
  1. 弃权:云雀恭弥穿上粉红色的精灵装来敲我门的那一天就是我拥有《家庭教师》的那一天。

    Disclaimer : The day I own Hitman Reborn is the day Hibari Kyouya knocks at my door wearing a sparkly pink fairy costume .

  2. 云雀恭弥讨厌被束缚,虽然表面上声称不会与家族成员走太近,但每当家族处于危难的时候,他都会挺身而出、扭转劣势。

    Skylark Christine Mi hate to be tied , although on the surface with the family members claimed they would not go too close , but every family in danger , he will come forward and turn the tide .