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  • 网络the cognitive revolution;second cognitive revolution
  1. 第二次认知革命与社会建构论的产生

    The Second Cognitive Revolution And The Establishment Of Social Constructionism

  2. 第二次认知革命是后现代主义的革命。它的直接结果是促进了社会建构论的产生。

    The second cognitive revolution is a postmodern one and it results in the establishment of social constructionism .

  3. 心理学的文化转向犹如平行于认知革命的一场文化革命,对心理学的发展产生了全面而深刻的影响。

    The cultural turn in the development of psychology is like a cultural revolution in cognitive revolution , bringing about complete and deep influence on the development of psychology .

  4. 第二次认知革命有可能使心理学向心理学是有关个体或者群体中的积极人的研究这一传统的、常识性观念回归。

    The second cognitive revolution may turn psychology back to its conventional and common-sense tradition : psychology is the study of an individual agent or an agent of a group .

  5. 学习的认识论部分梳理了三种认识论传统(客观主义、实用主义和解释主义)及其与学习研究的关系,知识的两个维度:外部输入内部生成、个体社会,两次认知革命。

    The part of learning epistemology sorts out the relationship between three epistemological tradition ( objectivism , pragmatism and constructivism ) and learning study , and explains two dimensions : " exterior import - inner generation ", " individual - society " and two cognition revolutions .

  6. 语言学中的认知革命带来了语言研究方法的更新,人们一方面运用认知语言学的理论和方法探讨语言现象,另一方面又通过语言现象来揭示人类的认知能力。

    Cognitive revolution in linguistics has brought about a renewal of linguistic research methodology . On the one hand , people probe into language phenomena with theories and methods of cognitive linguistics ; on the other hand , language phenomena reveal the cognitive ability of human beings .

  7. 论述了纳米科技的意义与发展过程,指出纳米科技将促使人类认知的革命,并将引发一场新的工业革命。

    Nano technology will promote the cognitive revolutionary of human being , and it will cause a new industrial revolution .