
  1. 消费者观念落后;

    The consumer idea is backward ;

  2. 市场营销理论也在不断的尝试从新的视角来定位顾客的角色并且随着消费者观念的转变来调整营销手段。

    Marketing theory is trying to locate new role as the consumers and changes marketing way .

  3. 但广告仍是记录消费者观念变化的最公开手段之一。

    But advertising remained one of the most public ways of registering the changes in consumers ' minds .

  4. 决策标准是,成本、经济水平、硬件条件、从业人员素质、消费者观念;

    Decision criteria are cost , economic level , hardware conditions , the quality of employees and the concept of consumers .

  5. 教育结构的调整、消费者观念的更新、第三产业的发展为高校后勤服务社会化提供了可能性。

    The regulation of educational structure , renewal of consumers ' ideas and tertiary industry development make college rear service socialization possible .

  6. 随着便携式电子产品的普及以及消费者观念的进步,产品更新换代时间越来越短,设计制造的流程加快。

    With the popularity of portable electronic products and progress of consumption idea , product replacement , design and manufacturing processes begin to speed up .

  7. 而且,随着消费者观念的转变,消费者已不再仅单纯追求产品的功能价值,他们更为重要的需求是对难忘消费体验的渴望。

    As consumer ideas have changed , consumers are not limited to pursue functional value of products , but even more important is the appetite for the memorable consumption experience .

  8. 随着市场的日益成熟和消费者观念的变化,市场营销的理论已有不少突破,定位论在实践中得到不断丰富和发展。

    With the ripeness of market and change of consumer idea day by day , theory of marketing in various fields has broken through and positioning theory has been enriched and developed constantly in practice .

  9. 但由于传统贸易壁垒的衰弱,各国经济实力、技术水平和国家利益的差异以及消费者观念的更新和对健康等的注重使得社会规制国际化有被工具性使用的倾向。

    But due to the weakening of traditional trade barriers , differences in national economic strength , technological level , national interest , as well as the updating of consumer perception , internationalization of social regulation tends to be instrumentally used .

  10. 本文首先讨论了北京奥运会的举办对中国经济、消费者的观念和中国体育资源的积极影响。

    This paper discusses the impacts on China 's economy , consumers and sports resources are discussed .

  11. 与此同时,近些年,消费者饮酒观念的改变,也使白酒行业正经历着前所未有的发展考验。

    At the same time , in recent years , consumers'concept of drinking is changing , makes Baijiu industry experiencing unprecedented development tests .

  12. 此外,在广告人物的角色设定上,多为诉求消费者价值观念的认同,从而促进消费者的购买行为。

    Besides , the setting of roles in advertisement itself aims at encouraging the purchasing behavior through identification with the values of customers .

  13. 本文重点分析转变消费观念的重要性以及如何促使消费者转变观念,树立绿色消费观。

    In this paper , we emphasize the importance of changing consumption ideas , and advise consumer how to change consumption ideas and foster green consumption ideas .

  14. 例如,当信息科技革命开始时,在消费者的观念中,还不清楚这对于他们未来的收入有什么意义。

    For example , when the IT revolution sets in , it is not clear in consumers ' minds what this will mean for their future pay cheques .

  15. 首先,未来5至10年,可支配收入可能至少会增长5倍;其次,我们可以看出印度消费者的观念发生了重大改变。

    First , disposable incomes are likely to grow by at least a factor of five over the next five to 10 years and , second , there is a significant mindset change observable with Indian consumers .

  16. 在国际贸易中,企业社会责任会沿着国际供应链在国家之间传导,消费者需求观念的转变,使得国际贸易与企业社会责任等道德因素挂钩已成为大势所趋。

    In international trade , corporate social responsibility could transmit along the international supply chain between countries ; the change in the concept of consumer demand has made the trend that corporate social responsibility linked to international trade unstoppable .

  17. 随着经济的全球化的深入发展和市民社会的发展以及消费者消费观念的革新,社会各界对企业社会责任越来越重视。

    With the progress of economical globalization , the development of civil society and the change of consuming interest , people from all levels of our society begin to pay more and more attention to corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) .

