
  • 网络Guangdong Road;canton road
  1. 叙述对上海社会影响较大的广东路地基修复工程的设计和施工方案,浅述了压密注浆、旋喷桩技术及流态灰材料在城市地基修复中的成功综合应用。

    Hereby described are the proposal for the design and construction of ground repair of Guangdong Rd which has great social influence , and the successful comprehensive application of such techniques as compaction grouting , chemical churning piles and the material of flowing ash .

  2. 通过对广东排球运动过去和现在的体制、管理、普及、特点等问题进行分析比较,辩证地提出广东排球复兴之路。为广东排球走出低谷出谋献策。

    To compare the system of organization , management , popularization and characteristic of Guangdong volleyball in the past and now , put forward the way of rejuvenation .