
  • 网络dental restoration;operative dentistry
  1. 有限元法在牙体修复研究领域的应用现状

    Present application of Finite Element Method in the research of operative dentistry

  2. 粘结技术在牙体修复中的应用

    Application of Bonding Technique in Operative Dentistry

  3. VITAMARKⅡ牙体修复材料遮色能力的研究

    Study on Color Masking Ability of Restoration Material Vita Mark II

  4. 新型牙体修复用合金&镓合金的Ames试验

    Study on a new kind of dental material-Gallium alloy in Ames test

  5. 目的:比较镓合金与GK高铜银汞合金两种牙体修复材料的倒封闭性能,探讨镓合金用作根尖倒封闭材料的可行性。

    Objective To study the sealing ability of Gallium Alloy as a retrograde root-filling material .

  6. 【结论】将牙体修复模型置于水中,经螺旋CT扫描并与有限元方法结合起来,可以建立复杂的牙模型,且能真实地模拟实际情况,使用性好。

    [ Conclusion ] The 3-D FE model combining the CT technology with FE model can be used to construct complex dental models , simulate the oral prosthetics and structure actually , and provide a method for research .

  7. 方法:制备4种牙体修复材料的细胞培养基(DMEM)浸出液,采用四唑盐MTT比色分析法测定材料对人牙髓细胞生长的影响;

    METHODS : 4 dental restorative materials were soaked in culture medium ( DMEM ) for leachate solution . The effect of each material on viability of pulp cell was measured by the MTT assay .

  8. 老年人牙体修复后牙折的临床分析

    An analysis of senior 's tooth fracture after tooth prosthesis

  9. 发展性评价在牙体修复实验教学中的应用

    The study of developmental evaluation in operative dentistry preclinical training

  10. 4种牙体修复材料对人牙髓细胞毒性的实验研究

    Cytotoxicity of 4 kinds of dental restorative materials on human pulp cell in vitro

  11. 下颌第一磨牙远中缺损牙体修复后的力学性能分析

    A 3-Dimension Finite Element Mechanical Analysis on DO Defect Restoration of the Mandibular First Molar

  12. 牙体修复失败原因探讨

    Analysis of restorative failure in filled teeth

  13. 本文比较了镓合金与银汞合金两种牙体修复材料的耐磨性、腐蚀性及菌斑附着情况。

    The adhesion of plaque on dental restorative between gallium alloy and amal-gam alloy were compared .

  14. 在临床中,牙体修复材料的固化收缩是造成牙体修复失败的主要原因。

    Polymerization shrinkage of resin composites is a major obstacle to their clinical success as dental restorative materials .

  15. 方法:对240例老年人牙体修复后牙折做临床调查,并对牙折原因进行分析。

    Methods : 240 cases of seniors emerging tooth fracture after tooth prosthesis were investigated and the reason were analyzed .

  16. 结论:该模型可满足对该下颌第一磨牙进行牙体修复时的各种力学分析。

    CONCLUSION : The established model can be used for all kinds of biomechanical analysis of the mandibular first molar of the dental operation .

  17. 结论:4种牙体修复材料均对牙髓细胞的生长无不良影响,具有良好的生物相容性。

    CONCLUSION : The cytotoxic effect of 4 kinds of dental restorative materials on pulp cell was relatively low in vitro , which indicated that all the materials has good biocompatibility .

  18. 结果:老年人牙体修复后牙折与窝洞类型,根面龋,重度磨损,楔形缺损,修复频率及咬合创伤等因素有关。

    Results : the senior 's tooth fracture after the tooth prosthesis is related to several terms , such as cavity type , root caries , dental abrasion , wedged shape defect , prosthesis repeatedly and traumatic occlusion , etc.

  19. 一种美观的牙体缺损修复方法&IpsEmpressⅡ铸造陶瓷高嵌体的临床应用

    Application of IPS Empress ⅱ castable ceramic onlays in repair of tooth defects

  20. 第一磨牙缺失后宽间隙的牙种植体修复设计

    Dental Implant restoration for a Wide Space of the first Molar

  21. 复合树脂高强纤维根管桩在牙体缺损修复中的应用

    Application of fiber-reinforced composite resin root canal posts in pulpless teeth restoration

  22. 石英纤维桩对牙体缺损修复的临床疗效评价两种嵌体修复后牙牙体缺损的对比研究

    Clinical evaluation of fiber post on restoration of tooth defect

  23. 单个前牙种植体修复&五年的临床观察与分析

    Clinical Study of Implant Supported Single Incisor Crown

  24. 金属桩银汞核在后牙牙体缺损修复中的应用

    Application of metal post and amalgam corn for the restoration of posterior tooth defect

  25. 超瓷材/复合纤维应用于儿童及青少年恒牙牙体缺损修复的3年临床观察

    A three-year clinical evaluation of Targis / Vectris used in children 's the young 's dental defect

  26. 目的探讨金属铸造桩冠失败原因,提高牙体缺损修复质量。

    Objective To analyze the cause of failure in casting bonwill crown with metal and improve dental defect .

  27. 结论在下颌末端游离缺失附着体义齿修复体设计中,应优先选择双基牙附着体修复。

    Conclusion It is reasonable for the design of attachment dentures with two abutments for mandibular distal-extension edentulous cases .

  28. 结论:全瓷嵌体是一种较好的新型牙体缺损修复体。全瓷嵌体修复后牙牙体缺损166例疗效分析

    Conclusion : All-ceramic posterior inlays have a practical value on clinic . Clinical evaluation of all-ceramic inlays for restoration of posterior teeth defects of 166 cases

  29. 本文报告了12例外科二期完成的柱状二段式钛蕊羟基磷灰石涂层牙种植体修复前牙单个或多个缺失的近期临床疗效。

    This paper reports the short-term curative effects of dental root implantation with titanium stamen hydroxyapatite coating for single or multiple anterior teeth dificit of 12 cases .

  30. 不同骨质牙种植体修复及其方式初探脱钙人牙基质材料联合髂骨与单纯髂骨移植修复牙槽突裂的对比性研究

    A Preliminary Study on Dental Implant Restoration and the Repair Mode with Different Bone Density ; Comparison of autologous ilium spongy bone combined with human decalcified dentinal matrix in alveolar process cleft bone grafting