
  • 网络interlining;Fusible Interlining
  1. 轻薄毛纺面料与粘合衬压烫工艺参数的优化选择

    Optimization of pressing parameters of light worsted fabric and double point fusible interlining

  2. 非织造布粘合衬在服装辅料中占据很大比重,随着高档服装面料的不断涌现,对粘合衬及其基布亦提出更高的要求。

    Nonwovens fusible interlining accounts for a very big proportion in apparel accessories with continuously emerging of high-grade apparel face fabrics , the higher requirements are put forward for fusible interlining and its substrate .

  3. AcneStudios的防水装显得既新颖别致又称心如意,尤其是带格子粘合衬的拉链款蓝色橡胶雨衣。

    At Acne Studios , the waterproofs were fresh and desirable , particularly a blue zip-up mac with a bonded plaid lining .

  4. 本文以正装西服为研究对象,选取10种常用的精纺面料和7种有纺粘合衬组成70组试样,采用KES织物风格仪进行系统的实验研究。

    With the formal suit as the study object , a systematic experiment has been carried out by selecting ten commonly used worsted fabrics and seven woven adhesive interlining to form seventy groups of samples and making use of KES fabrics instrument .

  5. 粘合衬与真丝绸服装相关性能的探讨

    Investigations on Correlated Properties between Bonded Lining and Real Silk Garments

  6. 双点无纺粘合衬的质量检测方法探讨

    Discussion on Detection Method about Quality of Double-point Non-woven Fusible Interlining

  7. 对国内外现有粘合衬剥离强度测试仪进行了分析对比。

    This paper analyses and compares the peeling strength testers now available .

  8. 真丝绸服装内小气候状态特征分析丝绸服装面料与粘合衬配伍性能的探讨

    Analysis on the themal comfort characteristic of the silk fabric for clothing

  9. 粘合衬对服装悬垂性能影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of Fusible Interlinings to the Draping Property of Clothing

  10. 粘合衬与面料风格变化的相关分析

    Correlative analysis of the change of apparel fabrics style with fusible adhesive lining

  11. 浆点涂层非织造布粘合衬质量探讨

    Quality of Paste Dot Coating of Nonwovens Fusible Interlinings

  12. 粘合衬在服装加工工艺中的应用

    Application of Binder Lining in Costume Craft Process

  13. 高档羊绒面料与粘合衬配伍的研究

    Study of selecting compatible fusible interlining for fabric with cashmere and press technical parameter

  14. 粘合衬用热熔胶全细粉的制备及性能研究

    Preparation and properties research of hot Melt adhesive fine powder used in adhesive liner

  15. 成衣染色给粘合衬带来新课题

    Garment Dyeing Brings a New Topic for Interlining

  16. 粘合衬剥离强度仪的研制

    Development of Peeling Strength Tester for Fusible Interlining

  17. 热熔粘合衬粉点涂层加工工艺探讨

    Powder Point Coating Processing for Fusible Interlining

  18. 非粘合衬将成为高级西服加工的发展新动向。

    It is a new direction that non-fusible interlining will become important in high-grade suits manufacturing .

  19. 双点粘合衬的加工工艺

    Process on Double-dot Adhesive Lining

  20. 浅析水质对服装粘合衬用热熔胶浆性能的影响

    Analysis of the Effects of Water Quality on Properties of Hot Melt Adhesive Dispersion for Adhesive Lining Cloth

  21. 服装用粘合衬的应用与工艺99作训鞋面料复合粘接技术研究

    The Application Skill in Using Garmenture Laminating Fabric Study on laminating of outside with lining for 99 type combat training shoes

  22. 粘接纤维是一种纤维状的热塑性聚合物,广泛应用于非织造布、硬质棉(无胶棉)、粘合衬等领域。

    Hot-melting adhesive fibers , a fiber-like thermoplastic polymer , has been widely used for non-woven fabric non-collodion , solid-quality cotton and interlining .

  23. 仔细地把粘合衬放在上面,与门襟止口对齐。用一块湿布覆盖并定位粘合。

    Carefully place the fusible piece on top , matching it to the jacket edges . Cover with a damp cloth and fuse in place .

  24. 本论文主要对粘合衬的配伍和压烫工艺这两个问题进行了阐述。轻薄毛纺面料与粘合衬压烫工艺参数的优化选择

    The thesis mostly expounds the compatibility of fusible interlining and pressing process . Optimization of pressing parameters of light worsted fabric and double point fusible interlining

  25. 通过主成分分析,提取了面料和粘合衬性能参数的8个主成分作为新的综合变量。

    Eight principal components were obtained from the related parameters of the fabric and adhesive lining through principal component analysis , which were used as new variables .

  26. 关于服装面料与粘合衬的配伍以及面料与粘合衬的粘合压烫对服用性能的影响,国内外的专家学者已进行了大量的研究。

    In regard to the study on compatibility and clothing performance of fusing clothing fabric with fusible interlining , specialists home and abroad had done lots of researches .

  27. 本文介绍了经编粘合衬的特点、分类和生产流程。多轴向衬纬经编机的研制

    The feature , classification and production procedure of warp knitting fusible interlinings were presented in the article . The Development and Manufacture of Multiaxial Warp Knitting Machine with Weft-insertion

  28. 在男女装粘合衬和涤纶长丝线的产品上有很强的研究开发能力,能够满足客户不同的需求!

    Fusible Interlining with the men and women and polyester filament line of products has a strong research and development capabilities , to meet the needs of different customers !

  29. 从前身样板上描下整个肩部。从肩部到袖窿边画一条曲线,其后用斜裁粘合衬。

    Using the front pattern piece trace the whole shoulder area , drawing a curved line from the shoulder to the sleeve edge . Cut this out on the cross from fusible interfacing .

  30. 对4种轻薄毛精纺面料与双点粘合衬进行了粘合实验,采用正交设计实验分析方法,得出有关轻薄毛精纺面料与粘合衬压烫工艺参数优化的一系列结论。

    In this paper , a series of pressing experiments about four kinds of light worsted fabric and double point fusible interlining have been done , and the pressing parameters are optimized by orthogonal experiments .