
  • 网络tooth defect;dental defect;defected tooth
  1. 结果:牙体缺损,牙列缺损及牙列缺失的发病率在男女性别上差异无显著性(P0.05);

    Results : There was no significant difference in the incidence of tooth defect , dentition defect and edentulous jaw between male and female ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 石英纤维桩对牙体缺损修复的临床疗效评价两种嵌体修复后牙牙体缺损的对比研究

    Clinical evaluation of fiber post on restoration of tooth defect

  3. 一种美观的牙体缺损修复方法&IpsEmpressⅡ铸造陶瓷高嵌体的临床应用

    Application of IPS Empress ⅱ castable ceramic onlays in repair of tooth defects

  4. 结果:牙体缺损位于龈下≤3mm的31例在术后6周获得了比较好的临床结果,修复6个月后牙周组织保持健康;

    Results : The good periodontal health can be gained on 31 teeth after surgery in 6 weeks and 6 month , respectively , while 7 teeth were not so good .

  5. 结论:Z-350树脂桩核用于修复后牙严重牙体缺损临床效果较好。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of Z-350 composite resin post-core in restoration of serious posterior tooth defects .

  6. 应用玻璃离子粘固剂牙体缺损充填后修整打磨方法的研究

    Study of New Method for Glass Ionomer Cement Polishing and Finishing

  7. 复合树脂高强纤维根管桩在牙体缺损修复中的应用

    Application of fiber-reinforced composite resin root canal posts in pulpless teeth restoration

  8. 牙体缺损冠延长术金属烤瓷修复的临床观察

    Clinical observations on crown lengthening combined with PFM to restore tooth defect

  9. 三种桩核冠修复在牙体缺损治疗的应用比较

    Comparison of three post core crown rehabilitation for tooth defect

  10. 多功能牙科粘结剂和复合树脂修复牙体缺损的临床应用及扫描电镜观察

    The clinical application and observation with scanning em for restoration

  11. 牙体缺损至龈下桩核冠修复的临床效果观察

    The clinical effect of the post-core crown restoration of the subgingival tooth defect

  12. 利用黄金嵌体修复磨牙牙体缺损,是一种效果良好的修复方法。

    Golden inlay is a good prosthesis for the restoration of molars defect .

  13. 贵金属合金带桩嵌体修复大面积牙体缺损的短冠牙

    Evaluation of reconstructing extensively damaged short crown molar by golden alloy post inlay

  14. 加强纤维复合树脂桩核修复牙体缺损的临床应用

    Clinical application of reinforced fiber composite resin dowels in the restoration of dental defects

  15. 龋病、外伤等原因引起的牙体缺损在临床上很常见。

    Dental defects caused by caries and exogenous injuries are frequently seen in clinic .

  16. 自酸蚀与非酸蚀粘接系统和复合树脂修复牙体缺损的疗效分析

    Comparison of clinical efficacy of self-etching bond system and composite resin in dental defects

  17. 金属桩银汞核在后牙牙体缺损修复中的应用

    Application of metal post and amalgam corn for the restoration of posterior tooth defect

  18. 评价黄金嵌体修复磨牙牙体缺损的临床效果。

    To evaluate the clinical effects of golden inlay for the restoration of molars defect .

  19. 碳纤维复合树脂桩核与金属桩核修复牙体缺损的实验研究

    A study of restoring tooth defects with carbon-fiber post with composite core and cast post

  20. 石英纤维增强型复合树脂桩核修复牙体缺损的护理配合

    Nursing Care for Patients with Dentine Defect Treated by Restoration with Quartz Fiber Strengthened Composite Resin Post

  21. 目的:观察髓室固位式嵌体冠修复乳磨牙大面积牙体缺损的临床疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical effection of inlay-crown on the massive destruction in deciduous molar .

  22. 超瓷材/复合纤维应用于儿童及青少年恒牙牙体缺损修复的3年临床观察

    A three-year clinical evaluation of Targis / Vectris used in children 's the young 's dental defect

  23. 复合树脂配合排龈技术修复牙体缺损的2年疗效观察

    The Clinical performance of using gingival retraction cord and composite resin for dental restoration at two years

  24. 结论全铸瓷高嵌体是后牙牙体缺损、牙体折断的可靠修复方法。

    Conclusion All-ceramic onlay is an ideal and reliable restoration method for teeth body restoration and protection .

  25. 前言:目的:建立下颌第一磨牙牙体缺损及修复的三维有限元模型。

    Objective : To construct of3-dimensional finite element models of mandibular first molar with structure defect restoration .

  26. 目的探讨金属铸造桩冠失败原因,提高牙体缺损修复质量。

    Objective To analyze the cause of failure in casting bonwill crown with metal and improve dental defect .

  27. 目的:比较自酸蚀粘接系统和复合树脂修复牙体缺损的效果。

    PURPOSE : To compare the efficacy of self-etching bond system and composite resin in repair of dental defects .

  28. 评价磨牙大面积牙体缺损采用纤维桩及全瓷冠修复的短期临床效果。

    To evaluate the treatment outcome of fiber-reinforced composite posts and all ceramic crown in restoring extensively damaged molar .

  29. 目的:比较上颌第一磨牙不同程度牙体缺损桩核冠修复后牙本质应力分布情况,探讨牙体剩余量与牙本质应力分布之间的关系。

    Objective : To compare the stress of residue dentin in different defected posterior restored with post and core crown .

  30. 下颌第一恒磨牙牙体缺损不同桩核材料全冠修复的应力分析

    Stress analysis on structure defect with different post core materials and full crown restoration of the permanent mandibular first molar