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  • 网络Leather garment;leather clothing
  1. 对皮革服装设计思路的再思考

    Consideration for Leather Garment Design

  2. 皮装后翘产生的原因及解决方法应当确立皮革服装在皮革制品中的龙头地位&浅谈皮革服装开发的前景

    The Leadership of Leather Garment in Leather Goods Should be Settled & Thc Future of Leather Garment Developing

  3. 皮革服装的设计及缝制工艺真丝针织品的生产工艺探讨

    Designed and Manufactured Technology of Leather The Processes of Silk-knitted Goods

  4. 一个令人兴奋的新技术是由皮革服装与莱卡的。

    One exciting new technology is apparel made from Leather with LYCRA .

  5. 论皮革服装加工余量的科学选定

    The Scientific Choice of Seam Allowance in The Leather Wear

  6. 浅析入世对皮革服装企业的影响

    The Impacts of China ′ s WTO Entry on Leather Clothing Enterprises

  7. 皮革服装设计及其发展趋势

    The Developing Trend of Design for the Leather Garments

  8. 皮革服装设计发展回顾与思考

    Review on the Development of Leather Garment Design

  9. 现代皮革服装装饰设计方法探讨

    Discussion on Decoration Designs for Modern Leather Clothing

  10. 用大设计的视角看皮革服装设计

    Review Leather Costume Design from Big Design

  11. 对皮革服装标准的思考

    Some Thoughts about Leather Garments Standards

  12. 皮革服装的设计与工艺

    Design and technology of leather garments

  13. 公司主要产品是皮革服装,裘皮时装,羊绒服装系列产品。

    We are a manufacturer and exporter for all kinds of leather garments , fur fashion , wool and cashmere series etc.

  14. 皮革服装是较受消费者喜爱的一个种类,本文着重阐述了皮革服装选择的侧重点及保存保养的方法。

    The leather clothing becomes popular in recent years , This article elaborated emphatically the leather clothing choice , and preserved maintenance method .

  15. 目前皮革服装市场现状:皮革服装市场竞争激烈,销售波动较大,品牌优势不明显。

    There is sharp competition on the present leather garment market , sales wave up and down and brand products take no remarkable superiority .

  16. 皮革服装的设计,要求色彩丰富多变、款式时尚个性、材料独特自然,要根据皮革服装的这一特性进行样板制作、排料划料、裁剪缝纫。

    Based on the change of touch texture and visual texture of leather clothing lining , various decoration designs for modern leather clothing were elaborated .

  17. 根据1998年秋冬国际皮革服装的流行趋势,探讨了如何在设计风格上加以利用,从而指导皮革服装的设计。

    According to the international trend of leather clothing in 1998 autumn-winter season , the utilization of design-style was discussed in order to direct the design of leather clothing .

  18. 人造新型毛皮面料的采用促进了皮革服装行业产品结构调整,拓宽了生产销售领域,带动了皮革服装业的持续发展。

    The use of artificial leather and fur has improved the products structure in leather garment industry , broadened sales market and accelerated the sustained development of the industry .

  19. 本文通过对皮革服装设计发展的回顾与现状分析,探讨了皮革服装设计生产的发展方向。

    In this paper , the development about leather garment design were discussed and analysed . Some thoughts on the development of the leather garment designing were put forward .

  20. 服装产业是我国在国际上颇具竞争力的一个行业,作为它的一个重要分支的皮革服装业,也颇具国际竞争力。

    The industry of the clothing is a trade that our country has much competitiveness in the world , as one important branch of it so is the leather garments industry .

  21. 介绍了随着干洗机、新型洗染剂的应用,国内皮革服装洗染技术的新发展。

    When dry-washing machine and new-type cleansers and dyestuffs were used widely in washing and dyeing line for leather garment , many new washing and dyeing technique had been developed at home .

  22. 这些高层次人才不仅远远不能够满足我国制革工业发展对人才数量的需求,而且,对皮具、皮革服装等主体行业硕、博士高级人才的培养还是空白。

    However , not only it is impossible for these higher level talents to satisfy the demands for more talents because of the development of leather industry , but also it is still blank for higher level talents on leather goods and leather garments etc.

  23. 香奈儿认为,华为的商标设计与自家两个水平互联的半圆标识相似,其商标用于香奈儿的香水、化妆品、饰品、皮革以及服装等产品。

    Chanel said that the design was similar to its registered French logo of two horizontal interlocking semi-circles used for its perfumes , cosmetics , costume jewellery , leather goods and clothing .

  24. 本文应用BP神经网络处理服装革的手感检测信号,为织物、皮革等服装材料的手感评定探索出了一条新途径。

    A new approach was suggested for data processing in assessment of fabric and leather handle in the paper .

  25. 本系统可用来对皮革、服装样片等曲边形进行自动测量、分析和计算。

    The system can be used for automatic measurement analysis and calculation of leather , dress pattern or polygon .

  26. 有时,穿著纯皮革制作的服装,也是允许的。

    Sometimes , wearing plain leather clothing , is also permitted .

  27. 研究了拉伸前后莱卡皮革的绵羊服装蓝湿革组织结构的变化,探讨了拉伸对皮革组织结构的普遍影响。

    Changes of leather structure before and after extension were studied with sample of garment wet blue specially made for lycra leather .

  28. 鞋类和皮革制品以及服装类销售量下跌最为严重,分别是-98%和-39%。

    Sales volumes saw rapid falls in footwear and leather ( - 98 % ), and clothing ( - 39 % ) .

  29. 皮革商品和服装制造商路易-威登是少数在网络大展拳脚的奢侈品牌之一。

    Louis Vuitton , a maker of leather goods and clothes , is one of the few luxury brands to have prospered online .

  30. 从单一鞋目前的鞋,运动鞋,皮革制品,服装,鞋,商业,房地产,餐饮。

    From a single shoes to the current shoes , sports shoes , leather goods , clothing , shoe , to commerce , real estate , catering * make a fire one .