
  • Skin poisoning;【医】Toxicoderma
  1. 经皮肤中毒患者分为一组,口服中毒者根据轻、中、重度中毒患者分别分为三组。

    Poisoning through the skin were divided into a group of patients , according to mild , moderate or severe poisoning , oral poisoning patients were divided into three groups .

  2. 所有的中毒患者(包括经皮肤接触中毒和口服中毒)119例,患者中毒的农药种类有敌敌畏、甲胺磷、氧化乐果、乐果。

    All the poisoned patients ( including poisoning by skin contact and oral toxicity ) were 119 cases . There are several varieties of pesticide including dichlorvos , methamidophos , omethoate , phorate .

  3. 有机磷农药中毒的途径主要有三种:一是经皮肤接触吸收中毒,二是经口服消化道吸收中毒,三是经呼吸道吸入中毒。

    Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning . There are three ways First , absorbed through the skin contact with poison , and second , through the digestive tract absorption of oral poisoning , and the third is through the inhalation poisoning .

  4. 提示:皮肤污染是AAM中毒的主要原因。

    It is therefore concluded that the skin contamination is the main cause of acrylamide poisoning .

  5. 皮肤活检诊断秋水仙碱中毒1例报道

    Colchicine intoxication diagnosed in a skin biopsy : A case report

  6. 通过皮肤吸收的砷中毒病例观察

    Observation on Toxication of As Absorbed through Skin