
  1. 军队必须装备合适的服装、武器、医疗代应和帐篷。

    The army must be kitted out with proper clothing , weapons , medical supplies and tents .

  2. 本文通过定义广义罗代应力参数,推导出新的屈服准则统一公式,它是经典的基于主应力的屈服准则统一表达式的推广。

    By defining the broad sense Lode stress parameter , construct a new united formula for yield criteria .

  3. 从而说明本区的应力场是晚新生代应力场的继续和发展。

    This indicates that in this region the present stress field is the continuity and development of the late cenozoic one .

  4. 苏鲁皖地区晚新生代构造应力场的初步探讨

    Preliminary study of Late Cenozoic tectonic stress field in jiangsu-shandong-anhui region

  5. 兰州地区新生代构造应力场演化特征

    Evolutionary characteristics of the Cenozoic structural stress field in rhe Lanzhou Area

  6. 青海东部地区新生代构造应力场探讨

    The analysis of Cenozoic stress field in the region of Eastern Qinghai

  7. 现代构造应力场与新生代以来应力场基本一致;

    The modern tectonic stress field is in keeping with that since cenozoic era .

  8. 塔里木盆地库车坳陷中新生代构造应力场分析

    An Analysis of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Tectonic Stress Field in Kuqa Depression , Tarim Basin

  9. 考虑到教育成本、市场需求等因素,新生代农民工应选择职业技术教育提升就业能力;

    Considering education cost and labor demand , new-generation migrant workers should improve their employability by choosing to accept professional technique education .

  10. 柴达木盆地北缘晚中生代新生代构造应力场来自构造节理分析的证据

    The stress field of Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonics in the northern Qaidam basin , Northwest China : Evidences from the analysis of joints data

  11. 我意识到,甚至强烈的感受到,自己应该通过电影这个艺术形式完成我们这一代人应尽的使命。

    I was reminded and even felt stronger that I want to keep on doing the things that our generation can do and through movies .

  12. 下一代网络应是一个能够提供包括话音、数据、视频和多媒体业务的网络,是一个基于统一协议的分组网络,采用开放的网络架构体系。

    It is expected to provide audio , data , video and multimedia service , and should be an open packet network architecture based on uniform protocols .

  13. 鲁西中、新生代构造应力场的更迭东海新生代构造格架特征与油气关系

    Changes of tectonic stress fields of Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras in western Shandong relation of Cenozoic geologic framework to oil and gas exploration in East China Sea

  14. 提出在豫北气候条件下,小麦夏播加代繁育应于6月15日前播种为宜;

    The sowing date of the summer seeding wheat which is before the June 15 should be suitable in the climate conditions of the north of Henan province .

  15. 结果表明:主压应力为北东东向,主张应力为北北西向,现代构造应力场与新生代以来应力场基本一致。

    The result shows that the orientation of principal compressive stress and principal tensile stress is NEE and NNW respectively . The modern tectonic stress field is in keeping with that since Cenozoic era .

  16. 经过对黄骅坳陷新生代构造应力场的分析,黄骅坳陷盖层中极难出现明确的走滑断裂,其雁列状排列的断层应为倾斜滑动断层;

    According to the analysis of regional structural stress field in Cenozoic , it 's hard to form explicit strike - slip faults in Huanghua Depression , the faults with en echelon arrangement should be inclined dip - slip faults .

  17. 继代培养后期应适时降低2,4-D浓度,以使愈伤组织能保持较好的分化性能。

    The concentration of 2,4-D should be decreased timely to keep the differentiation ability of callus .

  18. 新一代购房者应做好失望的准备。

    A new generation of buyers should gird themselves for disappointment .

  19. 通过对中国古代农业教育的研究,梳理出中国古代农业教育的主线,总结出现代农业教育应发扬的优秀成果,促进农业教育的不断创新。

    The conclusion is we should carry forward the outstanding achievements of ancient agricultural education to promote modern agricultural education .

  20. 莺歌海盆地新生代的构造应力场演化受太平洋板块、印度与欧亚板块之间相互作用控制。

    The Cenozoic evolution of tectonic stress field of Yinggehai basin is controlled by the interaction between Pacific plate , India plate and Eurasia plate .

  21. 其中,印度与欧亚板块碰撞作用所导致的印支地块与华南地块的相对运动,是决定莺歌海盆地新生代构造运动应力场变化的主要因素。

    Most of all , the relative movement between Indochina and South China block resulted from the India Eurasia collision is the dominate factor of the Cenozoic tectonic stress field controlling the origin and evolution of Yinggehai basin .

  22. 在分析当前主战坦克存在问题和发展动态的基础上,为适应未来高新技术条件下的作战要求,综述了下一代主战坦克应向低矮化、轻量化、数字化、隐身化的方向发展。

    On the basis of analysis of existing problems and development tendency of current MBT , the author put forward that in order to meet the operational requirements of the future high-technology war the next generation MBT should be low-profiled , light , digital and stealthy .

  23. 下一代工厂布局模式应具有高柔性、模块化和易于可重构性,柔性设备布局适应市场的动态需求。

    The next generation layouts should be flexible , modular and reconfigurable . Flexible facilities layout can satisfy dynamic market demand .

  24. 下一代核心路由器除了应具有极大的交换容量以外,还应具有灵活经济的可扩展性与极高的可靠性。

    The next-generation core routers should have extremely high capacity , flexible and economical scalability , and high reliability as well .

  25. 第三代生物医用材料应兼具生物活性和降解两种性能,在植入体内后可促进机体的再生能力,从而达到治疗效果。

    Third-generation biomedical materials possess two properties : degradation and bioactivity , and it can help the body heal itself once implanted .

  26. 该断裂在晚中生代表现为逆冲性质,至新生代随区域构造应力场的变化而转变为倾滑正断层。

    This fault was a thrust fault in the late Meso-zoic , but in the Cenozoic it turned into normal fault due to the change of regional stress field .

  27. 面对今天的信息时代,新一代的副刊编辑应坚持与时俱进、改革创新、立足市场、放眼世界,力图做一个编创结合的优秀编辑。

    Facing information age , today 's editors of supplements should insist on progressing with age , reforming and creating , taking root in markets and looking forward to the world and try to be an outstanding editor who is good at editing and creating .