
hēi xiāng
  • black box
黑箱[hēi xiāng]
  1. BP神经网络模型仅仅是一个黑箱模型,不能很好的表现电池内部运行性能,对于需要研究其内部工作特性的应用领域,该建模方法存在一定的局限性。

    But the model is merely a black box , which cannot well show the battery operating performance and has certain limitation .

  2. 正是PE无形资产的投入改变了估值黑箱的成长轨迹,使之表现出不同的估值特性。

    It is the investment of intangible assets from PE changes the growth trajectory of black box valuation , which shows different characteristics of valuation . 2 .

  3. 黑箱测试是指测试软件接口进行。

    Black-box testing alludes to test that are conducted at the software interface .

  4. 对BP人工神经网络的设计参数和训练过程进行分析,并结合任务分解法的思想,利用BP人工神经网络对其中一用能优化序列建立黑箱数学模型。

    Mathematical model of the thermally coupled distillation is established with artificial neural network .

  5. 经典的DEA模型把决策单元看作一个“黑箱”,对决策单元的内部运行机制不作深入的研究。

    Traditional DEA approaches usually treat the evaluated DMU as a'BLACK BOX'and ignore its internal mechanism .

  6. 通过黑箱模型,确定了COD经包气带地层的变化量。

    By using the black ? box model , the variation quantity of COD passing the aeration zone layer is determined .

  7. 针对诺西肽发酵过程所具有的多阶段特性,提出了基于FCM和神经网络的阶段划分方法,并基于加权RBF神经网络建模方法构建了分阶段的生化参数黑箱软测量模型。

    For multistage characteristic of Nosiheptide fermentation process , a phase identification method based on FCM algorithm and neural network technique is presented .

  8. 用Laguerre模型的传递函数黑箱辩识

    Black-Box Identification of Transfer Functions Using Laguerre Models

  9. 研究得出:1、投资前的估值不确定性是因现有的估值方案中没把博弈双方完整纳入估值对象,PE的缺失导致估值黑箱不完整、不稳定引起的。

    Pre-investment valuation uncertainty is caused by the incompleteness and unstable of black box valuation , for the original valuation scheme does not include the PE as its object of valuation .

  10. 同时,本文还系统研究了精度更高的基于BP神经网络的黑箱预测方法,给出了一个基于BP网络的试验平台。

    BP artificial neural network is also analyzed in this paper , which provides a more accurate way of digital image processing , and gets a platform based on BP artificial neural network .

  11. 分别采用二次核函数以及高斯RBF核函数,利用训练数据对线性和非线性系统进行黑箱辨识。

    According to the train data , linear and nonlinear systems ' black_box identification is performed by using SVM with quadric polynomial and Gaussian RBF kernel respectively .

  12. 在研究RBF神经网络基本理论的基础上,对神经网络在非线性系统建模中的应用进行了可行性分析。神经网络的非线性建模方法,将对象视为一个黑箱。

    Based on the study of the basic theory of neutral network , the feasibility of the application of RBF neural network in nonlinear system modeling is analyzed .

  13. 使用BP神经网络建立光纤陀螺温度特性的黑箱模型,不对零漂和标度因子进行补偿,而直接对陀螺输出进行校正。

    The black-box temperature model of FOG can be modeled by using BP network and directly correct the error of the output of FOG without compensating gyro drift and scale factor as the traditional method does .

  14. 论文深入探讨了三种黑箱模型方法:适应性模糊推理系统(ANFIS)、小波网络和小波变换-模糊马尔可夫链方法。

    Adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system ( ANFIS ), the wavelet network , and the wavelet transform-fuzzy Markov chains approach were discussed here .

  15. 同时,基于Microsoft(R)Script组件建立了具有黑箱特性的指标在线运算模块,作为与算法无关的纯计算程序,其在线计算量小,提高了对数据的分析能力和可操作性。

    Based on Microsoft ( R ) Script component , an on-line index calculation module is created as a black box , which is a single calculation procedure with a little on-line calculation to improve analysis ability and maneuverability .

  16. 当前的中间件,无论CORBA、DCOM还是JAVARMI基本上都采用了黑箱抽象的原则,因此它们都存在灵活性和适应性的先天性不足。

    The current middleware , such as CORBA , DCOM , and Java RMI , basically depends on the principle of black-box abstraction , so they are inherently short of flexibility and adaptability .

  17. 将AAN(人工神经网络)应用于CO2汽提塔的模拟,以其模型作为黑箱模型,代替了严格模型,简化了计算,节省了机时。

    IV To simplify calculation and save calculation time , ANN is applied to simulate CC > 2 stripper . Rigorous model is replaced by ' black box ' model .

