
  • 网络Periapical films;RVG;Hy-land's Teething Tablets;T-MATG
  1. DentalCT及三维重建与X线牙片比较在磨牙根分叉病变诊断中的临床价值

    Clinical Evaluation of Dental CT and Three-dimensional Reconstruction Compared with Conventional Radiography in the Diagnosis of Molar Furcation Involvement

  2. 方法30例牙与颌骨病变患者分别经口内牙片,口腔全景片,CT平扫及螺旋CT三维重建诊断。

    Methods 30 cases examined by radiography CT plain scan and spiral CT 3D reconstruction for pathological changes of jawbone and whole mouth .

  3. 方法①国际标准ISO认证专用牙片(以下简称专用牙片)与普通胶片改裁牙片(以下简称普通牙片)曝光剂量的比较;

    Methods ① The exposure doses were compared between professional dental films ( international standards ) and conventional films ;

  4. 方法通过拍摄X线牙片及全景片,结合临床检查,利用X射线照相中的几何学原理确定多生牙的位置,以确定手术入路,然后拔除。

    Methods X-ray dental film and panoramic pantomogram were used to determine the location of embedded supernumerary teeth on bases of the geometrical principle of X-ray photography .

  5. 对照组牙片始终用人工唾液浸泡。共处理10d。

    The teeth in control groups were treated with artificial saliva .

  6. 对照组98颗牙共170个根管,用X牙片法确定根管的工作长度,进行根管预备和充填,术后拍片。

    Compared group 98 cases with 170 roots , applying teeth X ray testing the root working length , undertake root preparing and filling up , and took X ray after operation .

  7. 目的探讨口腔专科医院图像存档与传输系统(PACS)建设中的牙片数字化。

    Objective To investigate how to digitize dental film during the construction of picture archiving and communication system ( PACS ) for the stomatological hospital .

  8. 材料与方法拔牙前先用放射计划系统(TherapyPlanSystemTPS)对患牙的放射剂量进行测定,拍摄牙片,预测拔牙创伤程度。

    Materials and Methods Before tooth extraction , it was necessary to definite the doses of teeth with radiation Therapy Plan System ( TPS ), and to take a tooth X ray to predict degree of trauma of tooth extraction .

  9. 结论:上颌第一前磨牙AC的形态以椭圆形和圆形为主,距解剖根尖距离小于1mm,提示根管治疗的终点应距牙片根尖顶点1mm处左右。

    CONCLUSION : The most common shape of AC was oval and round , and the distance to apex within 1 mm , indicating that root canal therapy should stop 1 mm from the anatomic apex .

  10. 将5例下颌骨分为前牙区、颏孔区、后牙区等部位,应用trophy数码牙片机拍摄X线平片,观察并进行描述。

    The 5 mandibular should be divided into the former area , the foramen area , the molar area , then every area should be have a x-ray picture using trophy machine . Each picture should be observed and described .

  11. 方法:采用ODIS-I口腔数字化摄影设备及传统X线摄影对185例根管治疗后的患者分别拍摄数字化牙片和传统胶片,比较两种根尖片的准确度及根尖清晰度。

    Methods : One hundred and eighty-five teeth ( 160 patients ) were taken digital periapical film with ODIS-I stomatology digital radiographic system and conventional periapical film after root canal therapy to compare the accuracy of periapical film and the clarity of root apex satisfaction .

  12. 牙科护士投照数字化牙片系统图像失败原因分析和放射防护

    Analysis on the causes of failing to take RVG images by dental nurses

  13. 标准牙片持片器的设计及临床评价

    Clinical evaluation of a radiographic film holder for standardized alignment of intraoral film

  14. 利用脊波变换对牙片中根管图像的增强方法

    Enhancement Method of Root Canal Image in Dental Film Based on Ridgelet Transform

  15. 标准牙片投照系统及其临床应用

    The Standardized Intraoral Radiographs System and Its Clinical Use

  16. 口腔X线数字牙片摄像技术及临床应用

    Intraoral digital dental radiography technique and its clinical applications

  17. 数字化牙片X线摄影技术及其临床应用

    Digital dental radiographic technique and its clinical application

  18. 基于图像存档与传输系统的牙片数字化研究

    Picture archiving and communication system-based digital dental film

  19. 方法建立大鼠根尖周炎动物模型,于术后1、2、3、4周取下颌骨组织,摄X线牙片、制作石蜡切片;

    The SD rats were killed at1,2,3,4 weeks and mandibular molar teeth X-ray were taken .

  20. X线牙片1000例回顾性分析

    A retrospective study of 1000 dental films

  21. 改良双敞法结合数字牙片在弯曲根管治疗中的临床评价

    Application of modified double-flared technique in conjunction with digital radiograph in endodontic treatment of curved root canals

  22. 方法87例儿童经摄X光牙片显示:上颌前部存在1~2颗埋伏多生牙。

    Methods The tooth radiogram of 87 children showed there exist 1 or 2 supernumerary tooth in maxillary anterior area .

  23. 方法:使用数码相机将传统X线牙片的模拟图象转换为数字图象;

    METHODS : The modelling figure of the traditional dental film was changed to digital images by using digital camera .

  24. 结论:在外电场作用下,牙片的阳极腐蚀与介质无关;

    Conclusions : Under the situation of added potential , the anodic corrosion of tooth section is no related to electrolytes ;

  25. 统计确定每个牙位数字化牙片正确的投照角度和投照剂量。结果:与传统牙片比较,数字化牙片投照角度增加,其中以上颌后牙和下颌前牙角度增加较为明显。

    Results : For the RVG X-ray system the projecting angle was increased , especially for mandibular former teeth , comparing with conventional dental film .

  26. X线牙片在牙齿疑难病例诊断中的参考价值校本评价对于改革我国现行的教育评价制度有重要的参考价值。

    Reference value of periapical film in diagnosis of intractable odontopathy The SBE will do much help to reforming the educational evaluation system of China .

  27. 数字化牙片可迅速、准确地了解根管预备、根管长度及根管充填情况,优于传统牙片。

    Digital periapical film can quick understand the root canal preparation , root canal length and root canal filling accurately , surpassing conventional periapical film .

  28. 方法应用3DX影像诊断技术,对采用口内法X线牙片不明确诊断的口腔硬组织病变进行三维立体观察,以确定病变部位。

    Methods3DX was used to observe disease area of oral hard tissue tridimensionally in case the disease could not be definitely diagnosed by dental film .

  29. 总结报道使用高速涡轮手机拔除复杂牙的护理要点:术前摄牙片,了解牙齿根的阻力所在;

    The paper summarized and reported key points of nursing complicated teeth extraction by using high speed turbine : taking photograph before operation and understanding resistance ;

  30. 方法在对68例患者上前牙进行根管治疗前,用指感法测量上前牙牙体操作长度,案再拍X线牙片以判断指感法的准确性。

    Methods Working length of the upper front teeth of 68 patients were measured by finger-feeling , results were compared with those obtained from the X-ray measurement .