
bǎn jīn
  • Sheet Metal;plate;metal plate;metal sheet
  1. 钣金加工线的PLC控制系统

    The PLC control system of plate processing line

  2. AUTOCAD在钣金冷作展开中的应用

    The Application of AUTOCAD System in the Manufacturing of Plate Bends

  3. Solidedge钣金展开补偿量的研究及应用

    Study on and Application of Solid Edge Sheet Metal Bending Compensation

  4. 基于XML的钣金工艺实例表达

    Research on Case Representation of Sheet Metal Process Based on XML

  5. Solidedge钣金零件库及其展开系统开发

    Development of Solid Edge Sheet Metal Library and Evolution System

  6. 基于STEP的钣金零件特征识别系统

    STEP Based Sheet Metal Auto Feature Recognition System

  7. 钣金件自动展开CAD系统的研究

    Research on Computer Aided Design System of Sheet Metal Automatic Spread

  8. 钣金构件CAD系统研究与实现

    Study on and Realize the CAD System of the Sheet Metal Piece

  9. 基于面融合技术的钣金CAD

    Face Fusion Method Based CAD System for Sheet Metal Design

  10. 板料n、r值对钣金零件成型工艺的影响

    The Effect of n and r Value on Forming Technique of Sheet-Metal Parts

  11. 一种实用钣金CAD排样算法

    One Useful Nesting Algorithm for Sheet Metal CAD System

  12. 典型钣金件展开CAD系统研究与开发

    Research and Development on the CAD System for Unfold of Typical Sheet Metal

  13. 考虑板厚的斜天圆地方钣金展开的CAD方法

    Outspread Sheet Metal of Oblique Square Dome Shaped Pipe Considering its Thickness Using CAD

  14. 钣金展开CAD的图形参量化技术

    The graphic parameter technique of planking expansion CAD

  15. 浅谈CNC板材加工设备在钣金加工中的应用

    Application of CNC Metal Board Processing Equipment in Metal Board Processing

  16. 实用钣金展开CAD系统的开发技术与应用研究

    Research on development methods and application of CAD system of prac tical sheet metal expansion

  17. CAD/CAM钣金件冲截刀具运动轨迹的模拟

    The Simulating of the Cutter Trace in CAD / CAM Sheet Metal Parts Punching

  18. 板料U形弯曲模智能CAD系统基于特征技术的钣金CAD/CAM系统研究

    Intelligent CAD System for Sheet U Bending Die Representation model of intelligent sheet metal CAM

  19. 详细介绍了钣金件展开CAD系统开发的理论基础。

    2 , The theoretical foundation of developing sheet metal part CAD system have been introduced in detail .

  20. 利用COM技术的钣金件展开系统的开发

    Development of unfolding system of sheet-metal components by utilizing the COM technology

  21. 基于图库和动态链接库的钣金展开CAD方法

    CAD method of sheet metal unfolding based on libraries of picture and dynamic link Huazhong University of Science and Technology

  22. V型件翻边成形的数值模拟面向样件的二维钣金件优化排样方法研究

    Numerical Study on Flanging of V-Shaped Sheet Metal Part A Part - oriented Method of 2D Sheet Metal Nesting

  23. 钣金FMS用CAD/CAM系统的改造研究

    Research on Rebuilding CAD / CAM of FMS for Sheet Metal

  24. 通过对Solidedge钣金件展开的补偿量的分析,提供了两种Solidedge钣金件展开长度补偿量自定义方法。

    This article provides two customized methods for Solid Edge sheet metal bending compensation by analyzing the sheet metal unfolding bends for Solid Edge .

  25. 基于可疑行为识别的PE病毒检测方法一种钣金件拓扑元素命名和辨识方法

    Detection Method Against PE Virus Based on Suspicious Behavior Identification A New Method of Naming and Identifying Topological Entities

  26. 钣金件展开CAD系统是利用电子计算机技术来实现钣金件的自动、准确、快速的展开。

    The CAD system for unfolding of typical sheet metal can be developed automatically 、 exactly 、 rapidly by the usage of electronic computer technology .

  27. 计算机软件在TBM掘进机风管钣金展开中的应用

    The application of computer-aided software in sheet metal unfolding of TBM air duct

  28. Inventor在复杂钣金件展开中的应用(简报)

    Inventor of complex metalwork displays functionality ( bulletin )

  29. 介绍了钣金加工线PLC控制系统的组成及工作原理,分析了系统的软、硬件设计。

    The consist and principle of the plate proccessing line PLC control system are presented , the design of system software and hardware is aslo analyzed .

  30. 粘性介质压力成形(Viscouspressureforming,VPF)适合于高强度难变形材料钣金零件的制造。

    Viscous pressure forming ( VPF ) is a good sheet metal forming flexible method to manufacture high strength and difficult-to-form material parts .