
gǎi dòng
  • change;alteration;alter;modify;amend;revise;recast
改动 [gǎi dòng]
  • (1) [revise;alter;modify] 更改文字、内容、次序等

  • 改动字句

  • 改动一句话

  • (2) 泛指改变

  • 作息时间已经改动

  • 集合的时间有改动

改动[gǎi dòng]
  1. 选举时间表似乎有些混乱,需要改动一下。

    The electoral timetable seems to be out of joint with the need for change .

  2. 未得到所有相关人士的普遍同意,不应作出任何改动。

    Any change ought not to be made without the general concurrence of all concerned .

  3. 我对报告只做了几处小改动。

    I made only a few small changes to the report .

  4. 我们需要对影响就学率的法规做些改动。

    We need changes in the law governing school attendance .

  5. 不断改动时间表,这样对待学生不恰当。

    It 's not fair on the students to keep changing the timetable .

  6. 他们对这栋房子在做一些改动。

    They are making some alterations to the house .

  7. 这些改动应该使我们有更大的居住面积。

    The alterations should give us extra floor space .

  8. 我想你得略微改动一下这些数字再让老板过目。

    I think you 'll have to tweak these figures a little before you show them to the boss .

  9. 在下面空白处列出你所作的具体改动。

    List in the spaces below the specific changes you have made .

  10. 她的短上衣放在时装店里,要做些改动。

    Her jacket was at the boutique waiting for alteration .

  11. 这些女裁缝围着模特儿衣架叽叽嘎嘎地讨论衣服这里或那里要做的小改动。

    The seamstresses cluck around a dummy , discussing a tuck here and there .

  12. 我们可以作一两处改动。

    We may make one or two changes

  13. 这里作的改动违背了我的原则,我不能同意。

    Changes are being made here which go against my principles and I cannot agree with them .

  14. 上法庭要求对协议进行改动也许对你有益。

    It might be worth your while to go to court and ask for the agreement to be changed

  15. 我在对它作些改动——只是改换个别字眼,好让听众更容易接受。

    I 'm bowdlerizing it — just slightly changing one or two words so listeners won 't be upset .

  16. 他已经改动了经济计划中的几项提议以迁就特殊利益集团的要求。

    He 's already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to accommodate demands of special interests .

  17. 我一点了没改动,一点也没删除。

    I haven 't altered or left out a thing .

  18. 请随宜改动。

    Please make alterations as you see fit .

  19. 照那样改动,会面目全非,就不是原来的《茶馆》了。

    Changes like that will completely alter the play from the original " teahouse ".

  20. 这些改动相当花钱,但从长远的角度看会为我们省钱。

    These changes will cost a lot , but they will save us money in the long run .

  21. 这篇文章我改动了几处,另外又补充了一小段。

    I made a few changes in this article . I also supplemented it with one short paragraph .

  22. 兹阿尔斯基表示,对于苹果公司来说,一种相对简单的补救方式就是,未来推出的iPhone版本做些改变,手机在接受苹果依照联邦调查局的意愿改动的操作系统前,用户要输入密码来确认。

    One relatively simple fix , Mr. Zdziarski said , would be for Apple to modify future versions of the iPhone to require a user to enter a passcode before the phone will accept the sort of modified operating system that the F.B.I. wants Apple to create .

  23. 当然最大的改动也许是生产效率模式(gearing)

    However perhaps the biggest change is to gearing .

  24. 把“快闪”(flashmob)稍作改动后就有了“闪玩”(flashplay)这个说法。“闪玩”指的是人们通过网络快速找到同伴,然后通过飞机等快捷的交通工具一起到另一个城市去游玩。

    Tweaking the idea of flash mob is flash play , this term means a form of trip in which people find companions quickly through the Internet , and use advanced transportation like airplane to travel to another city together .

  25. 用大头针在纸样需改动的地方打裥。

    Pin tucks across the pattern at the alteration places .

  26. 为了降低成本,简化流程,国际奥委会曾在2019年对申办规则进行了改动。

    The IOC changed its bidding rules in 2019 to reduce costs and make the process easier for cities .

  27. 它的默认值是Integer.MAXVALUE,将这个参数设置为比较大的值可以提高索引效率和检索速度,由于该参数的默认值是整型的最大值,所以我们一般不需要改动这个参数。

    The default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE.Large values are better for batched indexing and speedier searches .

  28. 重启动web服务使改动生效。

    Restart your web service and apply changes .

  29. 必须重新启动windows才能使所做的改动生效。

    Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect .

  30. 在下次重新启动之前,对windows文件保护设置所作的改动不会生效。

    The changes to windows file protection settings do not take effect until the next restart .