
  1. 重大地震灾害幸存人群的远期生命质量调查

    Survey on Long-term Quality of Life of Survivors from Major Earthquake

  2. 重大地震灾害公路军事运输保障研究

    Research into the Highway Military Transportation Support During Serious Earthquakes

  3. 重大地震灾害链的时空有序性及其预测研究

    Time-space order of severe earthquake disaster chain and its prediction

  4. 重大地震灾害是破坏能力极强的自然灾害之一。

    Huge earthquake disaster is one of the highly destructive natural disasters .

  5. 在四川发生重大地震灾害后,人们都希望有方法能治愈灾难带来的心理创伤。

    After the massive earthquake occurred in Sichuan , people are looking for ways to treat psychological suffering brought on by the catastrophe .

  6. 本文通过国内外具体实例,重点介绍了重大地震灾害链的时空有序性、地震灾害链网络结构及其预测方法。

    This paper introduces the time-space order of severe earthquake disaster chain , information-ordered network structure and forecasting approach through a lot of domestic and foreign examples .

  7. 重大地震与地震灾害链预测是当今世界地学前缘课题。

    Predictions for severe earthquake and earthquake disaster chain are frontiers of earth science in the world .

  8. 对于重大规模的地震灾害,震后24小时内,尤其是震后8&16小时报道的灾情是灾害规模判定的重要信息窗口。

    To the major scale earthquake disaster , the information of disaster within 24 hours after the earthquake , especially the 8-16 hours is most important for determination of the disaster scales .