
  1. 浅谈城市广场雕塑的设计

    On Sculpture Design at City Square

  2. 长春市大力建设其城市广场雕塑,街路雕塑,园林雕塑和社区雕塑。

    Changchun made great efforts in developing its square sculpture , garden sculpture , and community sculpture .

  3. 公司主导寺庙古建、城市广场雕塑、园林景观石材、欧式装饰建材等。

    Yufeng Stone mainly deal with projects for ancient construction , city square statues , park landscapes and European-style decorative building materials .

  4. 本文结合作者对大雁塔北广场雕塑群的调研记录,分析了大雁塔北广场的雕塑是怎样通过不同的材料,包括金属、石材、混合材料以及相应的加工工艺来表现出不同的审美效果的。

    Combined with research note of the northern square of big wild goose pagoda , the paper analyze how these sculptures can fit with different tastes using material such as metal , store and mixed material and its relevant processing technology .

  5. 本人在知青广场的雕塑前留影。

    I have the sculpture in the square before the young pictures .

  6. 古老而多姿的欧洲深深地吸引着我。它拥有那么多的国家,那么多种语言,那么多漂亮的城堡、宫殿、教堂、广场和雕塑。

    Europe , ancient and multi-faceted , attracted me deeply : there were so many countries , so many languages , so many beautiful castles , palaces , churches , squares and sculptures .

  7. 这种评价方式应该反映评价主体&专家、艺术家、业主和公众意识的综合,而且具备一种导向性和可操作性,以对城市广场的水景雕塑的决策、规划和设计创作过程提供理论参考。

    This method should also have the function of orientation and can be operable , and it can be a useful guideline in the design process , such as in the planning , designing , making decision and so on .

  8. 在这场声势浩大的建设浪潮中,城市广场景观建设与广场装饰雕塑设计无疑是城市广场规划中最引人注目的新兴学科。

    In this massive wave of building , City Square Plaza , landscape construction and design decorative sculpture in the City Square is undoubtedly the most compelling new study .