
  1. 例如,生产工人工资可以包括一块固定工资(固定成本)和按产量计算的奖金(变动成本)。

    For example , a production worker may be paid a fixed salary ( the fixed element ) and a bonus based on output ( the variable element ) .

  2. 20世纪70年代以来,美国生产工人实际工资呈下降趋势。

    Since the 1970s the real wage of the American workers in manufacturing industry has been declining .

  3. 本文认为,制度因素是造成美国生产工人实际工资下降的主要原因。

    The author concludes that the institutional factors are the crucial causes for the decline of the real wage of the American workers in manufacturing industry .

  4. 直接人工是生产产品的工人的工资和福利?

    The direct labor is wages and welfares of the employees who produce the products ?

  5. 天天都生产,工人们的工资上去了,哪还有会逃班的呢?

    If the workers had been working every day , the wages went up , why not they work hard ?