
  1. 两种粘接剂应用于银汞合金粘接修复中的临床应用评价

    Clinical evaluation of bonded amalgam restorations using different adhesive materials

  2. 发动机气缸体的粘接修复

    Repairing the Cylinder of Diesel Engines with Bonding Technique

  3. 不同粘接修复材料对窝洞充填修复边缘微渗漏的影响

    Effect of various restorative materials on cavity filling microleakage

  4. 飞机炭刹车盘粘接修复技术研究

    The adhesive-renovating technology of airplane carbon / carbon brakes

  5. 结论:对于后牙面充填,银汞合金粘接修复是首选方法。

    Conclusion : Amalgam bonded technique method is the first selection for occlusion filling .

  6. 磨床导轨拉伤的粘接修复

    Bonding and Repairing for Guide of Grinder lnjury

  7. 大型岩石酸槽的粘接修复

    Bonding Repair of Large-Sized Stone Acid Tanks

  8. 本法有利于临床开展对死髓牙或活力很低的牙进行粘接修复。

    This pre-treatment will benefit the adhesive restoration for dead tooth or low activity toothclinically .

  9. 胶粘剂可进一步用于粘接修复C/C复合材料喉衬构件的工艺缺陷。

    The adhesive can be used to bond and repair the defects of C / C composite throat insert component .

  10. 牙科放大镜在直接粘接修复体修形抛光中的作用不同粘接修复材料对窝洞充填修复边缘微渗漏的影响

    Marginal Quality of Direct Adhesive Restoratives Finished and Polished with Loupe-aided Technique Effect of various restorative materials on cavity filling microleakage

  11. 扫描电镜观察酸蚀处理后硬化牙本质表面的超微形态改变,以及树脂粘接修复后树脂-牙本质界面的混合层和树脂突的微观表现。

    The morphological change of the dentin surface conditioned with the etchant , and the hybrid zone and resin tags in the dentin-resin interface were studied by SEM .

  12. 本文采用有限元分析和实验研究相结合的方法,对中心开孔的铝合金板和复合材料板的复合材料补片粘接修复技术及相关力学问题进行了详细研究。

    In this paper , the repairing technique and the mechanical properties of center-holed aluminum and composite plates with bonded composite patches are analyzed systematically by finite element method and tested experimentally .

  13. 对人工模拟缺陷的C/C复合材料试样做粘接修复实验,结果表明,采用该修复胶体系粘接修复,并进行适当的致密化处理,能起到较好的修复作用,可满足真实构件的指标要求。

    In simulation test , the C / C composite with artificial defects is bonded and remedied . The results show that the adhesive is very effective and satisfy index of real component .

  14. 方法将190颗患牙,随机分为两组,实验组用银汞合金粘接修复,对照组用传统银汞合金充填。

    Methods 190 diseased teeth were randomly divided into two groups . The experimental group would be applied with the Moist Bonding of Silver Amalgam repairing method while the control one was applied with the traditional Silver Amalgam filling .

  15. 137例烤瓷粘接桥修复牙列缺损失败原因分析

    Failure analysis of ceramic resin-bonded bridge repair dentition defect in 137 cases

  16. 用粘接技术修复大型液压件拉伤

    Repairing pull scars of large hydraulic elements by using adhesive - bonding technique

  17. 介绍了利用粘接技术修复滑牙内螺纹的方法。

    This paper presents the method of regenerating internal screw with adhesion technology .

  18. 目的观察银汞合金湿性粘接术修复游离端后牙远中邻牙合洞的疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effects of the Moist Bonding of Silver Amalgam repairing method on the disto occlusal cavity of free end molar .

  19. 同时,进行了粘接法修复的B757-200飞机炭盘地面动力模拟试验,说明了粘接修复是一种有效的修复方法。

    The adhesive renovated C / C aircraft brakes of B757200 have passed the ground dynamic simulating test , and it is an effective method to renovate C / C brakes .

  20. 牙齿粘接是口腔修复中一个重要的组成部分,并广泛地应用于口腔修复的临床实践。

    Tooth bonding is a major component of prosthodontics , and is widely used in clinical .

  21. 中国广西南宁越洋实用技术公司生产的越洋牌超强光固化机(光能量达1300MW),用超强光粘接固定桥修复缺失牙的临床疗效。

    The strong light fixing machine ( light power 130OMW ) made in Nanning Yueyang Technical Company in Guangxi province , is used for connecting and filling lost teeth .

  22. 定子片精密冲模阴阳模粘接结构破坏的修复技术

    An Art for Renovating the Damaged Adhesive-Bonded Structure of a Precision Stator Blade Punching Die

  23. 粘接性银汞合金修复的疗效评价;

    Effectiveness of bonded amalgam restoration ;

  24. 将微胶囊加入到粘接涂层底漆中,赋予粘接涂层自修复的性能,从而延长其使用寿命,由此开创了智能粘接涂层的新领域。

    The bonding coatings had self-healing ability and longer length of life when a microcapsule was introduced into priming of bonding coatings , so a new field of smart bonding coating was created .

  25. 结论体积分数0.37的磷酸处理树脂面后,京津釉质粘合剂粘接金属托槽与光固化复合树脂可获得正畸有效粘接强度,同时降低去粘接后的修复面的破裂率。

    Conclusion Both the lower rate of resin fracture after debonding and the adequate orthodontic bonding can be achieved when bonding metal brackets directly to the resin surface with the Jing-Jin enamel adhesive and after etching with 0 . 37 phosphoric acid .