
  1. 试论经济合同文字表达问题

    On Question of Words Expression in the Economic Contracts

  2. 随着商品经济的迅速发展,因经济合同文字表达不当引起的纠纷时有发生。

    With the rapid development of the commercial economy , Some embarrassments cause by the wrong use of words in economic contract at times .

  3. 我要这份合同见诸文字。

    I want the contract in black and white .

  4. 此授权书的影印本与正本具同等效力。本合同的两种文字文本具有同等效力。

    A photostatic copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original . Both versions of this contract are equally authentic .

  5. 本合同的两种文字文本具有同等效力。本契约有中文,英文两种版本,两者若有差异,将以中文版为准。

    Both versions of this contract are equally authentic . This Contract shall be in Chinese , and English correspondingly . In case of discrepancies in interpretation , the Chinese text shall prevail .

  6. (在本合同中,统称文件)(十四)合同文本采用的文字和合同生效的条件。

    ( 14 ) The language to be used as the language of the contract , and conditions under which the contract becomes effective .