
  1. 《旅行社条例》所透视的导游员薪酬及对策

    The Salary System of Tour Guides Implied by Regulations of Travel Agency and the Countermeasure

  2. 《旅行社条例》的颁布,将对未来5-10年的中国旅游业产生深远影响。

    The TRAVEL AGENCY REGULATIONS will produce profound influence for the coming 5-10 Chinese tourism industry .

  3. 本文从《旅行社条例》的内容方面入手,着重研究《旅行社条例》实施以后对相关方面产生的影响,进而针对影响提出建议。

    This article studies the impact of the travel agency regulations on related aspects after implementation , then putting forward the suggestions according to influence .

  4. 此外,《旅行社条例》、《旅行社服务质量赔偿标准》等,是我国现有的关于旅游方面较为完备的法规。

    In addition , Regulation on tour Agencies , Compensation Standard on Service Quality of tour Agencies and so on , are relatively comprehensive stipulations regarding tourism in China now .

  5. 根据我国1996年颁布的《旅行社管理条例》,所谓的旅行社是指有营利目的、从事旅游业务的企业。

    According to The rules of Travel Service Industry Management , a travel service is an enterprise that is engaged in tourism business and aims to make profit .