
  • 网络restructuring charges
  1. 虽然全球个人电脑需求依旧低迷,但是若剔除上一季度的重组费用,联想在运营层面已实现损益两平。

    Although global PC demand remained weak , Lenovo broke even on an operating level excluding restructuring charges last quarter .

  2. 微软上一财季业绩受到了84亿美元一次性费用的拖累,其中包括对从诺基亚收购的资产减记75亿美元,其余部分为重组费用。

    The latest figures were blighted by $ 8.4bn in one-off charges , including $ 7.5bn from a writedown of assets acquired from Nokia and the rest from restructuring charges .

  3. 该公司继续采取收费,由于薪水自然减员程序和其他重组费用。

    The company continued to take charges due to salaried attrition programs and other restructuring costs .

  4. 成本中有一大部分是一次性支出,比如重组费用,以及为英国零售客户预留的赔款。

    A chunk of the costs were one-offs , such as restructuring and reserving for UK retail customer redress .

  5. 剔除税前的1.7亿美元重组费用,以及商标价值的下降,每股盈利为1.10美元。

    Excluding pretax charges of $ 170 million for restructuring and a drop in value for one of its trademarks , it earned $ 1.10 per share .

  6. 近年的利润率则面临压力:不计商誉减损(但包括重组费用),去年的营业利润率为4.5%,同比下降30个基点,比五年前则下降了整整一个百分点。

    Margins have been under pressure : backing out goodwill impairments ( but not restructuring costs ) , operating margins last year were 4.5 per cent , down 30 basis points from the year before and a full percentage point from five years ago .

  7. 债权人之间的分歧会加大重组的费用

    Disagreements among creditors can be costlier still .

  8. 雅虎周二表示,二季度的运营收入同比下滑了72%,为3800万美元,这主要是因为重组的费用。

    On Tuesday , Yahoo said its income from operations slid 72 percent , to $ 38 million , from the year-ago quarter , much of that because of a restructuring charge .

  9. 谨慎性原则是新会计制度的重要特征,体现在减值准备和坏帐准备的计提范围、固定资产折旧方法、债务重组、借款费用资本化、摊销期限等五个方面。

    The principle of scrupulousness is characteristics of new accounting system , which is shown on the aspects of bad debts , capital depreciation , debts reconstruction , loan interest and selling deadline .

  10. 这还没有算上一笔笔似乎没完没了的重组账单。过去13年里,惠普每年的重组费用都超过1亿美元,总计已达110亿美元。

    And that does not even count a seemingly endless round of restructuring charges that have topped $ 100m in every one of the past 13 years , reaching $ 11bn in all .