
ɡāo xìnɡ nénɡ ɡāo fēn zǐ
  • high performance polymer
  1. 水泥混凝土中的高性能高分子界面活性剂

    High performance polymer surfactants in cement and concrete

  2. 对开发用于西部地区农业现代化的高性能高分子材料的思考

    Thoughts on Developing High Performance Polymer Materials for Modernization of Agriculture in the West Areas of China

  3. 共混方法制备的高性能高分子复合材料的结构和流动行为更加复杂。

    The structure and flow behavior of high performance polymer materials made by blending are more complex .

  4. 高分子光电材料,高性能高分子材料,高分子薄膜材料,萤光材料及发光材料。有机小分子电致红色荧光材料的研究进展

    Photoelectric Polymer , High performance Polymer and Polymer Membranes . Progress in Research on Organic Small Molecule Light-emitting Red Fluorescent Materials

  5. 高分子量和液晶相序的有机结合使液晶高分子具有独特的优异性能,成为近年来迅速发展起来的一类新型高性能高分子材料。

    LCP has distinctive properties from the combination of high molecular mass and liquid crystalline phase , which becomes a new high performance polymer in recent years .

  6. 在最近十几年中,生物启发的仿生分子设计已经成为材料科学研究领域设计、合成高性能高分子材料中引人注目的前沿领域。

    In the last decades , bio-inspired or biomimetic molecular design and synthesis of high-performance and self-healing polymeric materials have become a paradigm and a fascinating area of research .

  7. 聚芳醚腈以其优良的耐热性能和机械性能在高性能高分子材料领域占有重要的地位,具有广泛的应用前景。

    Poly ( arylene ether nitrile ) s has been noted as a kind of important polymeric material which present a combination of outstanding properties such as high thermal stability , good chemical resistance and excellent mechanical properties .

  8. 聚芳酰胺是一类重要的高性能高分子材料,因其突出的耐热性和力学性能,被广泛应用于航空航天、电子电气、膜材料和交通运输等领域。

    Aromatic polyamides are one of the most important high-performance polymers . Due to their excellent thermal stability and outstanding mechanical properties , aromatic polyamides are widely used in the aerospace , transportation , electrical and electronic industries and so on .

  9. 综述了高效减水剂、高效引气减水剂等添加剂型高性能高分子界面活性剂在水泥混凝土中的种类和应用研究进展,对水泥混凝土中的有机硅氟高分子表面活性剂也做了简要的概述。

    The kinds and application study progress of polymer surfactants in solid-liquid interface in cement and concrete , including high performance water-reducing agents and high air-entraining water-reducing agents were reviewed . Special organic silicon and fluorinated polymer surfactants in surface-treating field and modifying cement and concrete were also briefly introduced .

  10. 聚酰亚胺(PI)是一类高性能的高分子聚合物,具有优异的热性能、电性能以及机械性能,在航天航空、电气通讯和汽车等行业得到广泛的应用。

    Polyimide ( PI ) is a kind of high-performance polymers with excellent thermal , electrical and mechanical properties , which have been widely employed in many fields such as aerospace , electronics , automobile and other industries .

  11. 以稠环芳香化合物作为单体电化学聚合制备高性能导电高分子是目前的研究热点之一。

    High-quality inherently conducting polymers prepared using fused ring aromatic compounds as monomers by electrochemical polymerization has attracted great attention in recent years .

  12. 工程塑料是指一类可以作为结构材料,在较宽的温度范围内承受机械应力,在较为苛刻的化学物理环境中使用的高性能的高分子材料。

    Engineering plastics are those special polymers with excellent properties , which can be used as constructional materials , even in trenchant chemical and physical circumstance .

  13. 目前,国内外长输油气管道防腐材料的发展趋势是采用硬质、高性能的高分子聚合物涂层及其复合结构;

    At present , the development trend of anticorrosion material on long distance oil gas pipeline at home and abroad is rigid , high property high polymer coat and its composite structure .

  14. 介绍了高分子材料的阻尼原理和评价方法,综述了高分子阻尼材料的最新研究进展,讨论了设计制备高性能阻尼高分子材料的原理和方法。

    Damping mechanism and evaluation methods for the damping were introduced . The latest research progress of damping polymeric materials was reviewed . Principles and approaches of preparation of high performance damping polymeric materials were discussed .

  15. 这些波导结构可以成为新一代高性能集成高分子光子器件的技术平台.本文阐述了建立级联式窄带通滤波器的计算机辅助诊断和协同调试技术平台的原理和方法。

    These waveguide architectures form the basis for a new photonic polymer device technology platform for high performance integrated devices . This article mainly expounds principles and methods of computer-aided diagnosis and debugging technology platform for cascaded narrowband filter .

  16. 跑、冒、滴、漏、渗是化工生产中令人烦恼的问题,应用高性能的高分子合金修复材料可快速、有效地使其得到治理,有利于保护环境,维护正常生产。

    Escaping , emitting , dripping , leaking and seeping are troublesome in chemical production and can be controlled quickly and efficiently with the use of high performance high molecular weight alloy repair materials , thus favorable to environmental protection and maintaining normal operation .

  17. 聚酰亚胺材料可用于制取塑料、复合材料、薄膜、胶粘剂、纤维、泡沫、液晶取向剂、分离膜、光刻胶等,作为高性能的高分子材料,在许多领域已成为不可替代的材料。

    Polyimide can be used for making plastics , composite materials , film , adhesives , fiber , foam , liquid crystal oriented agents , membrane , photoresist and so on . As a high-performance polymer material , polyimide has become an irreplaceable material in many areas .

  18. 给出了对新型高导热性能有机高分子材料的导热系数测试结果。

    Test was carried out on a kind of new high molecular polymer .

  19. 高分子材料的高性能化是高分子材料科学与工程近年来发展的主要方向。

    High-performance manufactured polymeric materials are mainly developing tendency in the field of polymeric materials ' science and engineering lately .

  20. 机械合金化是一种新型的固相加工法,它能用于制备许多加工困难的高性能聚合物、高分子合金和复合材料。

    Mechanical alloying is a new solid state processing method for preparing those high-performancepolymers , polymer alloys and composites that are difficult to be processed .

  21. 高性能化是高分子材料科学发展的一个重要方向,在纤维领域,高性能纤维一直是人们热衷的研究课题。

    High performance is an important direction in the development of polymer materials . In the field of fiber , high performance fiber has been hot topic for many years .

  22. 本论文主要是围绕如何制备高性能的有机无机高分子复合材料而展开的。

    The thesis is focusing on how to fabricate high-performance organic-inorganic polymer composites .