
  • 网络big push
  1. 对于私营企业来说,如果没有政府的某种协调努力“大推进”(bigpush),那么这一鸿沟可能无法跨越。

    The gap may be too wide for private enterprise to bridge without some sort of co-ordinating effort from government a " big push " .

  2. 今年,苹果公司的一大推进就是回收工作,该公司利用合作伙伴以及新奇的新型机器人,来保证每年数以万计的已售iPhone中的珍贵零件不会终结在垃圾填埋场中。

    A big push for Apple this year is recycling , as it uses partners and fancy new robots to make sure that valuable parts from the millions of iPhones sold per year don 't end up in landfills .

  3. 而要使区域合作获得大推进,就要建立有效的协调互动机制。

    Great push on regional cooperation needs the establishment of an effective coordinative and inter-acting mechanism .

  4. 另外,如果政府要实行大推进,那么它应当对准哪个方向呢?

    And if there is to be a big push , in which direction should it go ?

  5. 以迅速工业化为目的的大推进是发展与增长的密诀。

    The " big push " for rapid industrialization was the code word for development and growth .

  6. 世界现代化进程迄今已经历三次大推进的浪潮,先后有三批国家被卷入其中。

    There have been three big waves for the process of world modernization and three groups of nations are involved .

  7. 论工业化与欠发达地区的大推进&以苏北大发展为例

    ON THE INDUSTRIALIZATION AND THE GREAT PUSH OF DEVELOPING AREA ── A case of the Great Development of the North Jiangsu

  8. 对于新世纪的中国现代化大推进,当代中国现代化战略无疑具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。

    To the big push of Chinese modernization in the new century , doubtlessly this strategy is both significant for present and future .

  9. 他们的“大推进”可再生能源发电将作出更可靠,更便宜和更有效地竞争与化石燃料发电。

    Their " big push " will make renewable power generation more reliable , and cheaper and better able to compete with power generated by fossil fuel .

  10. 其次利用相似材料模拟实验研究了大推进度巷道放顶煤顶煤运移规律以及煤层厚度和煤层倾角与回采率之间的关系。

    Secondly use similar material simulation study the big push degrees caving roadway sub-level caving migration regularity and thickness of coal seam and coal seam inclination and the relationship between stoping rate .

  11. 目前各级政府都把发展经济摆在首要位置,在走新型工业化道路,正处于大推进、大发展、大提高的关键时期。

    The governments at all levels all put developing economy in primary position at present , the new-type industrialized road is going , in great advancing , great development , key period improving greatly .

  12. E·卢瑟福的新原子论彻底变革了曾经存在了二千多年的微观物质观,大大地推进了科学在二十世纪的发展。

    Ernest Rutherford has developed the new theory of atom which changed the conception of micro-matter that had existed for more than two thousand years , and the science was promoted greatly by the new theory of atom .

  13. 舰艇大功率推进轴系三向冲击响应分析研究

    Studying on three orientations shock response of ship high-power propulsive shafting

  14. 四是大力度推进科技创新和技术改造。

    Fourth , actively encourage innovation and upgrading in science and technology .

  15. 黑龙江省大项目推进全寿命周期管理模式研究

    Management Mode for the Push of Great Projects Life-Circle in Heilongjiang Province

  16. 这架飞机有更大的推进功率比的发动机驱动的飞机。

    The jet plane has a greater propulsive power than the engine-driven plane .

  17. 带阻尼绕组的多相大功率推进永磁同步电动机绕组参数的测量和计算研究

    Measurement and Calculation Winding Parameters for Multi-Phase High-Power Propulsive PMSM with Damping Windings

  18. 宽甸依托五大优势推进经济发展

    Kuandian Relies On Its Superiority To Develop Economy

  19. 着力处理三大关系推进环保事业快速发展

    Focus on the Management of Three Relationships to Promote Rapid Development of Environmental Business

  20. 它们的低级同类,如鹧鸪,有一种同样大的推进力。

    Their humbler followers , such as partridges have a like power of strong propulsion .

  21. 科学发展观是我们党在十六大以来推进理论创新取得的最集中最重要理论成果。

    Scientific development view is an important theory achievement of the CPC 's 16th National Congress in theory innovation .

  22. 我国幻方爱好者积极开展平方幻方构造探索,涌现出了一大批著名专家,把幻方研究向前大大地推进了。

    Magic square amateurs in our country have actively fore , thus pushing the study of magic squares forward greatly .

  23. 同时,同性婚姻权利的支持者正为最高法院的裁定欢呼,此裁定大幅度推进了他们的改革事业。

    Meanwhile , backers of marriage rights for same-sex couples are hailing Supreme Court decisions that significantly advanced their cause .

  24. 城郊集体土地的征地拆迁已经成为国内各大城市推进城市化进程的首要途径。

    Collective land acquisition and demolition in suburban has become the primary way for major cities to promote the urbanization process .

  25. 休闲产业作为一种新的服务产业业态,对全球经济的健康发展起到了相当大的推进作用,已经在国内外引起广泛的关注。

    As a new service business sector , leisure industry has been playing an important driving role in the healthy development of global economy .

  26. 本文介绍了国外船用变频器的主要类型、结构、所用器件及控制技术,指出了船用中压大功率推进变频器的发展趋势。

    In this paper the type , topology , devices and control of foreign marine converters is introduced , the trends of the marine middle voltage high power propelling converters is discussed .

  27. 实验表明具有鱼类尾鳍形状的薄膜驱动器具有更大的推进力和更高的效率,从而致使微机器人的游动速度更快,效率更高。

    Lots of experiments show that the film actuator like fish caudal fins can provide greater thrust and better efficiency so that the micro robot is of the faster velocity and better efficiency .

  28. 但是,重新审视30年前这一划时代的改革,我们有必要记住以下特点:改革小步进行,而非大跨度推进,且经常走两步退一步。

    But , recalling those epochal reforms of30 years ago , it is worth remembering that they too tended to come in baby steps rather than great leaps , and often were formulated retrospectively .

  29. 而唐代文人正是站在了前代众多文人的肩膀上,对生命意识这个永恒的主题做出了更大的推进和演绎。

    The Tang Dynasty at the forefront of many of the former generation of scholars of the shoulders , on the theme of eternal life and consciousness that made a greater push and interpretation .

  30. 实现了全面推行标杆管理,推进管理创新,务实管理基础,提升管理效率,提高管理能力和水平,实现管理到位的目的,用科学手段大大地推进了电网建设。

    Achieved the full implementation of benchmarking to promote management innovation and pragmatic management infrastructure , enhance management efficiency , improve management capabilities and standards , and achieve the purpose of the management in place , using scientific means to greatly advance the construction of power grids .