
Brief Analysis on Enterprise Inner Cultural Behavior Constructure
Labor Contract , Transact Cost and Relation Governance : Analysis on Internal Governance Behaviors in Chinese Clan Corporations
A Study on Enterprise Internal Knowledge Flow Behavior and its Impact Factors
The Effectiveness of Internalization Growth Behaviour of Transnational Enterprises
Finally , work with us and governments to create incentives for corporate reporting by creating an environment that can help companies to report internal wrongdoing and protect whistle blowers .
But both illustrate how the European approach can encourage corporate insiders to behave badly .
This paper bring forward that the mechanical structure , steady-orient culture and the more deeper intercommunion are the important condition of effective in knowledge acquiring by analyzing the key factors relative to knowledge studying in the industry context .
Standardization is the premise of the quality and the foundation of scientific management , and the enterprise standard is the laws and rules for internal .
Including human resource management various enterprise interior management behavior must be operated scientifically , normatively and efficiently following the development and enforcement of enterprise .
This paper will explain core value conception in corporate culture and analyze outside environment of enterprise and inside management behavior of enterprise to construct value conception system of corporate culture .
Based on the modern international economics , and taking the growth of Chinese transnational enterprises in the open market economy as the object of study , the paper analyzes the issues of internalization theoretical model and the effectiveness of the growth behaviour of enterprise internalization .
Performance management , as an effective management approach for enterprise operation , has attached more and more importance to , and its significance lies in improving production efficiency and competitiveness within the enterprise by its adoption .