
  1. 中国救援队每天在可能爆发疫情的安置点进行消毒防疫工作。

    The Chinese teams have been carrying out disinfection work every day at the relocation sites to curb the likely spread of disease .

  2. 在莫桑比克海滨城市贝拉的一个飓风“伊达”灾民安置点,今年24岁的邓嵛仁正在帮助中国救援队的医生治疗病人。

    At one of the relocation sites for the victims of Cyclone Idai in Mozambique 's coastal city of Beira , 24-year-old Deng Yuren is helping a doctor with the Chinese recovery team treat a patient .

  3. 当地居民安比鲁在气旋“伊代”袭击他的家乡时伤到了自已的肩膀,他说,中国救援队的到来极大地减轻了当地人民的痛苦。

    Local resident Abido , who suffered an injury to his shoulder when Cyclone Idai was ravaging the region , says the Chinese rescue team is playing a significant role in reducing local people 's suffering .

  4. 中国国际救援队在巴基斯坦地震救援中的医学实践与研讨

    The discussion of medicine service in pakistan earthquake rescue mission

  5. 中国国际救援队赴巴基斯坦救援纪实

    International Team for Emergency Rescue of China went to Pakistan earthquake site

  6. 中国地震救援队首次海外抢险救灾

    The First Overseas Emergency Service and Disaster Relief of China Seismic Rescue Brigade

  7. 中国国际救援队在国外地震搜救现场的医疗急救工作

    Emergency medical treatment of China International Search and Rescue Team in overseas earthquake site

  8. 中国国际救援队指挥员赴欧洲培训

    The Comm and ers of China International Search and Rescue Team Were Trained in Europe

  9. 中国国际救援队海外救援群体营养状况

    Nutritional Status Analysis and Consideration for Chinese International Rescue Team to Implement Rescue Mission Personnel Overseas

  10. 中国国际救援队抵达东京,并将派往震区进行搜救任务。

    The Chinese International Search and Rescue Team arrived Tokyo and will be send to quake-hit area .

  11. 澳门特别行政区的志愿医务人员,随中国国际救援队前往斯里兰卡灾区,协助进行人道主义救援工作。

    Medical volunteers from Macao head for the disaster-hit Sri Lankan with China International Rescue Teams to carry on humanitarian rescues .

  12. 总结中国国际救援队在巴基斯坦地震灾区搜救现场的急救和护理工作,希望对以后的工作有所裨益。

    The authors summarize their reflection on the rescue on the earthquake-striking spot in Pakistan , which is expected to be beneficial to future work .

  13. 目的通过对中国国际救援队执行海外救援时队员营养状况及三大营养素摄入情况分析,探讨特殊环境下的营养支持方法。

    Objective To explore the methods of nutritional support under special environment by analyzing the nutritional status and three nutrients intake of China International Search and Rescue team .

  14. “冰冻气候、高海拔和稀薄的空气使得救援行动变的异常困难”中国国际救援队的副队长侯世科告诉新华社。

    " Freezing weather , high altitude and thin air have all made rescue efforts difficult ," Hou Shike , deputy head of China International Search and Rescue , told official news agency Xinhua .

  15. 2002年11月17日至12月5日中国国际救援队指挥员代表团赴欧洲参加了短期紧急救援指挥员培训,文章介绍了国际紧急技术中心的基本情况、培训内容和几点体会。

    From November 17 to December 5,2002 , the Delegation of Commanders of China International Search and Rescue Team participated in short-term training in Europe . This paper introduces the International Center for Emergency Techniques , contents of the training and several experiences they gained .

  16. 中国地震灾害紧急救援队经过几年来的开拓性发展,完成了多次具有减灾实效的成功救援行动。

    China emergency rescue team for earthquake and disaster has completed many successful rescue actions of mitigation effectiveness during the pioneering development for the several years .

  17. 这支救援队共15人,是日本接受的首支来自中国的此类队伍。中国救援队将与来自数十个国家的救援队一道,在受灾最严重的地区搜寻幸存者。

    The 15-member rescue team , the first such mission ever accepted by Japan from China , will join similar groups from dozens of countries in a search for survivors in the worst - affected areas .

  18. 她今年27岁,以前在中国学习过临床医学,她说中国救援队医生的决心令她深受感动。

    The 27-year-old , who studied clinical medicine in China , says she 's impressed by the determination of the doctors in the Chinese recovery team .

  19. 中国的DNA鉴定专家组以及中国国家卫生救援队人员帮助泰国人查找受难者的资料。

    The personnel of the DNA identifying expert panel and national medical rescue team of China are helping Thailand to search the victim 's information .

  20. 今天早上中国地震应急搜救中心已经紧急派遣了一行10人的中国国际救援队,搭乘新西兰航空由北京飞往奥克兰的航班前往参与地震救援工作。

    This morning the Chinese Government despatched a team of10 specialists from the Chinese Earthquake Emergency Centre on our PEK – AKL flight to assist with the recovery programme .