
  1. 因此在淹没三叶草这个众所周知的习俗中,节日里戴在西服翻领或者帽子上的三叶草最后会被放在酒里作为晚上最后一饮。

    In the custom known as drowning the shamrock , the shamrock that has been worn on a lapel or hat is put in the last drink of the evening .

  2. 因此在“淹没三叶草”这个众所周知的习俗中,节日里戴在西服翻领或者帽子上的三叶草最后会被放在酒里作为晚上最后一饮。

    In the custom known as " drowning the shamrock , " the shamrock that has been worn on a lapel or hat is put in the last drink of the evening .