  18. 高新技术产品传播的重点是:提升产品的知名度,着力打造品牌形象,把企业形象的相关信息迅速而又广泛地扩散出去,以转变消费者的观念,促使其产生消费行为。

    The spread of high-tech products , focusing on enhancing product awareness and strive to build brand image and spread the relevant information of corporate image quickly and widely , in order to change the concept of consumers to promote them to produce consumer behavior .

  19. 恒安表示:“大多数中国妈妈认为外国产品比国内产品好;所以,很有必要教育消费者改变观念。”该集团预计,今年安儿乐(Anerle)纸尿裤销售额将达28亿至30亿元人民币。

    Hengan , which expects to sell Rmb2.8bn-Rmb3bn of its Anerle nappies this year , says : " A majority of Chinese mothers believe foreign products are better than domestic ones ; therefore , it is necessary to educate consumers to change their minds . "

  20. 在电子商务环境下,时空的概念、市场的性质、消费者的观念和行为都发生着深刻的变化,市场有了新的要求,从而引发了国际贸易环境和贸易方式的深刻变革。

    In the e-business environment , the concept of space time , the habitude of market and the idea and actions of consumers are taking great movements . The new request of market is the factor that arouses the profound transform on the environment and fashion of international trade .

  21. 并分析了这些问题背后的原因:中国消费者的消费观念比较落后;

    And analyzed the reasons of these problems : the concept of consumer in China is relatively backward ;

  22. 资本建立起消费价值体系,通过塑造消费者的价值观念影响其消费行为。

    It is capital who established the consumption value system ( CVS ), and impacts the consumption action by shaping consumers ' value .

  23. 第三节是消费者消费价值观念的扭曲,包括消费信息的不对称性,消费主义观念的盛行。

    The third quarter the distorted values relating to consumer spending , including consumer information symmetry rationality , correctness of the concept of consumerism .

  24. 在现代社会,生产不断发展,竞争越来越激烈,消费者的消费观念呈现多元化。

    In modern society , economy has been developed rapidly and competition is more and more fierce . The consuming ideas of the customers are different .

  25. 近年来,随着大型超市数量的剧增,消费者的消费观念更趋于理性,这使得大型超市行业间的竞争程度日益加剧。

    In recent years , with the increasing quantity of supermarket and more rational consume concept by consumers , the competition between supermarkets become more and more intense .

  26. 日本是我国的第一大蔬菜出口市场,然而随着近年来日本国内消费者绿色消费观念和意识的提升,对蔬菜的绿色质量和品质提出了更高的要求。

    Japan is China s first large vegetable export market . However , with green consumption concept and awareness increased , the domestic consumers have required higher green quality of vegetables .

  27. 此外,文章还考察了绿色消费者的消费观念、消费动机、消费习惯和消费内容,力图呈现出当前城市居民绿色消费的一般状况。

    In addition , the article also examines the green consumer motivation , consumer attitudes , consumer habits and consumption of content , try showing a current city residents overall condition of green consumption .

  28. 在知识经济下,知识营销顺应了营销环境、消费者的消费观念的变化以及网络技术的迅猛发展,是企业营销理念和实践创新的必然结果。

    Intellectual promotion accommodates marketing circumstances under the intellectual economy . Variation of consumers ' consumption notion and rapid development of web technology determines the inevitable outcome of enterprises marketing notion and practical innovation .

  29. 分析了当前我国金融宣传教育缺乏长期性、金融消费者教育的观念陈旧且手段单一、效果评估反馈机制尚未建立三方面的问题。

    Second , the analysis of the lack of long-term finance public education , consumer education , financial means of the concept of old and single , impact assessment feedback mechanism has been established three aspects .

  30. 进入九十年代以来,随着国内房地产热的升温,消费者家具消费观念的更新和消费能力的提高,我国家具产量保持在年增长12&15%的速度。

    Since 1990 , with the heating of domestic real estate , the changing of furniture consumption concept and the development of the consumption ability , Chinese furniture output has been increased 12-15 % per year .