
  • 网络Identification Procedure;Accreditation Program;Accreditation Process
  1. 驰名商标并非特殊商标,驰名商标认定程序只有在商标需要特殊保护的情况下,依申请启动。

    The well-known trademark is not a special trademark in trademark law , the accreditation program of well-known trademark starts goby application only when trademark needs special protection .

  2. 关于认定程序的论述,主要是论述了对滥用专利权行为涉嫌垄断的调查。

    The discussion about the certification procedure is to introduce the monopoly investigation .

  3. 任何妥协的电脑扫描和感染.它认定程序可执行档案。

    Scans the compromised computer and infects any . exe files it finds .

  4. 我国工伤认定程序改革的思考&基于社会法的视角

    On the Reform of the Procedure of Confirmation of Work-related Injuries : The Perspective from the Social Law

  5. 土地收用程序大致分为两个阶段:即事业认定程序和收用裁决程序。

    Land reap with program roughly divided into two stages : namely " career decision procedures " and " reap with award program " .

  6. 我国土地征收程序中存在缺乏公益目的和土地权属认定程序、程序的公开程度不够、土地所有权人参与机会少等问题。

    There are plenty of problems in land expropriation process , such as lacking of openness , no participation opportunity for owner of land , etc.

  7. 但长期以来,在法院对国际商事仲裁裁决进行程序审查的范围和认定程序违法的标准问题上,一直没有统一的认识。

    But for a long time there is no definite recognition of the sphere of procedural examination as well as the criteria of the confirmation of procedural violation .

  8. 自2001年商标法将立体商标纳入保护范围以来,实务中,不管是通过行政注册程序还是通过司法认定程序,能获得注册的立体商标的数量极为有限。

    Since 2001 the three-dimension trademark has been protected by Trademark law , the number of registered three-dimension trademark is just a few whether through administrative or judicial confirmation process in the practice .

  9. 但现行工伤赔偿诉讼中的工伤行政认定程序在实践中存在很多弊端,给劳动者维权造成诸多障碍。

    However there are many drawbacks in practice that exist the litigation in administrative process of compensation for industrial injury , and this procedure create a lot of barriers to workers rights protection .

  10. 60年代末,由于社会变革的影响,非婚生子女享有了与婚生子女同等的地位,关于亲子认定程序的改革拉开了二战后改革的大幕。

    By the end of 1960s , owing to the influence of social reforms , an illegitimate child can enjoy the same rights as a legitimate one , so begins the reform in the proceedings of establishing parentage .

  11. 此外,笔者将工伤保险基金先行支付制度分为四个构成要件,分别是申请主体、不支付、工伤认定程序以及未缴纳保险费。

    Moreover , the advance payment of the workers ' insurance fund may be divided into four constitutive requirements , namely claimers ," non-payment " and the identification program of workers ' injury as well as absence of the premium .

  12. 我国现行法律中对公共利益的定义规定不仅不明确,而且认定程序上也存在不公平的作法;通过深入分析公共利益的理论基础与内涵,提出公共利益的四个特征。

    Present law provides the definition of public interest not only clear , and finds that the procedures are unfair practices ; through in-depth analysis of the theoretical basis of public interest and meaning , the public interest raised four features .

  13. 《教师资格条例》中规定,在幼儿园从事教育教学工作的人员,必须通过一定的教师资格认定程序获得幼儿园教师资格证,才能够在幼儿园从事教育教学活动。

    In Teachers ' Qualification Regulations , the person who wants to engage in the education teaching work must acquire kindergarten teacher certificate through a certain teacher qualification process , and then can only be engaged in education teaching activities in kindergarten .

  14. 今天,最高法院以6票支持、3票反对的结果判决,威顿学院在诉讼进行期间不必遵守认定程序,程序规定学院要向政府通报其依据宗教理由反对提供避孕险。

    In a 6 to 3 decision today , justices told Wheaton College that while litigation continues , it doesn 't have to comply with a certification process that notifies the government that it objects on religious ground to providing contraception coverage .

  15. 为进一步完善认定程序,大胆提出纳入听证程序和适用特别程序的建议,并对两者的必要性、可行性作了深入分析和思考。

    In order to perfect the identification procedure , I boldly put forward a suggestion that the identification should be brought into hearing-procedure and special procedure should be applied , I deeply analysis and ponder over both of them in the necessity and feasibility as well .

