
  1. 本文是以四川省水利水电勘测设计研究院协同设计管理系统为背景,深入的讨论了工作流和J2EE技术在搭建企业文档管理系统中的应用。

    On the background of CSCW ( Computer Supported Cooperative Work ) item of SWHI ( Water Resources And Hydropower Design And Research Institute Of Sichuan ), in this paper , the application of J2EE and workflow techniques on constructing enterprise documents management system is discussed .

  2. 虚拟专用网的安全性研究及其在企业文档管理系统中的应用

    Virtual Private Network 's Security Study and It 's Application on Enterprise Document Management System

  3. 萨班斯-奥克雷法案与企业文档管理

    Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Records Management of Enterprises

  4. 并结合企业文档管理系统提出了虚拟专用网的应用方案。

    In the end , on application scheme based on enterprises document management system is offered .

  5. 本文从知识管理的角度提出了企业文档管理系统开发的功能目标和系统架构;

    This paper describes the function target and system framework for enterprise document management system from the viewpoint of knowledge management ;

  6. 互联网的发展对文档管理系统产生了重大的影响。首先分析了当今企业文档管理的需求和特点以及传统文档管理系统的弊端,并对两种主流的系统架构进行了比较;

    In this paper , the disadvantages of existed documented management system and the requirement of enterprise are analysed , and two mainstream frameworks are compared first ;

  7. 某企业图文档管理系统的研究与实现

    Research and realization of electronic data management system for an enterprise

  8. 模具企业订单文档管理系统的实现

    Implementation of order and document management system for mould industry

  9. 针对企业文档安全管理的需要,研究了其他相关安全技术的应用,如防病毒技术,防火墙技术,虚拟专用网技术。

    The application of some other security techniques about the technical document protection is researched , including Virus Prevention , Firewall , and Virtual Private Network etc.

  10. 本文结合公司开展档案数字化系统和知识管理系统的实际情况,提出了企业文档知识管理系统的建设思路。

    Moreover , basing on both the above and the KM situation , the KM System Methodology is brought up and carried out in the design of KM system .

  11. 文档管理的服务外包首先应该对其价值活动的特点与价值链优化进行分析,在此基础上再根据企业的文档管理要求采取合适的外包策略与外包模式。

    The first thing to do of the service outsourcing of document management is to analyze the character of the value activities and the value chain optimization . Then choose an appropriate service strategy and model on the base of the demands of the document management .

  12. 基于B/S模式的制造企业图文档信息管理系统

    Drawing and Document Information Management System Based on Browser / Server for Manufacturing Enterprise

  13. 本文介绍了基于B/S模式的制造企业图文档信息管理系统的设计与实现方法,重点讨论了系统的体系结构、功能以及开发的关键技术。

    In this paper , the designing and implementing method of a drawing and document information management system based on browser / server for manufacturing enterprise is introduced , and its architecture , function and key developing technologies are emphatically discussed .

  14. 企业文档分类模式与管理模型研究

    Research on the Classification Schemas and the Management Model of Enterprise Documents

  15. 随着企业weblog和电子企业文档管理的日益流行,对标准化内容仓库接口的需求比以往任何时候都更加显著。

    With the growing popularity of corporate weblogs and electronic corporate document management , the need for a standardized content repository interface is more apparent than ever .

  16. 目前由于各企业员工对信息安全认识不足,普遍计算机使用水平低下以及企业内部对电子文档管理的混乱,承载于电子文档中的敏感信息面临着极大的安全隐患。

    At the same time , the sensitive information contained in electronic documents are confronted with big secure hidden trouble , because of the lack of users ' secure consciousness and the confusion of documents management .