
  1. 企业内部文化行为建设浅析

    Brief Analysis on Enterprise Inner Cultural Behavior Constructure

  2. 劳动契约、交易费用与关系治理&华人家族企业内部治理行为分析

    Labor Contract , Transact Cost and Relation Governance : Analysis on Internal Governance Behaviors in Chinese Clan Corporations

  3. 企业内部知识流动行为及其影响因素研究

    A Study on Enterprise Internal Knowledge Flow Behavior and its Impact Factors

  4. 跨国经营企业内部化成长行为的有效性

    The Effectiveness of Internalization Growth Behaviour of Transnational Enterprises

  5. 最后,请与我们及各国政府合作,营造一个有助于企业报告内部不当行为和保护告密者的环境,共同建设鼓励企业进行汇报的激励机制。

    Finally , work with us and governments to create incentives for corporate reporting by creating an environment that can help   companies to report internal wrongdoing and protect whistle ­ blowers .

  6. 不过,这两个例子都向我们揭示出一点:欧洲的公司治理方式如何能够怂恿企业内部人员从事不当行为。

    But both illustrate how the European approach can encourage corporate insiders to behave badly .

  7. 本研究通过对企业内部影响知识学习行为制度化的主要因素的分析,提出机械的组织结构、稳定的导向性文化以及合作双方的深层交流是知识获取有效性的重要条件。

    This paper bring forward that the mechanical structure , steady-orient culture and the more deeper intercommunion are the important condition of effective in knowledge acquiring by analyzing the key factors relative to knowledge studying in the industry context .

  8. 标准化是质量发展和科学管理的基础,而企业标准就是企业内部的法律和行为准则。

    Standardization is the premise of the quality and the foundation of scientific management , and the enterprise standard is the laws and rules for internal .

  9. 伴随着企业的不断发展和规模的不断扩大,企业内部的各项管理行为,包括人力资源管理,必须以科学,规范和高效的方式运转。

    Including human resource management various enterprise interior management behavior must be operated scientifically , normatively and efficiently following the development and enforcement of enterprise .

  10. 本文将通过对企业文化中核心价值观的解读和对企业的外部环境及企业内部管理行为的分析来构建企业文化的价值观体系。

    This paper will explain core value conception in corporate culture and analyze outside environment of enterprise and inside management behavior of enterprise to construct value conception system of corporate culture .

  11. 本文以现代国际经济学为基础,以中国跨国经营企业在开放市场经济条件下如何成长为目的,着重对内部化理论模型以及企业内部化成长行为的有效性问题进行了分析。

    Based on the modern international economics , and taking the growth of Chinese transnational enterprises in the open market economy as the object of study , the paper analyzes the issues of internalization theoretical model and the effectiveness of the growth behaviour of enterprise internalization .

  12. 绩效管理作为企业经营管理的一种有效管理方法,已经越来越受到企业的重视,它的重要意义在于企业内部通过绩效管理行为可以提高企业生产效率和竞争力。

    Performance management , as an effective management approach for enterprise operation , has attached more and more importance to , and its significance lies in improving production efficiency and competitiveness within the enterprise by its adoption .