
  • 网络intercession;intercede;Prayer Requests;Intercessory Prayer
  1. 当我花时间代祷时,会看见更多人归向主。

    As I spend time in intercession , I will see more conversions .

  2. 然而代祷的荣耀更是何等大!

    But how much greater the glory of intercession !

  3. 使用电话专线提供资讯、谘询及代祷。

    Provide information , consultation , and prayer support through information hotline .

  4. 故此各位对我们的捐献与代祷,将是莫大的支持。

    Your prayer and donations will be a great support to us .

  5. 为年报的印刷与寄发顺利进行代祷。

    Pray for the smooth printing and mailing of the Annual Report .

  6. 感谢大家的代祷与持续的关心。

    Thank you all for your continuous prayers and care .

  7. 请为招收新学年新生事宜代祷。

    Please pray for accepting new students for the new school year .

  8. 有没有朋友急需你的代祷呢?

    Is there someone in need for whom you should be praying ?

  9. 请各团契为建堂代祷。

    Pray for the building needs in fellowships and worship .

  10. 我和你们在一起,也会在圣子面前为你们代祷。

    I am with you and intercede for you before my Son .

  11. 我们求圣代祷,而非向其祈祷。

    We pray with saints , not to them .

  12. 请我们为这个家来代祷。

    Let us continue to pray for this family .

  13. 朝正兄脖子的疼痛仍然需要我们大家迫切的代祷。

    Brother Chuajun 's pain in his neck still needs our urgent prayers .

  14. 为本教会15周年特刊的最后编辑工作,各项庆祝活动的策划代祷。

    Pray for our15 anniversary special edition , and all the preparation activities .

  15. 为准备在今年复活节接受洗礼的弟兄姊妹们代祷。

    Pray for the brothers and sisters who will be baptized this Easter .

  16. 敬拜能使代祷有一种新的能力。

    Adoration will give new power for intercession .

  17. 但愿所有的信徒及传道人能同心合意地为着全地的人代祷。

    Let Christians and ministers agree and bind themselves together for this worldwide intercession .

  18. 下主日李席舟长老将传讲信息请代祷。

    Elder Lee will be preaching next week .

  19. 请继续为建堂计划代祷并从中经历神。

    Please continue to pray for the project and experience God in the process .

  20. 代祷能使你感觉需要更深的敬拜。

    Intercession will lead to the feeling of the need of a deeper adoration .

  21. 为基督徒祷告,特别是那些负有重责的牧师传道人代祷。

    Pray for all Christians , especially for ministers and those in responsible positions .

  22. 我们极少发现有人想到该为着四周的人代祷。

    The thought of intercession for those around us is all too seldom found .

  23. 但如今,他却促请他们为他代祷(30、32节)。

    He was asking that they should pray for him ( vv . 30,32 ) .

  24. 谢谢你们一直的代祷和支持。

    Thanks for your prayer and support .

  25. 加入建堂计划代祷网!

    Join the Church Building Prayer Network !

  26. 请投入,代祷,支持。

    Please pray for and support us .

  27. 为邱小妹妹得医治代祷。

    For healing of Sister Qiu .

  28. 这些便都是我们在遇到麻烦时求圣代祷的理由。

    Those are all reasons we ask saints to pray for us in times of trouble .

  29. 感谢赞美神,我们要高举圣灵的工作,同时也为当地同工的出入的平安代祷。

    We uplift the work of the Holy Spirit and pray for the safety of worker there .

  30. 请我们柬埔寨事工继续代祷,我们会继续前往当地事奉!

    Please continue to pray for our ministry in Cambodia that we can continue to serve there !