
  • 网络Actual Capacity
  1. 首先,日本的经济继续在远低于实际产能的情况下运行。

    To start with , Japan 's economy continues to operate far below capacity .

  2. 由于锌的实际产能超过设计能力,使锌电解的冷却能力明显不足。

    As effective capacity of Zinc production exceeds design capacity , the cooling capacity of Zinc electrolyte is clearly insufficient .

  3. 通过大量调研发现,低渗透气藏中水平井的产能预测均没有考虑启动压力梯度的影响,导致预测的产能与实际产能存在一定差异。

    A lot of research found that the low permeability gas reservoir with a horizontal well productivity prediction did not consider the start of the pressure gradient , resulting in a projected production capacity and actual production capacity there are some differences .

  4. 利用所推导的公式对实际油井产能进行了计算,并与实际生产数据进行了对比。

    The productivity of a certain fishbone well was calculated , and compared with the practical data .

  5. 但目前我国硅钢生产的实际情况是产能不足,产品结构不合理、成材率不高,产品质量存在诸多问题。

    But the current situation is that the productivity of silicon steel is low , the structure of production is not reasonable , and many quality problems exist in products .

  6. 汇丰(HSBC)表示,在中国等多数东亚经济体和巴西,产出缺口(实际产出和最高产能之差)已经消失。

    HSBC says the output gap – the difference between actual output and maximum capacity – has disappeared in most east Asian economies , including China , and in Brazil .

  7. 通过在某半导体晶圆厂的实际应用,该产能规划模型有效地解决了投料不均,设备负荷率波动过大等问题。

    Release uneven and equipment loading fluctuation were eliminated by the capacity planning model which was used in a fab of the case .