
  1. 丽莎:的确是。我一整天都飘飘然,就像置身在云端上。

    Lisa : it sure is . I 've been on cloud nine all day long .

  2. 尽管其所有音乐都“在云端上”,但感觉上它们就在用户的硬盘里。

    Though all its music resides " in the cloud , " it feel like it lives on your hard drive .

  3. 决定什么行为的结果是善业或恶业的的,并不是某个坐在云端上的神。

    What decides whether action results in good or bad karma is not decided by some god sitting on a cloud , but by the intention of our action .

  4. 我能从杰克的云端服务器上找到

    I 'll get it from Jack 's cloud .

  5. 把这个概念再延伸一点,采用能够支持近乎无限规模运算的N+1的体系结构,新的云端应用在设计上支持线性地向外扩展。

    Taking this concept further , new cloud apps are architected to scale out linearly with an N + 1 architec ­ ture to support almost unlimited expansion .