
  • 网络mainstream smoke;main stream smoke
  1. 卷烟主流烟气中CO的降低方法综述

    Summary on Reduction of CO in Cigarette Mainstream Smoke

  2. 配合物添加在卷烟滤嘴中,能较好地降低卷烟主流烟气中的CO含量。

    Chitosan metal complex could efficiently eliminate the CO content in the cigarette mainstream smoke .

  3. 高效液相色谱测定卷烟及其主流烟气中的维生素E

    Determination of Vitamin E in Cigarette and Mainstream Cigarette Smoke with HPLC

  4. [美俚]香烟,烟卷卷烟主流烟气粒相物和气相物pH值的测定

    Determination of pH Values of Particulate Matter and Vapor Phase of Mainstream Cigarette Smoke

  5. 本文对5个牌号国产商品卷烟主流烟气(MS)与侧流烟气(SS)中的半挥发性成分进行了分析研究。

    Semi-volatile components in mainstream and sidestream smoke from 5 brands domestic commercial cigarettes were studied .

  6. 建立并完善了卷烟主流烟气中挥发性羰基化合物的HPLC分析方法。

    A method used to determine the volatile carbonyl compounds in cigarette mainstream smoke by HPLC was developed and improved .

  7. 尼古丁(Nicotine的音译名),又叫烟碱,是烟草中的主要生物碱,是主流烟气中具有毒性的粒相成分。

    Nicotine is the main alkaloid in tobacco and the toxic granule component in the mainstream smoke .

  8. 而CO、圆周与硬度对卷烟主流烟气与理化性质两类信息间的整体相关性的影响不大。

    The contribution of CO of mainstream smoke , circumference and rigidity of cigarettes to the integration relativity between the two kinds of information is very small .

  9. 连续流动法测定卷烟主流烟气中的HCN释放量

    Determination of HCN in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke by Continuous Flow Analyzer

  10. 研究结果表明:活性炭能有效截留卷烟主流烟气中的总粒相物,但对卷烟的抽吸口数及CO释放量影响不大;

    The results show that the activated carbon can filter mainstream smoke of cigarette effectively , lowering its TPM value , but there is no obvious change in smoking times and selectivity adsorption for CO.

  11. 在吸烟机上,研究了不同抽吸条件下,卷烟主流烟气中苯并[a]芘以及TPM、烟碱和CO释放量的差异。

    The difference of deliveries of Benzo [ a ] pyrene , TPM , nicotine , and CO in mainstream smoke was studied with alternative puffing regime using smoking machine .

  12. 据此建立了一种固相萃取-二阶导数同步荧光光谱法测定卷烟主流烟气粒相物中BaP的新方法。

    Hereby the present paper introduces a new method to determine BaP in cigarette mainstream smoke by solid-phase-extraction second-order-derivative synchronous fluorescence .

  13. 本文通过研究不同抽吸条件下主流烟气苯并[a]芘和其他有害物质释放量(TPM、烟碱和一氧化碳)的差异,探讨了不同吸烟方式对有害物质产生量的影响;

    Based on the study of the deliveries of BaP and other harmful component in mainstream under alternative puffing regimens , the effects on the harmful component deliveries were discussed .

  14. LC/MS/MS法同时测定卷烟主流烟气中4种TSNAs

    Simultaneous determination of four tobacco-specific nitrosamines in cigarette mainstream smoke by LC / MS / MS

  15. 测定总的主流烟气pH的方法是将主流烟气用水溶液吸收后测量pH或将pH电极插入主流烟气通道直接测定。

    The methods for whole cigarette smoke may involve either determining the pH of the aqueous solution of mainstream smoke , or measuring by direct insertion of a pH electrode into the smoke . The procedures for determining the pH of particulate matter are as follows .

  16. 本文采用气相色谱-热能分析仪(GC-TEA)对卷烟主流烟气中主要4种烟草特有N-亚硝胺(TSNAs)进行了分析;

    Method was developed for the determination of tobacco specific nitrosamines ( TSNAs ) in cigarette smoke with GC-TEA .

  17. 采用SPE-GC研究了不同材料滤嘴对卷烟主流烟气中挥发性羰基化合物的截滤性能。

    A study was carried out on the filtration effect of filters made from different materials on the volatile carbonyl compounds in cigarette mainstream smoke .

  18. 为了考察维生素E酯在卷烟中的应用效果,利用香精注射机将不同梯度的维生素E酯加入卷烟烟丝中,分析主流烟气中维生素E和TSNAs的含量变化,感官评吸其添加效果。

    For investigating their application effect in cigarette , Vitamin E esters of different concentration gradients were added to cigarettes by the spice injector . Vitamin E and TSNAs in mainstream cigarette smoke were systematically analyzed , and cigarettes quality were evaluated by the sense of evaluating experts .

  19. 本文为研究卷烟主流烟气TPM中单糖及糖醇对卷烟吃味的影响,选定9个牌号不同类型的卷烟为研究对象,探讨了烟气与烟丝中糖类物质含量的关系。

    Study on the influence of monosaccharide and alditol in mainstream smoke TPM on the taste of cigarette , 9 brands of cigarettes were selected as research objects , the relationship between the sugar contents in tobacco and smoke was analyzed .

  20. 选择2,4-二硝基苯肼(DNPH)为羰基化合物的衍生化试剂,建立了快速分离柱高效液相色谱测定卷烟主流烟气中8种羰基化合物的方法。

    The determination of major carbonyl compounds in mainstream cigarette smoke by rapid column high performance liquid chromatography was investigated . The cigarette smoke was collected using a Cambridge filter treated with acidic solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine .

  21. 卷烟主流烟气和侧流烟气中半挥发性成分的分析研究

    Analysis of some semi-volatile components in mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke

  22. GB5606.5-1996卷烟主流烟气与烟丝化学技术指标

    Cigarettes & Mainstream smoke and chemical technical specification of cut tobacco

  23. 卷烟主流烟气中主要羰基化合物的测定高效液相色谱法

    JIS C9913-2008 Measuring method of volatile organic compounds and carbonyl comp

  24. 卷烟主流烟气中挥发和半挥发性成分分析

    Analysis of Volatile and Semi-volatile Components in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke

  25. 卷烟主流烟气中酚类化合物的LC-MS/MS法测定

    LC-MS / MS Determination of Major Phenolic Compounds in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke

  26. 卷烟主流烟气中一氧化碳含量采用非散射红外法测定。

    The content of carbon monoxide was determinated by NDIR .

  27. 直接萃取-GC/MS法测定卷烟主流烟气中四种芳香胺

    Analysis of aromatic amines in mainstream cigarette smoke by extraction-GC / MS

  28. 利用植物提取物降低卷烟主流烟气中的自由基

    Reducing free radicals in cigarette mainstream smoke through plant extracts

  29. 再造烟叶对卷烟主流烟气中苯酚的影响

    The Influence of Reconstituted Tobacco Sheet on Phenol in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke

  30. 卷烟主流烟气成分释放量的人工神经网络预测研究

    Predication studies of mainstream cigarette smoke constituents by BP-ANN