
lǚ xínɡ bāo
  • traveling bag
  1. 我有一个手提箱和一个旅行包。

    I have a suitcase and a traveling bag .

  2. 盛放过夜的衣服和化妆品的小的旅行包。

    A small traveling bag to carry clothing and accessories for staying overnight .

  3. 她买了一只能装得下那些胶卷筒的旅行包。

    She bought a travel-bag large enough to contain the film canisters .

  4. 我把钱藏在旅行包里。

    I hid the money in my pack .

  5. 我们学校为那次旅行包了三辆公共汽车。

    Our school chartered three buses for the trip .

  6. 这种旅行包携带轻便。

    This travelling bag is easy and convenient to carry .

  7. 通过这种X射线检查的方法得出的结论用于确定旅行包内是否装有非法物质以及容器内的液体是否是危险品或违禁品。

    This X-ray inspection method is used to determine whether a bag contains illegal substances and whether the dangerous liquid goods in a container are contraband .

  8. 亲爱的,你昨晚收拾旅行包了吗?

    Did you pack your bags last night , dear ?

  9. 由硬皮革制成的大的旅行包。

    A large travelling bag made of stiff leather .

  10. 警察从他的旅行包里搜出了违禁品。

    The police have discovered out some contraband goods in his traveling bag .

  11. 乘客不能在旅行包中携带液态物品。

    Passengers can not bring liquids in carry-on bags .

  12. 请您把旅行包放到柜台上打开好吗?

    Would you put your travel bag on this counter and open it ?

  13. 带有衣物的可移动的矩形的旅行包。

    A portable rectangular traveling bag for carrying clothes .

  14. 他为这次旅行包了一架飞机,其费用肯定令人咋舌。

    He chartered a plane for the trip which must have cost a fortune .

  15. 他尽量把东西都塞进旅行包。

    He tried to cram as many things as possible into his traveling bag .

  16. 到时候告诉我你是怎么带着旅行包生活的。

    All this traveling , I 'm sick of living out of a suitcase !

  17. 该剃须刀还配有旅行包、清洁刷和保护盖。

    It also comes with a travel pouch , cleaning brush and protective cap .

  18. 请把您的旅行包放在秤上。

    Put your bags on the scale .

  19. 我父亲去买火车票,我母亲照料旅行包。

    While my father bought the train ticket , my mother saw to the suitcase .

  20. 那是个黑色的旅行包。

    It 's a black overnight bag .

  21. 背包用带子系在肩上可用来装东西的帆布或皮制的旅行包我只带了一个旅行皮包。

    A canvas or leather traveling bag designed to be carried while strapped to the shoulders .

  22. 没有旅行包的需要。

    No tour package required .

  23. 他把网球运动衣放进一个旅行包,然后下楼走到前门。

    He put his tennis clothes in a small holdall and went down to the front door .

  24. 其中一个方法,以纾缓这个问题是有一个或多个婴儿旅行包方便。

    One way to ease this problem is to have one or more baby travel packs handy .

  25. 我想托运这三件行李,这只短途旅行包我自己随身带。

    I want to check these three pieces and I 'll carry this over-night bag by myself .

  26. 那两个牧民都背着旅行包,里面装着面包和乳酪,供他们沿途饿了的时候压压饥。

    The two shepherds wore rucksacks filled with bread and cheese they could eat on the way .

  27. 进来的是布兰特雷?马兰德,虽略显旅途劳顿,但泰然自若地提着他的大旅行包和伞。

    It was Brently Mallard who entered , a little travel-stained , composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella .

  28. 他们躺下来,递过水瓶,旅行包仍背在背后。他们几乎昏昏欲睡。

    They lay down , their rucksack still on their backs , passing the water bottle , almost dozing .

  29. 在楼顶下面空房间的床上,放着一只破旧的小旅行包。

    In the bare room under the roof , there was a small , battered valise on his bed .

  30. 随后,埃尔肯拿起一个短途旅行包,看上去就像一个普通的软尼龙行李箱,但色调更冷一些。

    Then Elkann grabbed an overnight bag that looked just like a typical soft nylon suitcase , if a bit cooler .