
  • 网络biological valve;bioprosthetic valves;bioprosthetic heart valves;tissue valve
  1. 改良方法处理的生物瓣膜组织宿主内皮化的实验研究

    Experimental host endothelialization of bioprosthetic heart valves treated by modified biochemical method

  2. 为寻求一种优于戊二醛(GA)的新型生物瓣膜材料交联剂,作者从可行性探索的角度,用气态六次甲基二异氰酸酯(HDI)处理川西牦牛心包材料。

    Gaseous hexamethylene-diisocyanate ( HDI ) was used to treat yak pericardium .

  3. 目的:探讨利用先天性心脏病(CHD)及风湿性心脏病(RHD)患者心包组织制作自体心包生物瓣膜的可行性。

    Objective : To investigate the feasible of making autologous pericardial heart valves by autologous pericardium of patients with congenital heart disease ( CHD ) and rheumatic heart disease ( RHD ) .

  4. Liotta生物瓣膜对体内环境适应性的相关分析研究

    Analytic Study on Explanted Liotta Bioprostheses from Patients : The Adaptation in Human Environment

  5. 对于结构恶化的导管,PhilippeBonhoeffer的前沿工作可以使用经皮植入生物瓣膜的方法,从而替代以前的RVOT重建方法。

    The pioneering work of Philippe Bonhoeffer has led to the use of percutaneous insertion of biological valves in the structurally deteriorated conduits previously used for RVOT reconstruction .

  6. 背景:三尖瓣置换术(TVR)应采用生物瓣膜抑或机械瓣膜的问题尚有争议。

    Background : The choice of a bioprosthetic vs a mechanical valve in tricuspid valve replacement ( TVR ) continues to be debated .

  7. 环氧氯丙烷处理生物瓣膜材料的体外钙沉积实验

    In vitro calcium deposition of biovalve material treated by epoxy chloropropane

  8. 异种生物瓣膜生物材料鞣制的研究

    A research into the tanning of biological materials for heterogenic biovalves

  9. 老年瓣膜病的外科治疗心脏生物瓣膜置换术后远期疗效分析

    HEART VALVE REPLACEMENT IN THE ELDERLY Late results of bioprosthesis replacement

  10. 生物瓣膜应力的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Stress for Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Leaflets

  11. 基于计算机辅助工业设计的生物瓣膜造型优化设计

    The Shape Optimal Design of Bioprosthetic Heart Valve on Computer-Aided Industrial Design

  12. 牛心包生物瓣膜经体外模拟疲劳实验台加速检测。

    Test the bovine pericardial biovalve with redo imitated accelerated weariness experiment platform .

  13. 生物瓣膜的计算机参数化造型研究

    Research on Computer Parametric Model of Artificial Heart Valve

  14. 生物瓣膜830枚,机械瓣膜5986枚。

    Among them 830 were bioprosthetic valves , and 5986 were mechanical valves .

  15. 瓣膜成形术后易再发瓣膜炎,生物瓣膜置换术后可再发瓣膜炎致瓣膜穿孔、瓣周漏而需要再次手术。

    Recurrent valvulitis and valve dysfunction in repaired or biovalve replacement need re-operation .

  16. 生物瓣膜材料牛心包的处理消毒和保存法的研究

    Experimental study on the treatment and preservation of bovine pericardium for biologic valves

  17. 贮存生物瓣膜牛心包某些生物特性的观察

    Observation of some biological characteristics of preserving bovine-pericardium

  18. 风险校正后比较应用机械瓣膜与生物瓣膜对主动脉瓣置换术后长期死亡率的影响

    Risk-corrected impact of mechanical versus bioprosthetic valves on long-term mortality after aortic valve replacement

  19. 166例生物瓣膜的临床应用结果

    Retrospective study of clinic use on result of application of 166 cases with biovalves

  20. 生物瓣膜失功能原因分析

    Analysis on causes of dysfunction of bioprosthetic valves

  21. 阳离子油复合鞣制方法处理人工生物瓣膜生物材料的研究及临床应用

    On the Compound Matrices Compound tanning biological material with cation fat in artificial biovalve

  22. 戊二醛交联法是目前临床使用最广泛的异体生物瓣膜交联方法。

    Glutaraldehyde clinically is the most commonly accepted crosslinking reagent for bioprosthetic valves preparation .

  23. 生物瓣膜材料体外内皮化形态学观察方法的探讨

    A Method of Morphological Observation on the Endothelialization of Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Materials in Vitro

  24. 二尖瓣生物瓣膜置换术后的超声心动图

    Echocardiogram after Bioprosthetic Replacement of Mitral Valve

  25. 因此,如何防止或延缓生物瓣膜的病理性退化是亟待解决的课题。

    Anyway , preventing the pathological degeneration for bioprostheses is a big problem to solve .

  26. 生物瓣膜的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of bioprosthetic heart valve

  27. 人工生物瓣膜的优点是不需要连续抗凝治疗。

    The main advantage of a bioprosthesis is the lack of need for continued anticoagulation .

  28. 目的总结166例异种心脏生物瓣膜的临床应用及远期结果与随访。

    Objectives To summarize the clinic data and long-term effects of heterogenic biovalves of 166 patients .

  29. 生物瓣膜计算机几何造型设计

    Computer Geometry Model Design of Bio-Valve

  30. 自1977年12月至1983年12月底为351例病人应用人工生物瓣膜施行了352次心脏瓣膜替换术。

    From December 1977 through December 1983 , 352 heart valve replacements were performed in 351 patients .