
pí dài kòu
  • buckle;belt fastener
  1. 在肮脏的桔红色椅背上,安尼斯看到一条闪闪发光的牛仔皮带扣。“你现在驯牛啦?”

    On the back of the soiled orange chair he saw the shine of a buckle . " Bullridin ?"

  2. 挂起来的都是些很重的皮带扣,有香蕉、机器人、电话、有名的换挡器、停车或空档驱动,挂在哪一档都依心情而定。

    These are the very heavy hangered buckle cases . There 's banana , robots , telephone the famous gear shift park vs neutral drive depending on his mood .

  3. 在20世纪六七十年代,Zippo曾试图通过生产卷尺、钥匙架和皮带扣来扩展其产品线,但后来这些东西都停产了。

    In the 1960s and 1970s , Zippo tried to spread its bets by making tape measures , key holders and belt buckles , but all were later discontinued .

  4. 谢尔顿有他的T恤,霍华德有他的皮带扣,伦纳德有他的连帽衫,以及Raj收集的俗气的针织毛衣,但服装设计师MaryT.Quigley说她同样为《生活大爆炸》里的女主角们穿什么费尽心思。

    Sheldon has his T-shirts , Howard his belt buckles , Leonard his hoodie , and Raj his collection of tacky knit sweaters , but costume designer Mary T. Quigley says she puts just as much thought into what the clothes say about the leading ladies of The Big Bang Theory .

  5. 皮尔斯先生喜欢佩戴鼓起的皮带扣、穿印有美国国旗的衬衫。

    He likes to wear bulging belt buckles and American-flag shirts .

  6. 我卖的皮带扣是铜质的。

    The buckles I sell are not did out of bronze .

  7. 最简单的箭壶就是一个筒加一个皮带扣。

    The simplest quiver is a tube and a belt clip .

  8. 带式输送机皮带扣冲压成型模具的设计

    The Design of Press Shaping Mould for Belt Fastener of Belt Conveyor

  9. 有没有关于皮带扣的好点子,就像

    You know , maybe some clever ideas for some of the buckles , like

  10. 在那儿,棋盘花纹衬衫和银色皮带扣数量超过了细条纹西装和真丝领带;

    Pinstriped suits and silk ties are outnumbered by checked shirts and silver belt-buckles ;

  11. 我的皮带扣由青铜器时代以来最优秀的工匠在西班牙制成。

    My buckles are made in Spain by the best craftsmen alive since the Bronze Age .

  12. 没有,我想可能是我的皮带扣吧,金属做的。

    No , I think it might be my belt buckle . It 's made of metal .

  13. 那里一每个人的装扮都是牛仔靴、大皮带扣、牛仔遥裤再加上牛仔帽,只有我们例外,显得特别突出;

    Everyone was wearing cowboy boots , big belt buckles , jeans , and cowboy hats except us .

  14. 按照本实用新型主题所制作的皮带扣,必将给广大用户带来积极的使用效果。

    The utilization of the belt hook that made according to the scheme makes the active befits is surely available .

  15. 条纹外套和丝质领带不如休闲衬衫和银质皮带扣更受欢迎,轿卡的口碑则更胜过保时捷。

    Pinstriped suits and silk ties are outnumbered by checked shirts and silver belt-buckles ; pickups are prized over Porsches .

  16. 我想这条腰带很配这个黑色机器人皮带扣,还有出门必备的配套鞋。

    This one deserves the black robot buckle I believe . And he would never leave the house without his matching bands .

  17. 运用领域:手机外壳、皮带扣、合页、浴室门夹、下水器、喷淋头等。

    Application fields : mobile phone casing , belt buckles , hinges , bathroom door clamps , drain strainers , shower heads .

  18. 她喜欢肩膀线条笔挺有力、带宽腰带和大方皮带扣的单排扣外套,直裙,以及许多的纽扣。

    She favored sharp power shoulders , single-breasted jackets with wide cinched belts and big square buckles , straight skirts and a lot of buttons .

  19. 顾名思义,皮带扣是用于皮带的装饰,既具实用性和美观性,能够点缀普通平凡的牛仔裤和西裤。

    As the name suggests , is the buckle for the belt decoration , be both practical and aesthetic , it could embellished general jeans and trousers .

  20. 他的皮带扣和斯泰森毡帽上点缀着绿松石,所有物件上都装点着珠宝,外套上编着纳瓦霍地毯的花纹,里面用带毛的羊皮衬里。

    Turquoise stones crowned his belt buckles and Stetsons , every surface bejeweled with royal abandon . He wore coats woven from Navajo blankets lined in sheepskin .

  21. 周一晚间,演唱会的一个官方网站开始出售T恤衫、皮带扣、帽子和其他纪念品,这些最初都是为伦敦演唱会设计的纪念品。

    Late Monday , an official concert Web site began selling T-shirts , belt buckles , hats and other memorabilia originally created as souvenirs for the O2 concerts .

  22. 这个皮带扣,它就像是在说,你知道我在这里,我随时准备向你敞开心扉和我妈的卧室。

    And you got this belt buckle and it just says you know I 'm here I 'm ready to open my heart out and my mom 's bedroom .

  23. 只见她那闪烁发亮的眼镜、皮带扣、袜子和运动鞋在暮霭中晃动。

    Finally all I could see moving in the darkness were her glasses , a glint of them , the clasp of her belt , her socks , her sneakers .

  24. 附近的一间储藏室放满了一盒盒皮带扣、拉链、行李标牌、绳索以及其他不会再用于原先意向用途的材料。

    A nearby storage room was filled with boxes of belt buckles , zippers , luggage tags , rope and other materials that would no longer be used as originally intended .

  25. 型皮带扣具有设计合理、结构简单、易于加工、外形美观、成本低廉及安装使用方便等特点,因而,具有很好的推广使用价值。

    U-belt buckle with reasonable design , simple structure , easy processing , good appearance , low cost and convenient installation , etc. , thus , has a very good promotional value .

  26. 之前他曾被拍下裸露上身、皮带上扣着一把刀捕鱼的照片,不仅展示他的功夫,还在西伯利亚酷寒的河水里扎猛子。

    He has been snapped fishing topless with a knife in his belt , demonstrating martial arts and taking dips in freezing Siberian rivers .

  27. 本实用新型涉及一种裤腰皮带,特别是指不需要皮带的裤腰扣。

    The utility model relates to a trouser waist belt , particularly a trouser waist fastener without a belt .