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  1. 唯其如此,她们对1968一代人的后叙才构成了个人的生命时间对历史时间的钩沉。

    So their narrations to this generation of " 1968 " constitute a memory of life time of individual to historical time .

  2. 同时也是借助感觉的相通来完成对历史的真切回忆,弥补历史时间断裂的痕迹。唯其如此,她们对1968一代人的后叙才构成了个人的生命时间对历史时间的钩沉。

    It is communicating to finish the vivid remembrance to history and to remedy the ruptures of historical time through feeling at the same time . So their narrations to this generation of " 1968 " constitute a memory of life time of individual to historical time .