
  • 网络Gdugs Kar
  1. 大白伞盖佛母是由诸佛顶髻而化。

    Deity of White umbrella is derived from the crown of all the Buddhas .

  2. 应弟子惟钦以下之提请,我已敬造了大白伞盖佛母的祈请颂。

    As requested by disciple Jui Khin below , I had composed a supplication to the Protectress , the Great White Umbrella Mother-Buddha .

  3. 弟子惟钦传来一份解释我所敬造大白伞盖佛母启请颂的中文文章。

    Disciple Jui Khin had sent in an article in Chinese explaining the meaning of my Supplication to the Great White Umbrella Mother-Buddha .

  4. 弟子惟钦设计了一张含盖诺那祖师所画的大白伞盖佛母咒轮及我手书之心咒的卡片。

    Disciple Jui Khin had designed a card containing the mantra wheel as drawn by Patriarch Guru Nona and my calligraphy of the heart mantra of the Great White Umbrella Mother-Buddha .