  16. 本部分从我国现行工伤赔偿案件中适用工伤认定程序存在的缺陷、问题产生的原因、解决问题的方法及可行性、司法实践中的探索等几个方面对该问题予以阐述,并得出结论。

    This section from several aspects of the work injury compensative cases to explore , such as , lacking determinative procedure of work-related injuries , the causes of problem , problem solving methods and feasibility , judicial practice and so on , and draw a conclusion .

  17. 全面推行慈善捐赠专用票据,减少慈善组织享有免税资格的认定程序;完善监督与救济机制,保证上市公司股权捐赠的公益性,保证上市公司公益性股权捐赠合法有序进行。

    Full of charitable giving special note , reduction of the qualification cognizance of the charity enjoy duty-free procedures ; Improve the supervision and relief mechanism , ensure the equity of listed companies donated for public welfare , pledged legal and orderly public equity of listed companies .

  18. 我国应尽快设置土地征收公共利益的认定程序和监督程序,并进一步明确征地审批权,将回避制度引入征地审批程序,提高土地征收的公平公正性。

    Land acquisition should be set up as soon as possible the interests of the public that procedures and monitoring procedures and to further clarify the land requisition approval to the introduction of the land requisition system will be avoided in the process of land acquisition procedures to improve .

  19. 第二部分主要介绍工伤认定的程序问题。

    The second part mainly introduces the process of affirmation of the industrial injury .

  20. 上个月,一位底特律的联邦法官认定此程序不合规定且违反宪法,一些法律专家质问她的推论,并且该项裁定将被提起上诉。

    Last month , a federal judge in Detroit ruled the program illegal and unconstitutional . a number of legal experts questioned her reasoning , and the ruling is being appealed .

  21. 为此,笔者从劳动争议和诉讼主体认定,程序保障和伤亡人员及时得到救助三个方面提出建议,以确保条例得到执行。

    Thereby this article puts forward a proposal from three aspects : determination of the subject of labor dispute and action , procedure guarantee and timely salvation for the casualty workers , in order to ensure execution of the regulation .

  22. 在认定通知程序上存在瑕疵决议的效力时,不应该刻板地适用公司法,而是应该对案件进行综合考察,平衡各方利益,作出最合理的判断。

    When maintains that the resolution effectiveness is defective on notification process , it should not applied corporate law rigidly , it should comprehensive observe the case , to balance the interests of all parties , to make the most reasonable judgment .

  23. 笔者在多年从事奖勤助贷的学生工作中发现,我国高校现有的贫困认定的程序和制度在实践中有着许多的缺陷和不足,无法客观地评定和反映申请者的困难程度。

    Having engaged in student financial assistance for many years , the author finds that the previous procedures and systems to identify poor students have many defects and shortages in practice , which cannot objectively reflect and assess difficulty degrees of applicants .

  24. 对律师伪证罪应当存而慎用,在实体规范、司法认定和追诉程序上进行改良。

    Lawyer perjury should be kept but with caution use , make improvements in the entity specification , judicial determination and prosecution procedures .

  25. 国家药物临床试验机构资格认定的意义与程序

    Significance and procedure of accreditation of drug clinical trial agency in China

  26. 另一方面则是认定自由财产的程序事项。

    For another thing , the procedure of identification of exempt property .

  27. 法官自由裁量权作为一种特殊的权力,在民事审判活动中具有其特殊的功能,不仅仅在适用法律上表现不俗,并且在事实认定以及对诉讼程序的指挥上也都有着明显的表现。

    As a special power , discretion has its special function not only in the application of law but also in the ascertainment of facts and the governing of judicial proceedings .

  28. 认定财产无主程序作为我国非讼程序的组成部分,对于恢复或者重构物权法律关系具有重要的法律意义。

    The procedure of the identify the property without owner is a component of the procedure of non-defendant , it has important significance for recovery and reconstruct legal relationship of the property right .

  29. 第五部分主要介绍滥用的认定标准和认定程序。主要是通过分析市场认定和结构认定来实现的。

    The fifth part is mainly discuss the identification criteria and the procedure of identification , this part is written that the standards for the identification of patent abuse are market identification and structural identification .

  30. 重构行政诉讼被告资格认定标准应当遵循程序价值、方便起诉、司法最终、开放性、协调性、可操作性等六项原则。

    To reset the recognition criteria for the quality of defendant in administrative lawsuit should follow six principles , which are process value , convenient prosecution , final judicial , opening , coordination and manipulation .