
  • 网络ChungKing Express;Chunking Express;Chung King Express
  1. 科林:我喜欢王家卫那部叫《重庆森林》的电影。

    Colin : I loved the Wong Kar-wai film called Chungking Express .

  2. 埃德娜:你知不知道他是在1994年拍摄的《重庆森林》?

    Edna : Did you know that he made Chungking Express in 1994 ?

  3. 你有没有看过电影《重庆森林》?

    Have you seen the movie , Chungking express ?

  4. 就像在《重庆森林》里,我的角色没有朋友。

    Like in Chungking express , my character does not have any friends .

  5. 男,美国,第一部电影是《重庆森林》。他是一个非常棒的演员。

    Male , USA , First saw him in Chungking Express , Great actor .

  6. 曾凭借《重庆森林》与《春光乍泄》两度获金像奖最佳男主角。

    The last two won him Best Actor prizes at the Hongkong Film Awards .

  7. 我们无法忘记《重庆森林》里金城武对日期的反复诉说。

    We can not forget Kaneshiro Takeshi in the repeated telling of date in " Chungking " .

  8. 然后我看了《重庆森林》,然后确定他是最棒的演员之一。

    Then I saw him in Chungking Express and that DEFINATELY confirmed that he is one the greatest actors .

  9. 到了《重庆森林》,他的脸,和他注视王菲是的那种样子,让我真的喜欢上了他。

    Something about his face and the way he watched Faye Wong 's character made me really like him .

  10. 重庆森林工程实施以来,重庆建成区绿化覆盖面积与绿地率有了大幅提高,且超前完成规划任务。

    Since the implementation of Chongqing forest project , urban green coverage area and green rate had improved substantially and went ahead of the planning .

  11. 然后我已经看了《重庆森林》、花样年华》和《英雄》等等。历史上最喜欢的女性英雄是谁?埃及艳后。

    I have since seen him in Chunking Express , In the Mood For Love and Hero and so on . Who are your favorite heroines of history ? Cleopatra .

  12. 在《花样年华》与《重庆森林》的导演王家卫的影片中,那个沐浴在霓虹灯中的香港得以永远留存,陈伯康说道。

    The Hong Kong immortalized in the films of Wong Kar-wai , the director of " In the Mood for Love " and " Chungking Express , " is awash in neon , Mr. Chen said .

  13. 但看了《花样年华》和《重庆森林》后他给我留下了强烈的印象(我想自己当时被《辣手神探》弄得如痴如醉而没有留意精彩的演技)。

    But it wasn 't until I saw IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE and CHUNGKING EXPRESS that he made an intense impression ( I was sort of blown away by HARD BOILED and didn 't recognize the great performances ) .

  14. 重庆市森林资源现状及经营策略

    Status Quo of Forest Resources and Management Strategy in Chongqing City

  15. 重庆地区森林水文作用的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Forest Hydrology Effect in Chongqing Area , Southwestern China

  16. 重庆黔江区森林生态系统服务价值评估及其生态系统管理研究

    Study on the Forest Ecosystem Services Valuation and Ecosystem Management in Qianjiang District , Chongqing Municipality

  17. 重庆临峰山森林公园生态系统属于次生林系统,系统的抗害能力较弱。

    Chongqing Linfeng mountain forest park ecosystem belongs to secondary forest , the anti-hazard ability of the system is weak .

  18. 重庆酸雨地区森林生态系统土壤、植被与地表水现状分析

    A Status Report on the Effects Involved with Acid Rain on Vegetation , Soil and Surface Waters of Forest Ecosystem in Chongqing

  19. 始建于1999年的重庆缙云山森林生态效益定位监测站,拥有全自动森林气象、水文观测设施,可实时监测森林生态变化过程。

    In 1999 , the forest ecology beneficial monitoring station of Chongqing Jinyun Mountain , starts to construct , provided with automatic forest hydrological monitor .

  20. 除了人口密度大这一特点之外,重庆还因为位于森林和山丘深处地带而被誉为“山城”。

    Even though it is a densely populated area , it is nicknamed the Mountain City because it lies around deep swathes of forest and hills .

  21. 论文的主要任务是以重庆市万州区森林生态系统为例,度量生态破坏造成的经济损失。

    The main task of this paper is to measure the economic costs caused by the destruction of forest ecosystem in the Wanzhou district of Chongqing city .

  22. 宜居重庆、畅通重庆、森林重庆、平安重庆、健康重庆

    Livable Chongqing , Traffic-Smooth Chongqing , Forest Chongqing , Safe Chongqing , Healthy Chongqing