
  • 网络Motivation;consumer motivation
  1. 作者从消费行为的角度,探讨中国水晶消费的主体、对象、影响因素、动机等因素对水晶消费的影响,重点探讨水晶消费的影响因素和消费者动机。

    The author from the angle of consumption behavior , discuss Chinese crystal consumptive main body , object , motivation , influence factors and other factors on crystal consumption effects , focusing on the crystal factors influencing consumption and consumer motivation .

  2. 消费者动机导致购买行为的制约因素

    Influential Factors on Customer ′ s Buying Behaviors Caused by Customer ′ s Motivations

  3. 该网络在消费者动机分类、产品适切性等方面有重要的应用价值。

    The R-P network has important applied value in consumer 's motive types and produce suitability .

  4. 研究分为两部分:一是对游憩型绿道消费者的动机、偏好与游憩价值进行分析;二是对游憩型绿道消费者的市场状况进行细分与分析。

    The research is carried out in two aspects : one motives , preferences of greenway consumers and its values ; two market segment and analysis .

  5. 我也希望本文中所提出的有关于创意设计中创新的设计要素,以及对消费者购买动机的引发能够为喜欢平面广告设计的朋友们提供一些参考。

    I hope this article on the creative design proposed in the innovative design elements , and cause consumers to purchase motivation for the likes of friends , print ads designed to provide some reference .

  6. 消费者网上购物动机分析及基于服务的营销策略

    Analysis on Consumers ' Online Shopping Motive and the Marketing Strategy Based on the Service

  7. 而且定量研究对于了解消费者的深层动机、真实想法还有欠缺,这就需要用定性研究的方法进行消费者洞察。

    As an alternative paradigm , qualitative research can do consumer insight and explore the need and motivation of consumers better than quantitative research .

  8. 随着网上购物实践活动的进一步普及与展开,消费者购物的动机变迁对网上和实体店的购物行为都将产生重大的影响。

    With the increasing popularity of online shopping , changes to the motives behind shopping will greatly affect their shopping behaviors at both online and physical stores .

  9. 服务水平、声誉、满意度对信任有显著作用,而网站质量、服务质量的所有维度对满意度均有显著作用,信任与满意度共同决定消费者再次购物动机。

    The service level , reputation and satisfaction significantly influence consumer trust , while website quality and all the dimensions of service quality have significant effect on satisfaction .

  10. 从研究的结果来看,大学生的网络购物动机既体现了普通消费者的消费动机,又凸显了后现代社会、数字化时代青年学生的独特文化特征。

    Although some of the motivations of students'online shopping are same as the general consumers , they have shown many distinguishing characteristics of youth in postmodern and digital age .

  11. 本文的第一部分介绍了本文的理论分析框架,主要由两方面的理论构成,一是经济学理论,二是消费者休闲行为动机理论,两者的结合构成本文基本理论框架。

    The author introduced frame of theory analyzing , it 's made of two parts , one is economics , the other is motive theory about consumer 's leisure behavior .

  12. 这些因素通过影响搜寻行为的时间、成本和收益,对消费者的购买动机产生影响,当其购买动机足够强时,就会做出最终购买决策。

    These factors affect the consumer buying motives by searching time , cost and benefits , when the purchase motivation strong enough , they will make a final purchase decision .

  13. 西方学者提出了西方消费者奢侈品消费动机的二重性结构,即社会导向性动机和个人导向性动机两大类别,为奢侈品消费动机领域的研究建立了基本的理论框架。

    Western scholars had set up a two-types framework of social oriented and self oriented motivations for the study of luxury consumption motivation . This framework was a theoretical guideline for the following studies in the sector .

  14. 中国独生代消费者炫耀性消费动机的实证分析

    Exploratory study on Chinese only-child generation 's motives of conspicuous consumption

  15. 影响消费者购买彩票的动机以“物质性”动机为主;

    " Material interest " is the central motivation ofr consumers to buy sports lottery ;

  16. 本文的主旨是对中国“80后”消费者的奢侈品消费动机进行实证研究,构建其奢侈品消费动机维度族。

    This article focuses on empirical research of motives of Chinese luxury consumers born in the1980 's , in order to gain luxury consuming measurement dimension .

