
  1. 最近在广播采访中有人问我TimFerriss是不是我的竞争对手。

    Someone asked me in a radio interview recently if Tim Ferriss was my competitor .

  2. 对一本新书的作者所做的广播采访。

    A radio interview with the author of a new book .

  3. 同时,他们也在地方电视言论和国家广播采访节目上宣传他们的事迹。

    They are also making their case in local television ads , and in nationally broadcast interviews .

  4. CBS官方一直考虑允许广播记者采访的新闻。

    CBS officials were concerned about permitting news broadcasts by reporters .

  5. 而被引用次数最多的人均打喷嚏频率来自于一名受ABC广播公司采访的医生,他觉得平均每人每年会打200次喷嚏。

    The most widely cited figure for average sneeze frequency comes from a doctor interviewed by ABC News , who pegged it at 200 sneezes per person per year .

  6. 巴菲特在接受全国广播公司采访时说,纽约不适合他。

    New York just wasn 't for him , Buffett told NBC .

  7. 英国首相布朗星期天在接受英国广播公司采访时敦促人们要保持镇静。

    Interviewed on BBC Television Sunday , Prime Minister Gordon Brown urged calm .

  8. 广播中采访人们对青少年相关问题的看法

    Interview people about teen-related issues on the air

  9. 克拉克在今天早上在接受哥伦比亚广播公司采访时如是说道。

    Clarke was interviewed on CBS this morning .

  10. 著名的投资人、亿万富翁索罗斯接受英国广播公司采访时对20国集团峰会发表了比较悲观评语。

    Interviewed on the BBC , the influential billionaire investor George Soros delivered a somber assessment .

  11. 艾哈迈迪内贾德在美国广播公司采访中发表的评论使得伊朗领导人发出的回应更加含混不清。

    President Ahmadinejad 's comments in the ABC interview only added to the muddled response coming from Iranian leaders .

  12. “我不是个逃犯,”前主编星期五在和艾欣塔电台广播的采访中说。

    " I 'm not a fugitive ," the former editor said in an interview with el-Shinta radio broadcast Friday .

  13. 来自南卡罗莱纳州的参议员林塞.格雷厄姆在接受美国广播公司采访时说,经济刺激计划并没有通过跨党派合作的测试。

    Senator Lindsey Graham , a South Carolina Republican , told ABC 's This Week the stimulus bill failed the bipartisanship test .

  14. 库什内在接受“欧洲一台”广播电台采访时,对这次会谈表示低调。他说,会谈的目的并不是要和哈马斯建立关系。

    In an interview on Europe1 radio , Kouchner downplayed the discussions , saying they did not amount to establishing relations with Hamas .

  15. 星期天,这3位竞选人在全国广播电视采访节目中亮相,争取接触到尽可能多的州的观众。

    On Sunday , they tried to reach audiences in as many states as possible with appearances on nationally broadcast television interview programs .

  16. 彼得罗夫斯基接受澳大利亚广播公司采访时表示,疫苗中的抗体会像拖车一样移除被疾病损害的蛋白质。

    Petrovsky told ABC that the antibodies in the vaccine candidate work like tow trucks turning up to remove proteins damaged by disease .

  17. (在其中一项测试条件下),我们给狗狗展示新面孔,它们之前从未见过这些人脸,胡贝尔教授接受英国广播公司采访时说。

    [ In one test condition ] , we showed them new faces - faces they 've never seen before , Prof Huber told BBC News .

  18. 格林躲避电视和广播的采访,一般讲对传播媒介态度拘谨。按他的话说,“传播媒介”这个词已变成坏新闻业的代名词。

    Greene avoided interviews for television and radio and was generally restrained with the media & a word which , he said , came to mean bad journalism .

  19. 南非已故前总统纳尔逊·曼德拉于2013年12月5日(星期四)逝世,享年95岁。其女马卡兹维在接受英国广播公司采访时,谈到了父亲临终前的“美好时刻”。

    Nelson Mandela 's daughter Makaziwe has told the BBC about the " wonderful " final hours of the former president , who died aged 95 last Thursday .

  20. 阿博特星期二在接受澳大利亚广播公司采访时,为他制定的关闭150个原住民社区的计划进行辩解。

    Mr. Abbott made the comments Tuesday in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in which he defended his plan to shut down up to 150 Aboriginal communities .

  21. 周日,在美国全国电视广播的采访中,戴蒙表示:就在四周前我们告诉了大家一些彻头彻尾的错误信息。

    In an interview on national US television broadcast on Sunday , Mr Dimon said : We told you something that was completely wrong a mere four weeks ago .

  22. 普莱特在接受美国广播公司采访时表示,他持续观察开玩笑(以及抱怨)12个月,意识到“这有助于人们处理压力和挫折”。

    Pouthier observed the joking ( and complaining ) that went on for 12 months and realized " it helps people to process stress and frustration , " Pouthier told ABC .

  23. 由于飞行难度和风险之大,一周前,杰布在接受美国广播公司采访时说,这将是他一生中最具挑战的极限项目,也是一次全球极限运动的创举。

    ' This will be the most challenging project in my life as well as a breakout of global extreme sports ' , he said at his ABC interview a week ago .

  24. 苏格兰政府首席大臣妮古拉·斯特金日前接受英国广播公司采访时表示,若英国政府启动脱欧正式程序,而没有照顾苏格兰的立场,那么苏格兰就有可能举行第二次独立公投。

    The First Minister of Scotland , Nicola Sturgeon , told the BBC that could happen if the UK government started the formal process of leaving the EU without Scotland 's position being safeguarded .

  25. 在周日接受中国国际广播的采访中,彭山县宣传部外宣办副主任梁卫东说,有关部门在上周四最早知晓这一死鸭事件。

    Speaking in an interview with China National Radio on Sunday , Liang Weidong , a deputy director in Pengshan 's publicity department , said that the authorities were first made aware of the ducks on Tuesday .

  26. 美国罗格斯大学社会心理学家苏珊纽曼在接受美国广播公司采访时表示:成百上千例的研究报告显示,独生子女与同龄其他孩子并没有什么不同。

    There have been hundreds and hundreds of research studies that show that only children are no different from their peers , Susan Newman , a social psychologist at Rutgers University in the US , told ABC News .

  27. 他在随后接受伦敦广播公司采访时,将自己描述成“绳索上的加加林”。前苏联宇航员加加林是人类进入太空第一人。

    Speaking later to London radio station LBC , he described himself as " the Yuri Gagarin of the zipwire , " in reference to the Soviet cosmonaut who was the first person to venture into outer space .

  28. 23岁的克里斯蒂·陈抓拍到了这一幕,她在接受英国广播公司采访时表示,当时拍照是为了让家人看看水浸情况有多严重,无意中看到那位大伯坐在商场入口附近。

    The moment was captured by 23-year-old Kristy Chan who told the BBC she was taking photos to show her family how bad the floods were , and came across the man , seated near the entrance to a mall .

  29. 布什总统在接受哥伦比亚广播电台采访时说,他没有期望一个“完美的政治环境”,但是他说,他希望看到以色列和巴勒斯坦在确定巴勒斯坦国的问题上取得进展。

    In an interview with CBS Radio , Mr. Bush said he does not expect to encounter " a perfect political environment , " but said he hopes to see Israelis and Palestinians make progress on defining a Palestinian state .

  30. 你有没有在广播里听到采访他的情况?

    Did you hear the interview with him on the radio ?