
zhǔ bàn
  • host;sponsor;hold;direct;undertake
主办 [zhǔ bàn]
  • [direct;undertake;sponsor] 主持办理

  • 展览会将由外贸部主办

主办[zhǔ bàn]
  1. 2001年,中国将作为亚太经合组织(APEC)的东道国,负责主办APEC的一系列活动。

    This year , China will act as the host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ( APEC ) and sponsor a series of APEC activities .

  2. 为主办单位提供指定的接待台。

    Provide designated reception or special requirements for the sponsor unit .

  3. 德国主办了世界杯决赛。

    Germany hosted the World Cup finals .

  4. 1981年末之后,彩虹剧院就再没主办过现场音乐会。

    The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981

  5. 巴塞罗那获选为1992年奥运会的主办城市。

    Barcelona was chosen to be host of the 1992 Olympic games .

  6. 1987年加拿大主办了英联邦大会。

    In 1987 Canada played host to the Commonwealth Conference

  7. 还有其他5个城市为赢得该届运动会的主办权一直在进行角逐。

    Five other cities had been competing for the honour of staging the Games

  8. 戛纳每年主办电影节。

    Cannes hosts the annual film festival .

  9. 中国是第十一届亚洲奥林匹克运动会的主办国。

    China is the host of The Eleventh Asian Olympic Games .

  10. 中国将主办国际服装机械展览会。

    China will host an exhibition of international garment machinery .

  11. 这个展览会由机械工业部主办。

    The exhibition is sponsored by the Machine-Building Ministry .

  12. 这次报告会是由科学院主办的。

    The lecture was given under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences .

  13. 对于重组体dna问题,我们需要有一个全面的估价,而且最好由联邦政府主办。

    We need a comprehensive assessment of the recombinant DNA issue , preferably under the auspices of the federal government .

  14. 奥巴马刚在檀香山结束美国主办的亚太经济合作组织领导人年度会议。

    Obama just completed hosting the annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders ' forum in honolulu .

  15. 展览会将由农业部主办。

    The exhibition will be sponsored by ( or held under the auspices of ) the Ministry of agriculture .

  16. 为了保障9月份G20峰会期间的蓝天,主办城市浙江省杭州市以及周边区域近期发布了防治空气污染的规划。

    To ensure blue skies during September 's G20 Summit , host city Hangzhou , Zhejiang province , and surrounding regions recently released plans to restrict air pollution .

  17. 我们都追求包容性增长,也愿意继续推行中国主办APEC期间提出的各项主张。

    We are for an inclusive growth and we would like to move forward all the initiatives that we put forward here during China 's APEC chairmanship .

  18. 主办二十国集团(G20)峰会的澳大利亚日前祭出一招“考拉外交”,安排了毛茸茸又害羞的考拉来欢迎世界各国领导人,让他们在讨论严肃议题前,先抱抱这些澳大利亚国宝。

    Australia arranged a warm and fuzzy welcome for the world 's most powerful leaders at this weekend 's G20 summit with a campaign dubbed1 " koala diplomacy2 " , in which top politicians cuddled the shy native marsupials .

  19. 这次考试是由政府主办的。

    The examination was held under the auspices of the government .

  20. 国际奥委会发言人称,奥运会主办城市的场馆没有观众,这是史无前例的。

    According to an IOC spokesman , it 's unprecedented for a host city 's venues not to have spectators .

  21. 由15名成员组成的国际奥委会执行委员会一致投票通过布里斯班作为唯一的候选城市,从而让布里斯班获得主办权变得毫无悬念。

    Brisbane 's victory looked a certainty after it was unanimously selected as the single candidate for 2032 by the IOC 's 15-strong executive board .

  22. 这一决定意味着国际奥委会目前已经敲定了未来三届夏季奥运会的主办城市。2024年奥运会将在法国巴黎举行,而2028年奥运会和残奥会将由美国洛杉矶主办。

    The decision means the IOC has now secured hosts for the next three Summer Games with Paris in France staging the 2024 Games and Los Angeles in the United States to host the 2028 Olympics and Paralympics .

  23. 高校尤其会针对研究生举行这样的研讨会来让大家了解最新的研究。这些研讨会通常由学院、大学和政府机构主办,采用讲座、演示或研究人员的发言等形式,多数都是一些教授介绍他们正在进行的研究。

    In universities , especially for graduate students , brown bag seminars are often offered to update the researching community about ongoing research . Usually held by schools , universities and governmental institutions , they involve lectures , presentations , or talks by researchers , mostly professors about their ongoing research .

  24. 该中心主办的《中国研究》(TheChinaJournal)杂志得到国际学术界的好评。

    The magazine " The China Journal " hosted by the center receives good remarks by international academia .

  25. 2022年世界杯的主办国是卡塔尔,在C组3比0轻取不丹之后,轻松跻身小组第一出线。

    Qatar , the 2022 host , has definitely topped Group C with 18 points after easing past Bhutan 3-0 tonight .

  26. 在近期由美国瑞士基金会(americanswissfoundation)主办的一次苏黎世-伯尔尼之旅中,我发现很多瑞士人仍对此愤恨不已。

    On a recent trip to Zurich and Bern hosted by the American Swiss Foundation , I found many Swiss still resentful .

  27. 巴黎国际汽车零部件及装备展览会(EQUIPAUTO)创办于1975年,由巴黎展览委员会主办。

    Paris International Auto Parts and Equipment Exhibition ( EQUIP AUTO ) was founded in1975 , organized by the Paris Exhibition Committee .

  28. 第五章通过设计调查问卷分别测量参展商对威海渔具展、主办方CHINAFISH以及主办地威海的忠诚度,由调查结果分析威海渔具展的合作各方在这一品牌会展中的作用。

    Chapter ⅴ measured the exhibitors ' loyalty of CGC EXPO , Weihai and CHINA FISH through the survey questionnaires . And analysis the function of cooperation parties in this brand exhibition by the result of the survey .

  29. 第二年暑假,这三名学生参加了由“大学之峰”(CollegeSummit)组织主办的讲座活动,学会了如何确定未来的职业目标,如何准备申请材料以及如何申请助学金。

    The next summer , the three attended workshops put on by the group College Summit and learned how to pinpoint their career goals , tackle college applications and qualify for financial assistance .

  30. 欧巴马的九天行程始于檀香山亚太经合组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation,APEC)领导人会议,这是18年来,美国首次主办由21个成员组成的APEC峰会。

    Obama opened the trip with the21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Leaders ' Meeting in Honolulu , which was hosted by the United States for the first time in18 years .