotInc.)去年在中国关闭了大约一半的门店,因为它发现中国人很少有兴趣自己搞装修。

    Home Depot Inc. closed about half its stores here last year , finding scant interest among Chinese for do-it-yourself renovation .

  3. 开始,Eos是找一些好股票购买,但卡恩斯最后却以发现中国的欺诈现象而闻名,他后来以阿尔弗莱德·利特尔(AlfredLittle)为名把他的发现公布到了网上。

    At first , Eos looked for good stocks to buy , but Carnes eventually gained a reputation for spotting Chinese frauds , which he publicized online under the name Alfred Little .

  4. 结果发现中国稻瘟病菌广泛存在MAT1-1、MAT1-2两种交配型菌株。

    Results showed that two mating types , MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 , exist in China .

  5. 尽管很多国内外学者进行了大量相关研究,发现中国IPO初始收益率连续多年创世界之最,甚至时至今日,IPO长期表现的强弱势之争尚相持不下。

    Although lots of scholars in and out of our country have made many researches about them , they just have found Chinese initial return of IPO creating a world record for several years but the long-term performance is also a debate .

  6. 文章基于季度抽样数据利用Granger因果检验法对中国宏观经济与股市的关系从实证角度作了考察,发现中国宏观经济对股市有着决定性的影响关系。

    Basing on the quarterly sampling data , this paper does an empirical research on the relationship between macroeconomy and stock market in China by Granger causality test , and finds that macroeconomy has a critical influence to stock market .

  7. 本文总结了1998年至2002年间中国货币政策的实践。通过相关分析和Granger因果关系检验,发现中国基础货币与货币供应量之间不存在显著相关关系,货币供应量的变动呈现一定的内生性。

    This paper reviews the monetary policy evolution from 1998 to 2002 . It is shown that there is no significant correlation between monetary base and broad money , and money supply shows endogenous through correlation analysis and Granger Casualty test .

  8. 本文通过数据分析详细刻画了中国上市公司融资行为和资本结构的特征,发现中国上市公司融资行为与G-7国家实践和西方经典公司金融理论的预期截然相反。

    This paper describe the financial behavior of China listed companies clearly by data . We find that the financial behavior is totally different with the characteristics of G-7 nations and the explanations of classical corporate financial theories .

  9. 我发现中国有13个邻国。

    I also find that there are thirteen neighbours around china .

  10. 他们发现中国人都很幸福快乐。

    They find the Chinese people to be happy and cheerful .

  11. 我们发现中国学生是很认真并且很努力的。

    We found that Chinese students are serious and hard working students .

  12. 一些外国人发现中国与他们自己的国家很不一样。

    Some foreigners find China different from their own countries .

  13. 我发现中国人学好英语非常重要。

    I found it very important for the Chinese to learn English well .

  14. 然而,据去年世界粮食组织举行的家庭调查显示,没有发现中国的粮食。

    Yet household surveys by the WFP last year found no Chinese grain .

  15. 但是新的数据出来之后,我们就发现中国现在已经独占鳌头了。

    But new figures reveal that China has now taken the top spot .

  16. 从行业角度分析发现中国-东盟贸易既有贸易替代又有贸易转移。

    China-ASEAN trade both trade substitution and trade diversion from the industry perspective .

  17. 我认为你会发现中国的文化比你想象的更加西化

    I think you 'll find that chinese culture is more western then you think

  18. 费雪公司在发现中国这家公司制造的玩具喷有含铅油漆后宣布召回这些玩具。

    Fisher-Price issued the recall after finding the products were covered in lead paint .

  19. 而且,3年多的工作中我发现中国动画市场发展空间很大。

    And I find a huge market opportunity in Chinese animation industry during my3-year work .

  20. 在非主流中发现中国美学

    Developing the Non-mainstream Esthetics in China

  21. 在西方现代性中发现中国历史

    Constructing Western Modernity from Chinese History

  22. 在这一地区发现中国古代宝藏并非首次。

    This is not the first time ancient Chinese treasure has been found in the region .

  23. 从西方发现中国那一刻起,西方的中国形象就不断的在变化。

    From western world found China , the Western image of China on the constant changes .

  24. 但是,我们发现中国古代氏族的姓和图腾并没有必然的联系。

    But we think the surname of clan in old china has not inevitable relation with totem .

  25. 另外,笔者也发现中国上市公司盈余总体上呈现出稳健性。

    In additional , the author also finds earnings in Chinese public corporations emerges conservatism as a whole .

  26. 这就是为什么他追根寻源,重新发现中国民族音乐之美。

    This is why he went back to his roots and rediscovered the beauty in Chinese folk music .

  27. 使西方读者认识到一个真实的中国,发现中国人与西方人所具有的相同品质。

    The west readers have recognized the Chinese fact and found the same character between Chinese and the Occidental .

  28. 学者们研究发现中国的文化以集体主义为主,美国以个人主义为主。

    The scholars have found that the major Chinese culture is collectivism while the leading American one is individualism .

  29. 只是在今天,历史学家才开始发现中国传统文化思想的丰富内容和它不同于西方传统文化的特色。

    Historians are only today discovering the richness of this tradition and its specificity as compared to western tradition .

  30. 但是在对中国进行仔细观察后,你会发现中国似乎更像韩国。

    But take a closer look at China'ssituation , and you 'll realize a better analogy is South Korea .