
  1. 关于构建大学生大国心态的几点思考

    Reflections on Constructing University Students ' Large-country Mindset

  2. 最重要的是,我们不再理会西方人如何看我们(国人更具大国心态)。

    We are not poor anymore in the Western eyes , and most importantly , chinese seems not really care about how Westerns looking at us anymore either .

  3. 60年代前期,由于日本的经济实力迅速提高,同时由于英国在苏伊士运河以东的势力迅速地衰退,英国不再以世界大国的心态居高-陆下地去看待日本的对华政策。

    During the early1960s , with the rapid improvement of Japan 's economic strength , Britain regarded the Japan 's policies to China without a commanding attitude of a world power .