  18. 软件设计在传统上遵循黑箱(black-box)抽象的原则,即一个模块应该呈现其功能而隐藏其本身的实现。

    Traditionally the design of software applies the principle of black-box abstraction , that is to say a model should present its function while hide the underlying implementation .

  19. 对于TestConductorAddOn,您可以测试在嵌入式目标上运行的程序,而不用使用黑箱测试来连接目标以测试资源限制型的目标。

    With the TestConductor Add On , you can test applications that run on an embedded target without using black box tests to connect to the target to test resource-constrained targets .

  20. 网络DEA模型一方面可以用于解决复杂系统评价过程中存在的问题,另一方面也可以把DEA评价系统的黑箱打开。

    Network DEA model can be used to solve the complex system on the problems existing in the process of evaluating , on the other hand can also put DEA evaluation system of " black box " open .

  21. FNN不再是一黑箱,其所有节点与参数都具有物理意义,并克服了ANN结构的选择缺乏充分理论分析的缺点。

    The FNN model is not a black box any more and its all nodes and parameters have physical meaning , and it overcomes the disadvantage which choosing ANN configuration is short of sufficient theoretical analysis .

  22. 对于一个美国东亚事务助理国务卿科特坎贝尔(kurtcampbell)称之为“黑箱”的国家来说,回答上述问题并不容易。

    This is not easy to answer of a country that Kurt Campbell , US Assistant Secretary of state for East Asian affairs , has called a " black box " .

  23. 事实上,PE的无形资产对获得投资后的目标企业这个估值黑箱的成长影响很大,这是前人研究中没注意到的一个基础性问题,其根源来自中西方的文化差异。

    In fact , the intangible assets of PE has great influence on the growth of the black box valuation . It is a fundamental problem that is not noticed in previous studies . The reason comes from cultural differences between China and the West .

  24. 争论的焦点主要在于现实中各种曲线MBO大行其道,存在着黑箱操作、掌勺者私吞大锅饭等等不公正行为,导致了国有资产流失,企业职工、中小股民等相关利益主体的利益受损问题。

    The main focus of the discussion is that MBO in reality has brought loss of state assets and that some relative sides , like employees and small stock holders , lose their due interest in the MBO process .

  25. 但是PID控制器本身一些固有的缺陷使得其在遇到负荷多变、干扰因素复杂被控对象时就显得无能为力,这时加入模糊控制这类可黑箱调节的控制方式能大大改善系统稳定性。

    However , owing to some inherent flaws included by in PID controller itself , PID controller appears helpless when it meets the complex controlled plant whose load is changeable , but it will be helpful to improve the stability performance of the system by introducing Fuzzy Control .

  26. 该方法把FRA看成一个黑箱系统,不再根据具体的数学模型精确分析其内部究竟发生了什么、是如何发生的。

    In this new method , an exact mathematical model of FRA to determine what happens and how it happens is not needed . Instead , a FRA is regarded as a black-box .

  27. 传统DEA方法把决策单元看成一个黑箱,不考虑决策单元的系统构成,忽视系统中子过程之间效率的相互影响,以及子过程效率对系统整体效率的影响。

    Traditional DEA method put decision unit as a " black box ", do not consider decision unit the system structure , ignore system between neutron process , and the mutual influence the efficiency of system subprocesses efficiency the influence of overall efficiency .

  28. 经典的Lanchester战斗模型及其改进一般基于具有黑箱性质的平均域方法,无法明确描述战斗中各参战单元之间的局部交战关系。

    The Lanchester model and its improvements which are " black-box " based on mean-field theories can not represent the local duel relationship between units of opposing forces in combat explicitly .

  29. 知情人士表示,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)对苹果在爱尔兰税务安排的调查将得出初步结论,指称这家硅谷企业在与爱尔兰当局达成黑箱交易后,多年享受低于2%的税率,获利于非法政府补贴。

    Preliminary findings from the European Commission 's investigation into Apple 's tax affairs in Ireland , where it has had a rate of less than 2 per cent , claim the Silicon Valley company benefited from illicit state aid after striking backroom deals with Ireland 's authorities , according to people involved in the case .

  30. SFA追踪特定元素或化合物的流动过程,识别环境问题和潜在的解决途径;而MFA通常把经济系统当作黑箱,分析其物质吞吐量。

    SFA tracks the flows of specific substances ( e.g. , elements or compounds ), often with the intent of identifying environmental problems and seeking for potential solutions , while MFA usually regards economic system as a black box and analyzes its material throughput .