  17. 分析了消费者网上购物的动机,然后根据这些动机从网络营销服务方面提出了相应的营销策略。

    This paper analyzes the motive of consumers ' online shopping , and based on these motives , puts forward corresponding marketing strategies from aspect of the network marketing service .

  18. 接着从设计心理学方面研究消费者影响购物的动机和因素;从品牌策略的角度分析设计定位过程中品牌意识的重要性;

    Secondly , paper study the motive and the factor that affect consumer shopping from the design psychology aspect , and analyze the importance of brand consciousness in design fixed position process ;

  19. 运用文献资料、逻辑推理等研究方法,对体育消费者的需要、动机和行为进行了深入分析。

    Author takes the sports economics , consume behavioral sciences , psychology and other courses as the theoretical basis to research and analyses the sports consumer 's needs , intentions and behaviours .

  20. 在消费者个体因素中消费者学习动机和网络经验通过感知网络学习易用的中介对网络学习均有正向影响。

    In the consumer individual factors , through the perception of online learning easy intermediary , consumers learning motivation and network experience have a positive impact on network learning .

  21. 消费者的心理结构由消费者购买商品的动机来体现。

    Consumer 's psychological structure is embodied by consumer 's motive for shopping .

  22. 企业社会责任行为对消费者响应的影响研究;消费者期望及感知动机的作用

    The Effects of CSR on Consumer 's Response : The Importance of Expected CSR and Perceived Motivation

  23. 消费者对作文培训的态度和消费者对作文培训动机共同作用影响到其选择作文培训的意向,而且对于消费者选择培训的意向的影响力上,作文培训的态度大于消费者对作文培训动机;

    The result show : The attitude of consumer to the composition training will influence its choice composition training intention and it 's positive relationship ;

  24. 通过对市场经济与计划经济的区别进行阐述,进而分析了市场经济中收入和消费者行为之间的关系,市场经济中消费者的购买动机及市场经济中消费者的特点。

    By expounding the difference between market economy and the planned economy , the author has analyzed the relation between the income and consumers behavior in market economy , and consumers'purchasing motives in market economy , and consumers'characteristics in market economy .

  25. 结果表明,女性体育消费者的年龄主要分布在18&30岁;女性体育消费者的消费动机的前三位主要是健身健美、消遣娱乐和兴趣爱好;

    The result shows that the age mainly ranges from 18 to 30 . The consumption motivation is mainly for bodybuilding and entertainment .

  26. 在文献回顾和理论分析的基础上,本文先对中国奢侈品消费者的特征和分类进行梳理和归纳,找出影响消费者购买动机的关键因素。

    On the basis of literature review and theoretical analysis , this article organizes and summarizes the characteristics and classification of Chinese luxury consumers , and finds out the key influencing factors of consumer luxury consumption motives .

  27. “成就目标理论”常被用来描述促进运动员实现目标的激励行为。该理论也被用在此次对消费者的研究中,以帮助理解“运动型消费者”的行为动机。

    Achievement goal theory , which describes the motivational behavior of sports athletes in achieving their athletic goals , was used in the study to better understand the motivation of sport shoppers .

  28. 福彩和私彩是一个影响因素,体育彩票消费者方面&消费者的性别、年龄、职业等特征,消费者的消费动机、消费行为等方面成为影响体育彩票销量的一个重要因素。

    The aspects of sports lottery consumers & sex , age , occupation and other characteristics , consumer motivation , consumer behavior has become an important factor to affect the sports lottery sales .

  29. 本研究结果表明感到尴尬的消费者更倾向于不选择商标明显的商品,同时发现消费者隐藏自我的动机具有显著的中间变量作用。

    The study proved that embarrassed consumers tend to avoid a branded product with salient brand logos . Meanwhile , hiding motivation is the intermediate variable .

  30. 首先对网络环境下消费者行为进行分析,从网络消费者的特点出发,分析网络消费者的消费动机和消费决策过程,建立了网络消费者消费决策行为模型,获得了网络银行消费者需求的变化情况。

    First , under the environment of network consumer behavior analysis , From the network consumer characteristics , Analysis of network consumer motivation and consumer decision making process , Established a network of consumer decision-making behavior model , Access to a network bank of consumer demand changes .