
  • 网络Black notebook;The little black book
  1. 多年来,联想一直面向企业用户设计生产保守的黑色ThinkPad笔记本电脑,而今该公司将针对普通的个人用户推出新的IdeaPad笔记本电脑系列,预计这款产品将使人眼前一亮。

    After years of targeting business users with its conservative , black ThinkPad laptops , the personal-computer company is going after everyday consumers with a flashy new notebook line called IdeaPad .

  2. IBM通体黑色的ThinkPad笔记本电脑长期以来均以高价卖给商界人士,这些买家视之为计算机领域最富声望的一大品牌生产的耐用商务用机。

    IBM 's all-black ThinkPad laptops had long commanded high prices from business buyers , who saw them as rugged corporate workhorses produced by one of the most prestigious names in computing .

  3. 他在我寓所住的前两天神态非常平静,一直在读书,吸烟,在一个黑色的小笔记本上写东西。

    For the first two days in my flat , he was very calm , and spent all his time reading and smoking , and writing in a little black notebook .