
  • 网络release cycle
  1. 对于Web2.0而言,没有发行周期或升级路线,您总是使用最新的版本。

    With Web 2.0 , there is no release cycle or upgrade path ; you are always using the latest version .

  2. WASCE将有一个较规律的发行周期,通过比较可预测的发行频率来平衡获得最新特性或功能的需求。

    WAS CE will have a more measured release cycle that balances the need to get the latest feature or function with a release frequency that is more predictable and spaced .

  3. 这样,就保证了高质量的代码和更加迅速的发行周期。

    Over time , this practice results in higher quality code and more rapid release cycles .

  4. 在每个版本描述下面通常都包含一个变更记录,您可以通过它查看发行版周期中的变化。

    Below each edition description is often a change log which allows you to see the changes within a release cycle .

  5. 显示原始发行版本支持周期和首服务包支持周期。

    Both the original release version support cycle and the first service pack support cycle are shown .

  6. 中国A股发行市场的循环周期现象

    The Circulation of China 's A-shares ' IPO Market

  7. 目前,IPO热销市场研究的热点集中于一国股市IPO发行收益和发行量的周期性考察,并与新股的发行定价密切相关。

    At present , hot issue market survey concentrate on IPO , stock market of one country , issue income and the volume periodic investigation of circulation , and closely related to issue pricing of the new stock .

  8. 由于定向增发具有发行门槛低、效率高、发行周期短等优点,迅速成为股权分置改革之后中国上市公司股权再融资的主要方式。

    Because the private placements has the advantages of the low doorsill and cost financing , the high efficiency , short issuing period and other advantages , and quickly became the main method of equity refinance after the reform of non-tradable shares of stock right in China .